Example: Naud_et_al_2008_adex_firing_patterns


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Firing patterns in the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model

Naud R et al. (2008): Firing patterns in the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model. Biol Cybern. 2008; 99(4): 335–347. doi:10.1007/s00422-008-0264-7

Parameters adapted by P. Müller to match figures, cf. http://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/Veroeffentlichungen/details.php?id=3445.

Sebastian Schmitt, Sebastian Billaudelle, 2022

from brian2 import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sim(ax_vm, ax_w, ax_vm_w, parameters):
    simulate with parameters and plot to axes

    # taken from Touboul_Brette_2008
    eqs = """
    dvm/dt = (g_l*(e_l - vm) + g_l*d_t*exp((vm-v_t)/d_t) + i_stim - w)/c_m : volt
    dw/dt  = (a*(vm - e_l) - w)/tau_w : amp

    neuron = NeuronGroup(
        threshold="vm > 0*mV",
        reset="vm = v_r; w += b",

    neuron.vm = parameters["e_l"]
    neuron.w = 0

    states = StateMonitor(neuron, ["vm", "w"], record=True, when="thresholds")

    defaultclock.dt = 0.1 * ms
    run(0.6 * second)

    # clip membrane voltages to threshold (0 mV)
    vms = np.clip(states[0].vm / mV, a_min=None, a_max=0)

    ax_vm.plot(states[0].t / ms, vms)
    ax_w.plot(states[0].t / ms, states[0].w / nA)
    ax_vm_w.plot(vms, states[0].w / nA)


    ax_vm.set_ylabel("V [mV]")

    ax_w.set_xlabel("t [ms]")
    ax_w.set_ylabel("w [nA]")

    ax_vm_w.set_xlabel("V [mV]")
    ax_vm_w.set_ylabel("w [nA]")


patterns = {
    "tonic spiking": {
        "c_m": 200 * pF,
        "g_l": 10 * nS,
        "e_l": -70.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": 2.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 30.0 * ms,
        "b": 0.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -58.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 500 * pA,
    "adaptation": {
        "c_m": 200 * pF,
        "g_l": 12 * nS,
        "e_l": -70.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": 2.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 300.0 * ms,
        "b": 60.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -58.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 500 * pA,
    "initial burst": {
        "c_m": 130 * pF,
        "g_l": 18 * nS,
        "e_l": -58.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": 4.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 150.0 * ms,
        "b": 120.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -50.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 400 * pA,
    "regular bursting": {
        "c_m": 200 * pF,
        "g_l": 10 * nS,
        "e_l": -58.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": 2.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 120.0 * ms,
        "b": 100.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -46.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 210 * pA,
    "delayed accelerating": {
        "c_m": 200 * pF,
        "g_l": 12 * nS,
        "e_l": -70.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": -10.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 300.0 * ms,
        "b": 0.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -58.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 300 * pA,
    "delayed regular bursting": {
        "c_m": 100 * pF,
        "g_l": 10 * nS,
        "e_l": -65.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": -10.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 90.0 * ms,
        "b": 30.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -47.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 110 * pA,
    "transient spiking": {
        "c_m": 100 * pF,
        "g_l": 10 * nS,
        "e_l": -65.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": 10.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 90.0 * ms,
        "b": 100.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -47.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 180 * pA,
    "irregular spiking": {
        "c_m": 100 * pF,
        "g_l": 12 * nS,
        "e_l": -60.0 * mV,
        "v_t": -50.0 * mV,
        "d_t": 2.0 * mV,
        "a": -11.0 * nS,
        "tau_w": 130.0 * ms,
        "b": 30.0 * pA,
        "v_r": -48.0 * mV,
        "i_stim": 160 * pA,

# loop over all patterns and plot
for pattern, parameters in patterns.items():

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)

    ax_vm = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax_w = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax_vm_w = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1])

    sim(ax_vm, ax_w, ax_vm_w, parameters)