Example: Brette_Gerstner_2005


You can launch an interactive, editable version of this example without installing any local files using the Binder service (although note that at some times this may be slow or fail to open): launchbinder

Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model.


Introduced in Brette R. and Gerstner W. (2005), Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Model as an Effective Description of Neuronal Activity, J. Neurophysiol. 94: 3637 - 3642.

from brian2 import *

# Parameters
C = 281 * pF
gL = 30 * nS
taum = C / gL
EL = -70.6 * mV
VT = -50.4 * mV
DeltaT = 2 * mV
Vcut = VT + 5 * DeltaT

# Pick an electrophysiological behaviour
tauw, a, b, Vr = 144*ms, 4*nS, 0.0805*nA, -70.6*mV # Regular spiking (as in the paper)
#tauw,a,b,Vr=20*ms,4*nS,0.5*nA,VT+5*mV # Bursting
#tauw,a,b,Vr=144*ms,2*C/(144*ms),0*nA,-70.6*mV # Fast spiking

eqs = """
dvm/dt = (gL*(EL - vm) + gL*DeltaT*exp((vm - VT)/DeltaT) + I - w)/C : volt
dw/dt = (a*(vm - EL) - w)/tauw : amp
I : amp

neuron = NeuronGroup(1, model=eqs, threshold='vm>Vcut',
                     reset="vm=Vr; w+=b", method='euler')
neuron.vm = EL
trace = StateMonitor(neuron, 'vm', record=0)
spikes = SpikeMonitor(neuron)

run(20 * ms)
neuron.I = 1*nA
run(100 * ms)
neuron.I = 0*nA
run(20 * ms)

# We draw nicer spikes
vm = trace[0].vm[:]
for t in spikes.t:
    i = int(t / defaultclock.dt)
    vm[i] = 20*mV

plot(trace.t / ms, vm / mV)
xlabel('time (ms)')
ylabel('membrane potential (mV)')