Example: Platkiewicz_Brette_2011


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Slope-threshold relationship with noisy inputs, in the adaptive threshold model

Fig. 5E,F from:

Platkiewicz J and R Brette (2011). Impact of Fast Sodium Channel Inactivation on Spike Threshold Dynamics and Synaptic Integration. PLoS Comp Biol 7(5): e1001129. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001129

from scipy import optimize
from scipy.stats import linregress

from brian2 import *

N = 200  # 200 neurons to get more statistics, only one is shown
duration = 1*second
# --Biophysical parameters
ENa = 60*mV
EL = -70*mV
vT = -55*mV
Vi = -63*mV
tauh = 5*ms
tau = 5*ms
ka = 5*mV
ki = 6*mV
a = ka / ki
tauI = 5*ms
mu = 15*mV
sigma = 6*mV / sqrt(tauI / (tauI + tau))

# --Theoretical prediction for the slope-threshold relationship (approximation: a=1+epsilon)
thresh = lambda slope, a: Vi - slope * tauh * log(1 + (Vi - vT / a) / (slope * tauh))
# -----Exact calculation of the slope-threshold relationship
# (note that optimize.fsolve does not work with units, we therefore let th be a
# unitless quantity, i.e. the value in volt).
thresh_ex = lambda s: optimize.fsolve(lambda th: (a*s*tauh*exp((Vi-th*volt)/(s*tauh))-th*volt*(1-a)-a*(s*tauh+Vi)+vT)/volt,
                                    thresh(s, a))*volt

eqs = """
dv/dt=(EL-v+mu+sigma*I)/tau : volt
dtheta/dt=(vT+a*clip(v-Vi, 0*mV, inf*mV)-theta)/tauh : volt
dI/dt=-I/tauI+(2/tauI)**.5*xi : 1 # Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
neurons = NeuronGroup(N, eqs, threshold="v>theta", reset='v=EL',
neurons.v = EL
neurons.theta = vT
neurons.I = 0
S = SpikeMonitor(neurons)
M = StateMonitor(neurons, 'v', record=True)
Mt = StateMonitor(neurons, 'theta', record=0)

run(duration, report='text')

# Linear regression gives depolarization slope before spikes
tx = M.t[(M.t > 0*second) & (M.t < 1.5 * tauh)]
slope, threshold = [], []

for (i, t) in zip(S.i, S.t):
    ind = (M.t < t) & (M.t > t - tauh)
    mx = M.v[i, ind]
    s, _, _, _, _ = linregress(tx[:len(mx)]/ms, mx/mV)

# Figure
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))

ax1.plot(M.t/ms, M.v[0]/mV, 'k')
ax1.plot(Mt.t/ms, Mt.theta[0]/mV, 'r')
# Display spikes on the trace
spike_timesteps = np.round(S.t[S.i == 0]/defaultclock.dt).astype(int)
ax1.vlines(S.t[S.i == 0]/ms,
           M.v[0, spike_timesteps]/mV,
           0, color='r')
ax1.plot(S.t[S.i == 0]/ms, M.v[0, spike_timesteps]/mV, 'ro', ms=3)
ax1.set(xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='Voltage (mV)', xlim=(0, 500),
        ylim=(-75, -35))

ax2.plot(slope, Quantity(threshold)/mV, 'r.')
sx = linspace(0.5*mV/ms, 4*mV/ms, 100)
t = Quantity([thresh_ex(s) for s in sx])
ax2.plot(sx/(mV/ms), t/mV, 'k')
ax2.set(xlim=(0.5, 4), xlabel='Depolarization slope (mV/ms)',
        ylabel='Threshold (mV)')
