Example: example_5_astro_ring
Modeling neuron-glia interactions with the Brian 2 simulator Marcel Stimberg, Dan F. M. Goodman, Romain Brette, Maurizio De Pittà bioRxiv 198366; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/198366
Figure 5: Astrocytes connected in a network.
Intercellular calcium wave propagation in a ring of 50 astrocytes connected by bidirectional gap junctions (see Goldberg et al., 2010)
from brian2 import *
import plot_utils as pu
set_device('cpp_standalone', directory=None) # Use fast "C++ standalone mode"
# Model parameters
### General parameters
duration = 4000*second # Total simulation time
sim_dt = 50*ms # Integrator/sampling step
### Astrocyte parameters
# --- Calcium fluxes
O_P = 0.9*umolar/second # Maximal Ca^2+ uptake rate by SERCAs
K_P = 0.05 * umolar # Ca2+ affinity of SERCAs
C_T = 2*umolar # Total cell free Ca^2+ content
rho_A = 0.18 # ER-to-cytoplasm volume ratio
Omega_C = 6/second # Maximal rate of Ca^2+ release by IP_3Rs
Omega_L = 0.1/second # Maximal rate of Ca^2+ leak from the ER
# --- IP_3R kinectics
d_1 = 0.13*umolar # IP_3 binding affinity
d_2 = 1.05*umolar # Ca^2+ inactivation dissociation constant
O_2 = 0.2/umolar/second # IP_3R binding rate for Ca^2+ inhibition
d_3 = 0.9434*umolar # IP_3 dissociation constant
d_5 = 0.08*umolar # Ca^2+ activation dissociation constant
# --- IP_3 production
O_delta = 0.6*umolar/second # Maximal rate of IP_3 production by PLCdelta
kappa_delta = 1.5* umolar # Inhibition constant of PLC_delta by IP_3
K_delta = 0.1*umolar # Ca^2+ affinity of PLCdelta
# --- IP_3 degradation
Omega_5P = 0.05/second # Maximal rate of IP_3 degradation by IP-5P
K_D = 0.7*umolar # Ca^2+ affinity of IP3-3K
K_3K = 1.0*umolar # IP_3 affinity of IP_3-3K
O_3K = 4.5*umolar/second # Maximal rate of IP_3 degradation by IP_3-3K
# --- IP_3 diffusion
F_ex = 0.09*umolar/second # Maximal exogenous IP3 flow
F = 0.09*umolar/second # GJC IP_3 permeability
I_Theta = 0.3*umolar # Threshold gradient for IP_3 diffusion
omega_I = 0.05*umolar # Scaling factor of diffusion
# Model definition
defaultclock.dt = sim_dt # Set the integration time
### Astrocytes
astro_eqs = '''
dI/dt = J_delta - J_3K - J_5P + J_ex + J_coupling : mmolar
J_delta = O_delta/(1 + I/kappa_delta) * C**2/(C**2 + K_delta**2) : mmolar/second
J_3K = O_3K * C**4/(C**4 + K_D**4) * I/(I + K_3K) : mmolar/second
J_5P = Omega_5P*I : mmolar/second
# Exogenous stimulation (rectangular wave with period of 50s and duty factor 0.4)
stimulus = int((t % (50*second))<20*second) : 1
delta_I_bias = I - I_bias*stimulus : mmolar
J_ex = -F_ex/2*(1 + tanh((abs(delta_I_bias) - I_Theta)/omega_I)) *
sign(delta_I_bias) : mmolar/second
# Diffusion between astrocytes
J_coupling : mmolar/second
# Ca^2+-induced Ca^2+ release:
dC/dt = J_r + J_l - J_p : mmolar
dh/dt = (h_inf - h)/tau_h : 1
J_r = (Omega_C * m_inf**3 * h**3) * (C_T - (1 + rho_A)*C) : mmolar/second
J_l = Omega_L * (C_T - (1 + rho_A)*C) : mmolar/second
J_p = O_P * C**2/(C**2 + K_P**2) : mmolar/second
m_inf = I/(I + d_1) * C/(C + d_5) : 1
h_inf = Q_2/(Q_2 + C) : 1
tau_h = 1/(O_2 * (Q_2 + C)) : second
Q_2 = d_2 * (I + d_1)/(I + d_3) : mmolar
# External IP_3 drive
I_bias : mmolar (constant)
N_astro = 50 # Total number of astrocytes in the network
astrocytes = NeuronGroup(N_astro, astro_eqs, method='rk4')
# Asymmetric stimulation on the 50th cell to get some nice chaotic patterns
astrocytes.I_bias[N_astro//2] = 1.0*umolar
astrocytes.h = 0.9
# Diffusion between astrocytes
astro_to_astro_eqs = '''
delta_I = I_post - I_pre : mmolar
J_coupling_post = -F/2 * (1 + tanh((abs(delta_I) - I_Theta)/omega_I)) *
sign(delta_I) : mmolar/second (summed)
astro_to_astro = Synapses(astrocytes, astrocytes,
# Couple neighboring astrocytes: two connections per astrocyte pair, as
# the above formulation will only update the I_coupling term of one of the
# astrocytes
astro_to_astro.connect('j == (i + 1) % N_pre or '
'j == (i + N_pre - 1) % N_pre')
# Monitors
astro_mon = StateMonitor(astrocytes, variables=['C'], record=True)
# Simulation run
run(duration, report='text')
# Analysis and plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6.26894, 6.26894 * 0.66),
gridspec_kw={'left': 0.1, 'bottom': 0.12})
scaling = 1.2
step = 10
(astro_mon.C[0:N_astro//2-1].T/astro_mon.C.max() +
np.arange(N_astro//2-1)*scaling), color='black')
ax.plot(astro_mon.t/second, (astro_mon.C[N_astro//2:].T/astro_mon.C.max() +
np.arange(N_astro//2, N_astro)*scaling),
ax.plot(astro_mon.t/second, (astro_mon.C[N_astro//2-1].T/astro_mon.C.max() +
np.arange(N_astro//2-1, N_astro//2)*scaling),
ax.set(xlim=(0., duration/second), ylim=(0, (N_astro+1.5)*scaling),
xticks=np.arange(0., duration/second, 500), xlabel='time (s)',
yticks=np.arange(0.5*scaling, (N_astro + 1.5)*scaling, step*scaling),
yticklabels=[str(yt) for yt in np.arange(0, N_astro + 1, step)],
ylabel='$C/C_{max}$ (cell index)')
pu.adjust_spines(ax, ['left', 'bottom'])
pu.adjust_ylabels([ax], x_offset=-0.08)