Example: Graupner_Brunel_2012


You can launch an interactive, editable version of this example without installing any local files using the Binder service (although note that at some times this may be slow or fail to open): launchbinder

Fig. 2 C, panel DP from:

Calcium-based plasticity model explains sensitivity of synaptic changes to spike pattern, rate, and dendritic location

PNAS 109 (10): 3991-3996 (2012) https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1109359109

by Graupner M. and Brunel N. (2012)

For the noise term see corrections https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1220044110.

For the original implementations see https://github.com/mgraupe/CalciumBasedPlasticityModel/tree/main/Graupner2012PNAS.

Sebastian Schmitt, 2022

import multiprocessing

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses
from brian2 import ms, second
from brian2 import run

# number of time differences in STDP plot

# maximal time difference
STDP_DT_MAX = 100 * ms

# (symmetric) minimal time difference

# number of repetitions

# time difference step size

def run_sim(point_index):
    """Run simulation for one STDP time difference"""

    # Cf. https://brian2.readthedocs.io/en/stable/resources/tutorials/2-intro-to-brian-synapses.html#more-complex-synapse-models-stdp
    # set up two groups of neurons, G spikes at fixed times starting from STDP_DT_MAX
    # H spikes shifted according to point_index and has as many neurons as REPETITIONS*2
    # (we need to multiply by 2 for both initial states (UP and DOWN))
    # G:    |
    # H: |
    # H: |
    # H: |
    # ...
    G = NeuronGroup(1, "", threshold=f"t>{STDP_DT_MAX/ms}*ms", refractory=1 * second)
    H = NeuronGroup(
        REPETITIONS * 2, "tspike:second", threshold="t>tspike", refractory=1 * second
    H.tspike = [point_index * STDP_DT_STEP] * REPETITIONS * 2

    synapses_eqs = """
    tau      : second (constant, shared)
    rho_star : 1      (constant, shared)
    gamma_p  : 1      (constant, shared)
    theta_p  : 1      (constant, shared)
    gamma_d  : 1      (constant, shared)
    theta_d  : 1      (constant, shared)
    drho/dt = (-rho*(1-rho)*(rho_star-rho)
               + gamma_p*(1-rho)*int((c - theta_p) > 0)
               - gamma_d*rho*int((c-theta_d) > 0)
               + sigma*sqrt(tau)*sqrt(int((c-theta_d) > 0) + int((c-theta_p) > 0))*xi
               ) / tau : 1 (clock-driven)
    dc/dt = -c/tau_Ca  : 1 (clock-driven)
    tau_Ca : second (constant, shared)
    sigma  : 1      (constant, shared)

    C_pre = 1
    C_post = 2
    D = 13.7 * ms

    synapses = Synapses(
        on_pre="c += C_pre",
        on_post="c += C_post",


    synapses.tau_Ca = 20 * ms
    synapses.theta_d = 1
    synapses.theta_p = 1.3
    synapses.gamma_d = 200
    synapses.gamma_p = 321.808
    synapses.sigma = 2.8284
    synapses.tau = 150 * second
    synapses.rho_star = 0.5

    # start with equal number of synapses in DOWN and UP state
    # must match b in analysis below
    rho_initial = np.array([0] * REPETITIONS + [1] * REPETITIONS)
    synapses.rho = rho_initial

    def report_callback(elapsed, completed, start, duration):
            f"time difference {(point_index*STDP_DT_STEP - STDP_DT_MAX)/ms:.0f} ms is {completed:2.0%} done"

    run(60 * second, report=report_callback)

    return synapses.rho[:], rho_initial

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
        results = p.map(run_sim, range(POINTS))

    # initial fraction of synapses in DOWN state
    beta = 0.5

    # ratio of UP and DOWN state weights (w1/w0)
    b = 5

    change_in_syn_strengths = []

    for rhos, rhos_initial in results:

        # average switching probabilities
        U = np.mean(rhos[rhos_initial < 0.5] > 0.5)
        D = np.mean(rhos[rhos_initial > 0.5] < 0.5)

        change_in_syn_strength = (
            (1 - U) * beta + D * (1 - beta) + b * (U * beta + (1 - D) * (1 - beta))
        ) / (beta + (1 - beta) * b)


    stdp_dts = [
        point_index * STDP_DT_STEP - STDP_DT_MAX for point_index in range(POINTS)

    plt.axvline(0, linestyle="dashed", color="k")
    plt.axhline(1, linestyle="dashed", color="k")
    plt.plot(stdp_dts / ms, change_in_syn_strengths, marker="o", linestyle="None")
        (STDP_DT_MIN - STDP_DT_STEP / 2) / ms, (STDP_DT_MAX + STDP_DT_STEP / 2) / ms
    plt.ylim(0.3, 1.7)
    plt.xlabel(r"time difference $\Delta$t (ms)")
    plt.ylabel("change in synaptic strength (after/before)")