All equations, expressions and statements in Brian can make use of mathematical functions. However, functions have to be prepared for use with Brian for two reasons: 1) Brian is strict about checking the consistency of units, therefore every function has to specify how it deals with units; 2) functions need to be implemented differently for different code generation targets.
Brian provides a number of default functions that are already prepared for use with numpy and C++ and also provides a mechanism for preparing new functions for use (see below).
Default functions
The following functions (stored in the DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS
dictionary) are
ready for use:
Random numbers:
(random numbers drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1),randn
(random numbers drawn from the standard normal distribution, i.e. with mean 0 and standard deviation 1), andpoisson
(discrete random numbers from a Poisson distribution with rate parameter \(\lambda\))Elementary functions:
Trigonometric functions:
Functions for improved numerical accuracy:
(calculatesexp(x) - 1
, more accurate forx
close to 0),log1p
(calculateslog(1 + x)
, more accurate forx
close to 0), andexprel
(calculates(exp(x) - 1)/x
, more accurate forx
close to 0, and returning 1.0 instead ofNaN
forx == 0
General utility functions:
Brian also provides a special purpose function int
, which can be used to
convert an expression or variable into an integer value. This is especially
useful for boolean values (which will be converted into 0 or 1), for example to
have a conditional evaluation as part of an equation or statement which
sometimes allows to circumvent the lack of an if
statement. For
example, the following reset statement resets the variable v
to either v_r1
or v_r2
, depending on the value of w
'v = v_r1 * int(w <= 0.5) + v_r2 * int(w > 0.5)'
Finally, the function timestep
is a function that takes
a time and the length of a time step as an input and returns an integer
corresponding to the respective time step. The advantage of using this function
over a simple division is that it slightly shifts the time before dividing to
avoid floating point issues. This function is used as part of the
Refractoriness mechanism.
User-provided functions
Python code generation
If a function is only used in contexts that use Python code generation,
preparing a function for use with Brian only means specifying its units. The
simplest way to do this is to use the check_units()
@check_units(x1=meter, y1=meter, x2=meter, y2=meter, result=meter)
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
Another option is to wrap the function in a Function
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
# wrap the distance function
distance = Function(distance, arg_units=[meter, meter, meter, meter],
The use of Brian’s unit system has the benefit of checking the consistency of units for every operation but at the expense of performance. Consider the following function, for example:
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)
When Brian runs a simulation, the state variables are stored and passed around
without units for performance reasons. If the above function is used, however,
Brian adds units to its input argument so that the operations inside the
function do not fail with dimension mismatches. Accordingly, units are removed
from the return value so that the function output can be used with the rest
of the code. For better performance, Brian can alter the namespace of the
function when it is executed as part of the simulation and remove all the
units, then pass values without units to the function. In the above example,
this means making the symbol nA
refer to 1e-9
and Hz
to 1
. To
use this mechanism, add the decorator implementation()
with the
@implementation('numpy', discard_units=True)
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)
Note that the use of the function outside of simulation runs is not affected,
i.e. using piecewise_linear
still requires a current in Ampere and returns
a rate in Hertz. The discard_units
mechanism does not work in all cases,
e.g. it does not work if the function refers to units as brian2.nA
of nA
, if it uses imports inside the function (e.g.
from brian2 import nA
), etc. The discard_units
can also be switched on
for all functions without having to use the implementation()
decorator by
setting the codegen.runtime.numpy.discard_units preference.
Other code generation targets
To make a function available for other code generation targets (e.g. C++),
implementations for these targets have to be added. This can be achieved using
the implementation()
decorator. The form of the code (e.g. a simple string or
a dictionary of strings) necessary is target-dependent, for C++ both options
are allowed, a simple string will be interpreted as filling the
block. Note that 'cpp'
is used
to provide C++ implementations. An
implementation for the C++ target could look like this:
@implementation('cpp', '''
double piecewise_linear(double I) {
if (I < 1e-9)
return 0;
if (I > 3e-9)
return 100;
return (I/1e-9 - 1) * 50;
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)
Alternatively, FunctionImplementation
objects can be added to the Function
The same sort of approach as for C++ works for Cython using the
target. The example above would look like this:
@implementation('cython', '''
cdef double piecewise_linear(double I):
if I<1e-9:
return 0.0
elif I>3e-9:
return 100.0
return (I/1e-9-1)*50
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)
Dependencies between functions
The code generation mechanism for user-defined functions only adds the source code for a function when it is necessary. If a user-defined function refers to another function in its source code, it therefore has to explicitly state this dependency so that the code of the dependency is added as well:
double rectified_linear(double x)
return clip(x, 0, INFINITY);
dependencies={'clip': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['clip']}
@check_units(x=1, result=1)
def rectified_linear(x):
return np.clip(x, 0, np.inf)
The dependency mechanism is unnecessary for the numpy
code generation
target, since functions are defined as actual Python functions and not as
code given in a string.
Additional compiler arguments
If the code for a function needs additional compiler options to work, e.g. to
link to an external library, these options can be provided as keyword
arguments to the @implementation
decorator. E.g. to link C++ code to the
library which is stored in the directory /usr/local/foo
, use:
@implementation('cpp', '...',
libraries=['foo'], library_dirs=['/usr/local/foo'])
These arguments can also be used to refer to external source files, see below. Equivalent arguments can also be set as global Preferences in which case they apply to all code and not only to code referring to the respective function. Note that in C++ standalone mode, all files are compiled together, and therefore the additional compiler arguments provided to functions are always combined with the preferences into a common set of settings that is applied to all code.
The list of currently supported additional arguments (for further explications,
see the respective Preferences and the Python documentation of the
keyword |
C++ standalone |
Cython |
✓ |
❌ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
❌ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Arrays vs. scalar values in user-provided functions
Equations, expressions and abstract code statements are always implicitly
referring to all the neurons in a NeuronGroup
, all the synapses in a
object, etc. Therefore, function calls also apply to more than a
single value. The way in which this is handled differs between code generation
targets that support vectorized expressions (e.g. the numpy
target) and
targets that don’t (e.g. the cpp_standalone
If the code generation target supports vectorized expressions, it will receive
an array of values. For example, in the piecewise_linear
example above, the
argument I
will be an array of values and the function returns an array of
values. For code generation without support for vectorized expressions, all
code will be executed in a loop (over neurons, over synapses, …), the function
will therefore be called several times with a single value each time.
In both cases, the function will only receive the “relevant” values, meaning that if for example a function is evaluated as part of a reset statement, it will only receive values for the neurons that just spiked.
Functions with context-dependent return values
When using the numpy
target, functions have to return an array of values
(e.g. one value for each neuron). In some cases, the number of values to return
cannot be deduced from the function’s arguments. Most importantly, this is the
case for random numbers: a call to rand()
has to return one value for each
neuron if it is part of a neuron’s equations, but only one value for each neuron
that spiked during the time step if it is part of the reset statement. Such
function are said to “auto vectorise”, which means that their implementation
receives an additional array argument _vectorisation_idx
; the length of this
array determines the number of values the function should return. This argument
is also provided to functions for other code generation targets, but in these
cases it is a single value (e.g. the index of the neuron), and is currently
ignored. To enable this property on a user-defined function, you’ll currently
have to manually create a Function
def exponential_rand(l, _vectorisation_idx):
'''Generate a number from an exponential distribution using inverse
transform sampling'''
uniform = np.random.rand(len(_vectorisation_idx))
return -(1/l)*np.log(1 - uniform)
exponential_rand = Function(exponential_rand, arg_units=[1], return_unit=1,
stateless=False, auto_vectorise=True)
Implementations for other code generation targets can then be added using the
cpp_code = '''
double exponential_rand(double l, int _vectorisation_idx)
double uniform = rand(_vectorisation_idx);
return -(1/l)*log(1 - uniform);
exponential_rand.implementations.add_implementation('cpp', cpp_code,
dependencies={'rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand'],
'log': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['log']})
Note that by referring to the rand
function, the new random number generator will
automatically generate reproducible random numbers if the seed()
function is use to set
its seed. Restoring the random number state with restore()
will have the expected effect
as well.
Additional namespace
Some functions need additional data to compute a result, e.g. a TimedArray
needs access to the underlying array. For the numpy
target, a function can
simply use a reference to an object defined outside the function, there is no
need to explicitly pass values in a namespace. For the other code language
targets, values can be passed in the namespace
argument of the
decorator or the
method. The namespace
values are then accessible in the function code under the given name, prefixed
with _namespace
. Note that this mechanism should only be used for numpy
arrays or general objects (e.g. function references to call Python functions
from Cython code). Scalar values should be directly included in the
function code, by using a “dynamic implemention” (see
See TimedArray
and BinomialFunction
for examples that use this mechanism.
Data types
By default, functions are assumed to take any type of argument, and return a floating
point value. If you want to put a restriction on the type of an argument, or specify
that the return type should be something other than float, either declare it as a
(and see its documentation on specifying types) or use the declare_types()
decorator, e.g.:
@check_units(a=1, b=1, result=1)
@declare_types(a='integer', result='highest')
def f(a, b):
return a*b
This is potentially important if you have functions that return integer or boolean values, because Brian’s code generation optimisation step will make some potentially incorrect simplifications if it assumes that the return type is floating point.
External source files
Code for functions can also be provided via external files in the target
language. This can be especially useful for linking to existing code without
having to include it a second time in the Python script. For C++-based code
generation targets (i.e. the C++ standalone mode), the external
code should be in a file that is provided as an argument to the sources
keyword, together with a header file whose name is provided to headers
(see the note for the codegen.cpp.headers preference about the necessary
format). Since the main simulation code is compiled and executed in a different
directory, you should also point the compiler towards the directory of the
header file via the include_dirs
keyword. For the same reason, use an
absolute path for the source file.
For example, the piecewise_linear
function from above can be implemented
with external files as follows:
//file: piecewise_linear.h
double piecewise_linear(double);
//file: piecewise_linear.cpp
double piecewise_linear(double I) {
if (I < 1e-9)
return 0;
if (I > 3e-9)
return 100;
return (I/1e-9 - 1) * 50;
# Python script
# Get the absolute directory of this Python script, the C++ files are
# expected to be stored alongside of it
import os
current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
@implementation('cpp', '// all code in piecewise_linear.cpp',
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)
For Cython, the process is very similar (see the
Cython documentation
for general information). The name of the header file does not need to be
specified, it is expected to have the same name as the source file (except for
the .pxd
extension). The source and header files will be automatically
copied to the cache directory where Cython files are compiled, they therefore
have to be imported as top-level modules, regardless of whether the executed
Python code is itself in a package or module.
A Cython equivalent of above’s C++ example can be written as:
# file: piecewise_linear.pxd
cdef double piecewise_linear(double)
# file: piecewise_linear.pyx
cdef double piecewise_linear(double I):
if I<1e-9:
return 0.0
elif I>3e-9:
return 100.0
return (I/1e-9-1)*50
# Python script
# Get the absolute directory of this Python script, the Cython files
# are expected to be stored alongside of it
import os
current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
'from piecewise_linear cimport piecewise_linear',
@check_units(I=amp, result=Hz)
def piecewise_linear(I):
return clip((I-1*nA) * 50*Hz/nA, 0*Hz, 100*Hz)