Example: opencv_movie
An example that uses a function from external C library (OpenCV in this case). Works for all C-based code generation targets (i.e. for cython and cpp_standalone device) and for numpy (using the Python bindings).
This example needs a working installation of OpenCV 3.x and its Python bindings.
It has been tested on 64 bit Linux in a conda environment with packages from the
channels (opencv 3.4.4, x264 1!152.20180717, ffmpeg 4.1).
import os
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import cv2 # Import OpenCV2
from brian2 import *
defaultclock.dt = 1*ms
prefs.codegen.target = 'cython'
prefs.logging.std_redirection = False
set_device('cpp_standalone', clean=True)
filename = os.path.abspath('Megamind.avi')
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print('Downloading the example video file')
response = urllib.request.urlopen('http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/_downloads/Megamind.avi')
data = response.read()
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
video = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
width, height, frame_count = (int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)),
fps = 24
time_between_frames = 1*second/fps
@implementation('cpp', '''
double* get_frame(bool new_frame)
// The following initializations will only be executed once
static cv::VideoCapture source("VIDEO_FILENAME");
static cv::Mat frame;
static double* grayscale_frame = (double*)malloc(VIDEO_WIDTH*VIDEO_HEIGHT*sizeof(double));
if (new_frame)
source >> frame;
double mean_value = 0;
for (int row=0; row<VIDEO_HEIGHT; row++)
for (int col=0; col<VIDEO_WIDTH; col++)
const double grayscale_value = (frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[0] +
frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[1] +
frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[2])/(3.0*128);
mean_value += grayscale_value / (VIDEO_WIDTH * VIDEO_HEIGHT);
grayscale_frame[row*VIDEO_WIDTH + col] = grayscale_value;
// subtract the mean
for (int i=0; i<VIDEO_HEIGHT*VIDEO_WIDTH; i++)
grayscale_frame[i] -= mean_value;
return grayscale_frame;
double video_input(const int x, const int y)
// Get the current frame (or a new frame in case we are asked for the first
// element
double *frame = get_frame(x==0 && y==0);
return frame[y*VIDEO_WIDTH + x];
'''.replace('VIDEO_FILENAME', filename),
define_macros=[('VIDEO_WIDTH', width),
('VIDEO_HEIGHT', height)])
@check_units(x=1, y=1, result=1)
def video_input(x, y):
# we assume this will only be called in the custom operation (and not for
# example in a reset or synaptic statement), so we don't need to do indexing
# but we can directly return the full result
_, frame = video.read()
grayscale = frame.mean(axis=2)
grayscale /= 128. # scale everything between 0 and 2
return grayscale.ravel() - grayscale.ravel().mean()
N = width * height
tau, tau_th = 10*ms, time_between_frames
G = NeuronGroup(N, '''dv/dt = (-v + I)/tau : 1
dv_th/dt = -v_th/tau_th : 1
row : integer (constant)
column : integer (constant)
I : 1 # input current''',
threshold='v>v_th', reset='v=0; v_th = 3*v_th + 1.0',
G.v_th = 1
G.row = 'i//width'
G.column = 'i%width'
G.run_regularly('I = video_input(column, row)',
mon = SpikeMonitor(G)
runtime = frame_count*time_between_frames
run(runtime, report='text')
# Avoid going through the whole Brian2 indexing machinery too much
i, t, row, column = mon.i[:], mon.t[:], G.row[:], G.column[:]
import matplotlib.animation as animation
# TODO: Use overlapping windows
stepsize = 100*ms
def next_spikes():
step = next_spikes.step
if step*stepsize > runtime:
raise StopIteration()
spikes = i[(t>=step*stepsize) & (t<(step+1)*stepsize)]
next_spikes.step += 1
yield column[spikes], row[spikes]
next_spikes.step = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
dots, = ax.plot([], [], 'k.', markersize=2, alpha=.25)
ax.set_xlim(0, width)
ax.set_ylim(0, height)
def run(data):
x, y = data
dots.set_data(x, y)
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, run, next_spikes, blit=False, repeat=True,