Example: synapses
A simple example of using Synapses
from brian2 import *
G1 = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1',
threshold='v > 1', reset='v=0.', method='exact')
G1.v = 1.2
G2 = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1',
threshold='v > 1', reset='v=0', method='exact')
syn = Synapses(G1, G2, 'dw/dt = -w / (50*ms): 1 (event-driven)', on_pre='v += w')
syn.connect('i == j', p=0.75)
# Set the delays
syn.delay = '1*ms + i*ms + 0.25*ms * randn()'
# Set the initial values of the synaptic variable
syn.w = 1
mon = StateMonitor(G2, 'v', record=True)
plot(mon.t/ms, mon.v.T)
xlabel('Time (ms)')