Networks and clocks (Brian 1 –> 2 conversion)

Clocks and timesteps

Brian’s system of handling clocks has substantially changed. For details about the new system in place see Setting the simulation time step. The main differences to Brian 1 are:

  • There is no more “clock guessing” – objects either use the defaultclock or a dt/clock value that was explicitly specified during their construction.

  • In Brian 2, the time step is allowed to change after the creation of an object and between runs – the relevant value is the value in place at the point of the run() call.

  • It is rarely necessary to create an explicit Clock object, most of the time you should use the defaultclock or provide a dt argument during the construction of the object.

  • There’s only one Clock class, the (deprecated) FloatClock, RegularClock, etc. classes that Brian 1 provided no longer exist.

  • It is no longer possible to (re-)set the time of a clock explicitly, there is no direct equivalent of Clock.reinit and reinit_default_clock. To start a completely new simulation after you have finished a previous one, either create a new Network or use the start_scope() mechanism. To “rewind” a simulation to a previous point, use the new store()/restore() mechanism. For more details, see below and Running a simulation.


Both Brian 1 and Brian 2 offer two ways to run a simulation: either by explicitly creating a Network object, or by using a MagicNetwork, i.e. a simple run() statement.

Explicit network

The mechanism to create explicit Network objects has not changed significantly from Brian 1 to Brian 2. However, creating a new Network will now also automatically reset the clock back to 0s, and stricter checks no longer allow the inclusion of the same object in multiple networks.

Brian 1

Brian 2

group = ...
mon = ...
net = Network(group, mon)*ms)

group = ...
mon = ...
net = Network(group, mon)*ms)
group = ...
mon = ...
net = Network(group, mon)*ms)

# new network starts at 0s
group = ...
mon = ...
net = Network(group, mon)*ms)

“Magic” network

For most simple, “flat”, scripts (see e.g. the Examples), the run() statement in Brian 2 automatically collects all the Brian objects (NeuronGroup, etc.) into a “magic” network in the same way as Brian 1 did. The logic behind this collection has changed, though, with important consequences for more complex simulation scripts: in Brian 1, the magic network includes all Brian objects that have been created in the same execution frame as the run() call. Objects that are created in other functions could be added using magic_return and magic_register. In Brian 2, the magic network contains all Brian objects that are visible in the same execution frame as the run() call. The advantage of the new system is that it is clearer what will be included in the network and there is no danger of including previously created, but no longer needed, objects in a simulation. E.g. in the following example, a common mistake in Brian 1 was to not include the clear(), which meant that each run not only simulated the current objects, but also all objects from previous loop iterations. Also, without the reinit_default_clock(), each run would start at the end time of the previous run. In Brian 2, this loop does not need any explicit clearing up, each run() will only simulate the object that it “sees” (group1, group2, syn, and mon) and start each simulation at 0s:

Brian 1

Brian 2

for r in range(100):
    group1 = NeuronGroup(...)
    group2 = NeuronGroup(...)
    syn = Synapses(group1, group2, ...)
    mon = SpikeMonitor(group2)
for r in range(100):

    group1 = NeuronGroup(...)
    group2 = NeuronGroup(...)
    syn = Synapses(group1, group2, ...)
    mon = SpikeMonitor(group2)

There is no replacement for the magic_return and magic_register functions. If the returned object is stored in a variable at the level of the run() call, then it is no longer necessary to use magic_return, as the returned object is “visible” at the level of the run() call:

Brian 1

Brian 2

def f():
    return PoissonGroup(100, rates=100*Hz)

pg = f() # needs magic_return
mon = SpikeMonitor(pg)
def f():
    return PoissonGroup(100, rates=100*Hz)

pg = f() # is "visible" and will be included
mon = SpikeMonitor(pg)

The general recommendation is however: if your script is complex (multiple functions/files/classes) and you are not sure whether some objects will be included in the magic network, use an explicit Network object.

Note that one consequence of the “is visible” approach is that objects stored in containers (lists, dictionaries, …) will not be automatically included in Brian 2. Use an explicit Network object to get around this restriction:

Brian 1

Brian 2

groups = {'exc': NeuronGroup(...),
          'inh': NeuronGroup(...)}

groups = {'exc': NeuronGroup(...),
          'inh': NeuronGroup(...)}
net = Network(groups)*ms)

External constants

In Brian 2, external constants are taken from the surrounding namespace at the point of the run() call and not when the object is defined (for other ways to define the namespace, see External references). This allows to easily change external constants between runs, in contrast to Brian 1 where the whether this worked or not depended on details of the model (e.g. whether linear integration was used):

Brian 1

Brian 2

tau = 10*ms
# to be sure that changes between runs are taken into
# account, define "I" as a neuronal parameter
group = NeuronGroup(10, '''dv/dt = (-v + I) / tau : 1
                           I : 1''')
group.v = linspace(0, 1, 10)
group.I = 0.0
mon = StateMonitor(group, 'v', record=True)
group.I = 0.5
group.I = 0.0
tau = 10*ms

# The value for I will be updated at each run
group = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = (-v + I) / tau : 1')

group.v = linspace(0, 1, 10)
I = 0.0
mon = StateMonitor(group, 'v', record=True)
I = 0.5
I = 0.0