Example: Brunel_Wang_2001


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Sample-specific persistent activity

Five subpopulations with three selective and one reset stimuli example. Analog to figure 6b in the paper.

BRUNEL, Nicolas et WANG, Xiao-Jing. Effects of neuromodulation in a cortical network model of object working memory dominated by recurrent inhibition. Journal of computational neuroscience, 2001, vol. 11, no 1, p. 63-85.

from brian2 import *

# populations
N = 1000
N_E = int(N * 0.8)  # pyramidal neurons
N_I = int(N * 0.2)  # interneurons

# voltage
V_L = -70. * mV
V_thr = -50. * mV
V_reset = -55. * mV
V_E = 0. * mV
V_I = -70. * mV

# membrane capacitance
C_m_E = 0.5 * nF
C_m_I = 0.2 * nF

# membrane leak
g_m_E = 25. * nS
g_m_I = 20. * nS

# refractory period
tau_rp_E = 2. * ms
tau_rp_I = 1. * ms

# external stimuli
rate = 3 * Hz
C_ext = 800

# synapses
C_E = N_E
C_I = N_I

# AMPA (excitatory)
g_AMPA_ext_E = 2.08 * nS
g_AMPA_rec_E = 0.104 * nS * 800. / N_E
g_AMPA_ext_I = 1.62 * nS
g_AMPA_rec_I = 0.081 * nS * 800. / N_E
tau_AMPA = 2. * ms

# NMDA (excitatory)
g_NMDA_E = 0.327 * nS * 800. / N_E
g_NMDA_I = 0.258 * nS * 800. / N_E
tau_NMDA_rise = 2. * ms
tau_NMDA_decay = 100. * ms
alpha = 0.5 / ms
Mg2 = 1.

# GABAergic (inhibitory)
g_GABA_E = 1.25 * nS * 200. / N_I
g_GABA_I = 0.973 * nS * 200. / N_I
tau_GABA = 10. * ms

# subpopulations
f = 0.1
p = 5
N_sub = int(N_E * f)
N_non = int(N_E * (1. - f * p))
w_plus = 2.1
w_minus = 1. - f * (w_plus - 1.) / (1. - f)

# modeling
eqs_E = '''
dv / dt = (- g_m_E * (v - V_L) - I_syn) / C_m_E : volt (unless refractory)

I_syn = I_AMPA_ext + I_AMPA_rec + I_NMDA_rec + I_GABA_rec : amp

I_AMPA_ext = g_AMPA_ext_E * (v - V_E) * s_AMPA_ext : amp
I_AMPA_rec = g_AMPA_rec_E * (v - V_E) * 1 * s_AMPA : amp
ds_AMPA_ext / dt = - s_AMPA_ext / tau_AMPA : 1
ds_AMPA / dt = - s_AMPA / tau_AMPA : 1

I_NMDA_rec = g_NMDA_E * (v - V_E) / (1 + Mg2 * exp(-0.062 * v / mV) / 3.57) * s_NMDA_tot : amp
s_NMDA_tot : 1

I_GABA_rec = g_GABA_E * (v - V_I) * s_GABA : amp
ds_GABA / dt = - s_GABA / tau_GABA : 1

eqs_I = '''
dv / dt = (- g_m_I * (v - V_L) - I_syn) / C_m_I : volt (unless refractory)

I_syn = I_AMPA_ext + I_AMPA_rec + I_NMDA_rec + I_GABA_rec : amp

I_AMPA_ext = g_AMPA_ext_I * (v - V_E) * s_AMPA_ext : amp
I_AMPA_rec = g_AMPA_rec_I * (v - V_E) * 1 * s_AMPA : amp
ds_AMPA_ext / dt = - s_AMPA_ext / tau_AMPA : 1
ds_AMPA / dt = - s_AMPA / tau_AMPA : 1

I_NMDA_rec = g_NMDA_I * (v - V_E) / (1 + Mg2 * exp(-0.062 * v / mV) / 3.57) * s_NMDA_tot : amp
s_NMDA_tot : 1

I_GABA_rec = g_GABA_I * (v - V_I) * s_GABA : amp
ds_GABA / dt = - s_GABA / tau_GABA : 1

P_E = NeuronGroup(N_E, eqs_E, threshold='v > V_thr', reset='v = V_reset', refractory=tau_rp_E, method='euler')
P_E.v = V_L
P_I = NeuronGroup(N_I, eqs_I, threshold='v > V_thr', reset='v = V_reset', refractory=tau_rp_I, method='euler')
P_I.v = V_L

eqs_glut = '''
s_NMDA_tot_post = w * s_NMDA : 1 (summed)
ds_NMDA / dt = - s_NMDA / tau_NMDA_decay + alpha * x * (1 - s_NMDA) : 1 (clock-driven)
dx / dt = - x / tau_NMDA_rise : 1 (clock-driven)
w : 1

eqs_pre_glut = '''
s_AMPA += w
x += 1

eqs_pre_gaba = '''
s_GABA += 1

# E to E
C_E_E = Synapses(P_E, P_E, model=eqs_glut, on_pre=eqs_pre_glut, method='euler')
C_E_E.connect('i != j')
C_E_E.w[:] = 1

for pi in range(N_non, N_non + p * N_sub, N_sub):

    # internal other subpopulation to current nonselective
    C_E_E.w[C_E_E.indices[:, pi:pi + N_sub]] = w_minus

    # internal current subpopulation to current subpopulation
    C_E_E.w[C_E_E.indices[pi:pi + N_sub, pi:pi + N_sub]] = w_plus

# E to I
C_E_I = Synapses(P_E, P_I, model=eqs_glut, on_pre=eqs_pre_glut, method='euler')
C_E_I.w[:] = 1

# I to I
C_I_I = Synapses(P_I, P_I, on_pre=eqs_pre_gaba, method='euler')
C_I_I.connect('i != j')

# I to E
C_I_E = Synapses(P_I, P_E, on_pre=eqs_pre_gaba, method='euler')

# external noise
C_P_E = PoissonInput(P_E, 's_AMPA_ext', C_ext, rate, '1')
C_P_I = PoissonInput(P_I, 's_AMPA_ext', C_ext, rate, '1')

# at 1s, select population 1
C_selection = int(f * C_ext)
rate_selection = 25 * Hz
stimuli1 = TimedArray(np.r_[np.zeros(40), np.ones(2), np.zeros(100)], dt=25 * ms)
input1 = PoissonInput(P_E[N_non:N_non + N_sub], 's_AMPA_ext', C_selection, rate_selection, 'stimuli1(t)')

# at 2s, select population 2
stimuli2 = TimedArray(np.r_[np.zeros(80), np.ones(2), np.zeros(100)], dt=25 * ms)
input2 = PoissonInput(P_E[N_non + N_sub:N_non + 2 * N_sub], 's_AMPA_ext', C_selection, rate_selection, 'stimuli2(t)')

# at 4s, reset selection
stimuli_reset = TimedArray(np.r_[np.zeros(120), np.ones(2), np.zeros(100)], dt=25 * ms)
input_reset_I = PoissonInput(P_E, 's_AMPA_ext', C_ext, rate_selection, 'stimuli_reset(t)')
input_reset_E = PoissonInput(P_I, 's_AMPA_ext', C_ext, rate_selection, 'stimuli_reset(t)')

# monitors
N_activity_plot = 15
sp_E_sels = [SpikeMonitor(P_E[pi:pi + N_activity_plot]) for pi in range(N_non, N_non + p * N_sub, N_sub)]
sp_E = SpikeMonitor(P_E[:N_activity_plot])
sp_I = SpikeMonitor(P_I[:N_activity_plot])

r_E_sels = [PopulationRateMonitor(P_E[pi:pi + N_sub]) for pi in range(N_non, N_non + p * N_sub, N_sub)]
r_E = PopulationRateMonitor(P_E[:N_non])
r_I = PopulationRateMonitor(P_I)

# simulate, can be long >120s
net = Network(collect())
net.run(4 * second, report='stdout')

# plotting
title('Population rates')

plot(r_E.t / ms, r_E.smooth_rate(width=25 * ms) / Hz, label='nonselective')
plot(r_I.t / ms, r_I.smooth_rate(width=25 * ms) / Hz, label='inhibitory')

for i, r_E_sel in enumerate(r_E_sels[::-1]):
    plot(r_E_sel.t / ms, r_E_sel.smooth_rate(width=25 * ms) / Hz,
         label=f"selective {p - i}")


title(f"Population activities ({N_activity_plot} neurons/pop)")

plot(sp_E.t / ms, sp_E.i + (p + 1) * N_activity_plot, '.', markersize=2,
plot(sp_I.t / ms, sp_I.i + p * N_activity_plot, '.', markersize=2, label="inhibitory")

for i, sp_E_sel in enumerate(sp_E_sels[::-1]):
    plot(sp_E_sel.t / ms, sp_E_sel.i + (p - i - 1) * N_activity_plot, '.', markersize=2,
         label=f"selective {p - i}")

../_images/frompapers.Brunel_Wang_2001.1.png ../_images/frompapers.Brunel_Wang_2001.2.png