Source code for brian2.utils.logger

Brian's logging module.

.. document_brian_prefs:: logging

import atexit
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from warnings import warn

import numpy

    import scipy
except ImportError:
    scipy = None
import sympy

import brian2
from brian2.core.preferences import BrianPreference, prefs

from .environment import running_from_ipython

__all__ = ["get_logger", "BrianLogger", "std_silent"]

# ===============================================================================
# Logging preferences
# ===============================================================================

[docs] def log_level_validator(log_level): log_levels = ("CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG", "DIAGNOSTIC") return log_level.upper() in log_levels
#: Our new log level for more detailed debug output (mostly useful for debugging #: Brian itself, not for user scripts) DIAGNOSTIC = 5 #: Translation from string representation to number LOG_LEVELS = { "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "INFO": logging.INFO, "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "DIAGNOSTIC": DIAGNOSTIC, } logging.addLevelName(DIAGNOSTIC, "DIAGNOSTIC") if "logging" not in prefs.pref_register: # Duplicate import of this module can happen when the documentation is built prefs.register_preferences( "logging", "Logging system preferences", delete_log_on_exit=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether to delete the log and script file on exit. If set to ``True`` (the default), log files (and the copy of the main script) will be deleted after the brian process has exited, unless an uncaught exception occurred. If set to ``False``, all log files will be kept. """, ), file_log_level=BrianPreference( default="DEBUG", docs=""" What log level to use for the log written to the log file. In case file logging is activated (see `logging.file_log`), which log level should be used for logging. Has to be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or DIAGNOSTIC. """, validator=log_level_validator, ), console_log_level=BrianPreference( default="INFO", docs=""" What log level to use for the log written to the console. Has to be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or DIAGNOSTIC. """, validator=log_level_validator, ), file_log=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether to log to a file or not. If set to ``True`` (the default), logging information will be written to a file. The log level can be set via the `logging.file_log_level` preference. """, ), file_log_max_size=BrianPreference( default=10000000, docs=""" The maximum size for the debug log before it will be rotated. If set to any value ``> 0``, the debug log will be rotated once this size is reached. Rotating the log means that the old debug log will be moved into a file in the same directory but with suffix ``".1"`` and the a new log file will be created with the same pathname as the original file. Only one backup is kept; if a file with suffix ``".1"`` already exists when rotating, it will be overwritten. If set to ``0``, no log rotation will be applied. The default setting rotates the log file after 10MB. """, ), save_script=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether to save a copy of the script that is run. If set to ``True`` (the default), a copy of the currently run script is saved to a temporary location. It is deleted after a successful run (unless `logging.delete_log_on_exit` is ``False``) but is kept after an uncaught exception occured. This can be helpful for debugging, in particular when several simulations are running in parallel. """, ), std_redirection=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether or not to redirect stdout/stderr to null at certain places. This silences a lot of annoying compiler output, but will also hide error messages making it harder to debug problems. You can always temporarily switch it off when debugging. If `logging.std_redirection_to_file` is set to ``True`` as well, then the output is saved to a file and if an error occurs the name of this file will be printed. """, ), std_redirection_to_file=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether to redirect stdout/stderr to a file. If both ``logging.std_redirection`` and this preference are set to ``True``, all standard output/error (most importantly output from the compiler) will be stored in files and if an error occurs the name of this file will be printed. If `logging.std_redirection` is ``True`` and this preference is ``False``, then all standard output/error will be completely suppressed, i.e. neither be displayed nor stored in a file. The value of this preference is ignore if `logging.std_redirection` is set to ``False``. """, ), display_brian_error_message=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=""" Whether to display a text for uncaught errors, mentioning the location of the log file, the mailing list and the github issues. Defaults to ``True``.""", ), ) # =============================================================================== # Initial setup # =============================================================================== def _encode(text): """Small helper function to encode unicode strings as UTF-8.""" return text.encode("UTF-8") UNHANDLED_ERROR_MESSAGE = ( "Brian 2 encountered an unexpected error. " "If you think this is a bug in Brian 2, please report this issue either to the " "discourse forum at <>, " "or to the issue tracker at <>." )
[docs] def brian_excepthook(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb): """ Display a message mentioning the debug log in case of an uncaught exception. """ # Do not catch Ctrl+C if exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt: return logger = logging.getLogger("brian2") BrianLogger.exception_occured = True if not prefs["logging.display_brian_error_message"]: # Put the exception message in the log file, but do not log to the # console if BrianLogger.console_handler is not None: logger.removeHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) logger.exception("An exception occured", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb)) if BrianLogger.console_handler is not None: logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) # Run the default except hook return sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb) message = UNHANDLED_ERROR_MESSAGE if BrianLogger.tmp_log is not None: message += ( " Please include this file with debug information in your " f"report: {BrianLogger.tmp_log} " ) if BrianLogger.tmp_script is not None: message += ( " Additionally, you can also include a copy " "of the script that was run, available " f"at: {BrianLogger.tmp_script}" ) if hasattr(std_silent, "dest_fname_stdout"): stdout = std_silent.dest_fname_stdout stderr = std_silent.dest_fname_stderr message += ( " You can also include a copy of the " "redirected std stream outputs, available at " f"'{stdout}' and '{stderr}'." ) message += " Thanks!" # very important :) logger.error(message, exc_info=(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb))
[docs] def clean_up_logging(): """ Shutdown the logging system and delete the debug log file if no error occured. """ logging.shutdown() if not BrianLogger.exception_occured and prefs["logging.delete_log_on_exit"]: if BrianLogger.tmp_log is not None: try: os.remove(BrianLogger.tmp_log) except OSError as exc: warn(f"Could not delete log file: {exc}") # Remove log files that have been rotated (currently only one) rotated_log = f"{BrianLogger.tmp_log}.1" if os.path.exists(rotated_log): try: os.remove(rotated_log) except OSError as exc: warn(f"Could not delete log file: {exc}") if BrianLogger.tmp_script is not None: try: os.remove(BrianLogger.tmp_script) except OSError as exc: warn(f"Could not delete copy of script file: {exc}") std_silent.close()
[docs] class HierarchyFilter: """ A class for suppressing all log messages in a subtree of the name hierarchy. Does exactly the opposite as the `logging.Filter` class, which allows messages in a certain name hierarchy to *pass*. Parameters ---------- name : str The name hiearchy to suppress. See `BrianLogger.suppress_hierarchy` for details. """ def __init__(self, name): self.orig_filter = logging.Filter(name)
[docs] def filter(self, record): """ Filter out all messages in a subtree of the name hierarchy. """ # do the opposite of what the standard filter class would do return not self.orig_filter.filter(record)
[docs] class NameFilter: """ A class for suppressing log messages ending with a certain name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to suppress. See `BrianLogger.suppress_name` for details. """ def __init__(self, name): = name
[docs] def filter(self, record): """ Filter out all messages ending with a certain name. """ # The last part of the name record_name =".")[-1] return != record_name
[docs] class RemoveBrian2Filter(logging.Filter): """ A class for removing the ``brian2`` prefix from log messages. Will be used for extension packages that use the Brian logging system. """
[docs] def filter(self, record): assert"brian2."), =[7:] return True
[docs] class BrianLogger: """ Convenience object for logging. Call `get_logger` to get an instance of this class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name used for logging, normally the name of the module. If the name does not start with ``brian2.``, it will be prepended automatically when interacting with the `logging` module. This means that from the logging's system point of view, it will use the configuration for the logger in the ``brian2`` hierachy. However, when displaying the name in the log messages, the ``brian2.`` prefix will be removed. This is useful for extension modules, which can use the Brian logging system, but will be displayed as ``myextension`` instead of ``brian2.myextension``. This is also used in Brian's test suite, which only considers log messages starting with ``brian2``. """ #: Class attribute to remember whether any exception occured exception_occured = False #: Class attribute for remembering log messages that should only be #: displayed once _log_messages = set() #: The name of the temporary log file (by default deleted after the run if #: no exception occurred), if any tmp_log = None #: The `logging.FileHandler` responsible for logging to the temporary log #: file file_handler = None #: The `logging.StreamHandler` responsible for logging to the console console_handler = None #: The name of the temporary copy of the main script file (by default #: deleted after the run if no exception occurred), if any tmp_script = None #: The pid of the process that initialized the logger – used to switch off file logging in #: multiprocessing contexts _pid = None def __init__(self, name): if not name.startswith("brian2."): = "brian2." + name self.filter_name = True else: = name self.filter_name = False def _log(self, log_level, msg, name_suffix, once): """ Log an entry. Parameters ---------- log_level : {'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'} The level with which to log the message. msg : str The log message. name_suffix : str A suffix that will be added to the logger name. once : bool Whether to suppress identical messages if they are logged again. """ name = if name_suffix: name += f".{name_suffix}" # Switch off file logging when using multiprocessing if BrianLogger.tmp_log is not None and BrianLogger._pid != os.getpid(): BrianLogger.tmp_log = None logging.getLogger("brian2").removeHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) BrianLogger.file_handler = None if once: # Check whether this exact message has already been displayed log_tuple = (name, log_level, msg) if log_tuple in BrianLogger._log_messages: return else: BrianLogger._log_messages.add(log_tuple) the_logger = logging.getLogger(name) if self.filter_name: filter = RemoveBrian2Filter() the_logger.addFilter(filter) the_logger.log(LOG_LEVELS[log_level], msg) if self.filter_name: the_logger.removeFilter(filter)
[docs] def diagnostic(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): """ Log a diagnostic message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. """ self._log("DIAGNOSTIC", msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def debug(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): """ Log a debug message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. """ self._log("DEBUG", msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def info(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): """ Log an info message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. """ self._log("INFO", msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def warn(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): """ Log a warn message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. """ self._log("WARNING", msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def error(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): """ Log an error message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. """ self._log("ERROR", msg, name_suffix, once)
@staticmethod def _suppress(filterobj, filter_log_file): """ Apply a filter object to log messages. Parameters ---------- filterobj : `logging.Filter` A filter object to apply to log messages. filter_log_file : bool Whether the filter also applies to log messages in the log file. """ BrianLogger.console_handler.addFilter(filterobj) if filter_log_file: BrianLogger.file_handler.addFilter(filterobj)
[docs] @staticmethod def suppress_hierarchy(name, filter_log_file=False): """ Suppress all log messages in a given hiearchy. Parameters ---------- name : str Suppress all log messages in the given `name` hierarchy. For example, specifying ``'brian2'`` suppresses all messages logged by Brian, specifying ``'brian2.codegen'`` suppresses all messages generated by the code generation modules. filter_log_file : bool, optional Whether to suppress the messages also in the log file. Defaults to ``False`` meaning that suppressed messages are not displayed on the console but are still saved to the log file. """ suppress_filter = HierarchyFilter(name) BrianLogger._suppress(suppress_filter, filter_log_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def suppress_name(name, filter_log_file=False): """ Suppress all log messages with a given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Suppress all log messages ending in the given `name`. For example, specifying ``'resolution_conflict'`` would suppress messages with names such as ``brian2.equations.codestrings.CodeString.resolution_conflict`` or ``brian2.equations.equations.Equations.resolution_conflict``. filter_log_file : bool, optional Whether to suppress the messages also in the log file. Defaults to ``False`` meaning that suppressed messages are not displayed on the console but are still saved to the log file. """ suppress_filter = NameFilter(name) BrianLogger._suppress(suppress_filter, filter_log_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_diagnostic(): """ Set the log level to "diagnostic". """ BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(DIAGNOSTIC)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_debug(): """ Set the log level to "debug". """ BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_info(): """ Set the log level to "info". """ BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_warn(): """ Set the log level to "warn". """ BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.WARN)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_error(): """ Set the log level to "error". """ BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(): """ Initialize Brian's logging system. This function will be called automatically when Brian is imported. """ # get the main logger logger = logging.getLogger("brian2") logger.propagate = False logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS["DIAGNOSTIC"]) # Log to a file if prefs["logging.file_log"]: try: # Temporary filename used for logging with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="brian_debug_", suffix=".log", delete=False ) as tmp_f: BrianLogger.tmp_log = # Remove any previously existing file handler if BrianLogger.file_handler is not None: BrianLogger.file_handler.close() logger.removeHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) # Rotate log file after prefs['logging.file_log_max_size'] bytes and keep one copy BrianLogger.file_handler = RotatingFileHandler( BrianLogger.tmp_log, mode="a", maxBytes=prefs["logging.file_log_max_size"], backupCount=1, encoding="utf-8", ) BrianLogger.file_handler.setLevel( LOG_LEVELS[prefs["logging.file_log_level"].upper()] ) BrianLogger.file_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-10s %(name)s: %(message)s" ) ) logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) BrianLogger._pid = os.getpid() except OSError as ex: warn(f"Could not create log file: {ex}") # Save a copy of the script BrianLogger.tmp_script = None if prefs["logging.save_script"]: if ( len(sys.argv[0]) and not running_from_ipython() and os.path.isfile(sys.argv[0]) ): try: tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="brian_script_", suffix=".py", delete=False ) with tmp_file: # Timestamp tmp_file.write(_encode(f"# {time.asctime()}\n")) # Command line arguments tmp_file.write(_encode(f"# Run as: {' '.join(sys.argv)}\n\n")) # The actual script file # TODO: We are copying the script file as it is, this might clash # with the encoding we used for the comments added above with open(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), "rb") as script_file: shutil.copyfileobj(script_file, tmp_file) BrianLogger.tmp_script = except OSError as ex: warn(f"Could not copy script file to temp directory: {ex}") if BrianLogger.console_handler is not None: logger.removeHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) # create console handler with a higher log level BrianLogger.console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel( LOG_LEVELS[prefs["logging.console_log_level"]] ) BrianLogger.console_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("%(levelname)-10s %(message)s [%(name)s]") ) # add the handler to the logger logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) # We want to log all warnings logging.captureWarnings(True) # pylint: disable=E1101 # Manually connect to the warnings logger so that the warnings end up in # the log file. Note that connecting to the console handler here means # duplicated warning messages in the ipython notebook, but not doing so # would mean that they are not displayed at all in the standard ipython # interface... warn_logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") warn_logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) if BrianLogger.file_handler is not None: warn_logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) # Put some standard info into the log file logger.log( logging.DEBUG, f"Logging to file: {BrianLogger.tmp_log}, copy of main script saved as:" f" {BrianLogger.tmp_script}", ) logger.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Python interpreter: {sys.executable}") logger.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Platform: {sys.platform}") version_infos = { "brian": brian2.__version__, "numpy": numpy.__version__, "scipy": scipy.__version__ if scipy else "not installed", "sympy": sympy.__version__, "python": sys.version, } for _name, _version in version_infos.items(): logger.log(logging.DEBUG, f"{_name} version is: {str(_version)}") # Handle uncaught exceptions sys.excepthook = brian_excepthook
[docs] def get_logger(module_name="brian2"): """ Get an object that can be used for logging. Parameters ---------- module_name : str The name used for logging, should normally be the module name as returned by ``__name__``. Returns ------- logger : `BrianLogger` """ return BrianLogger(module_name)
[docs] class catch_logs: """ A context manager for catching log messages. Use this for testing the messages that are logged. Defaults to catching warning/error messages and this is probably the only real use case for testing. Note that while this context manager is active, *all* log messages are suppressed. Using this context manager returns a list of (log level, name, message) tuples. Parameters ---------- log_level : int or str, optional The log level above which messages are caught. only_from : list, optional A list of module names from which messages are caught. Defaults to the ``brian2`` module. Examples -------- >>> logger = get_logger('brian2.logtest') >>> logger.warn('An uncaught warning') # doctest: +SKIP WARNING brian2.logtest: An uncaught warning >>> with catch_logs() as l: ... logger.warn('a caught warning') ... print('l contains: %s' % l) ... l contains: [('WARNING', 'brian2.logtest', 'a caught warning')] """ _entered = False def __init__(self, log_level=logging.WARN, only_from=("brian2",)): self.log_list = [] self.handler = LogCapture(self.log_list, log_level, only_from=only_from) self._entered = False def __enter__(self): if self._entered: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot enter {self!r} twice") self._entered = True return self.log_list def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if not self._entered: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot exit {self!r} without entering first") self.handler.uninstall()
[docs] class LogCapture(logging.Handler): """ A class for capturing log warnings. This class is used by `~brian2.utils.logger.catch_logs` to allow testing in a similar way as with `warnings.catch_warnings`. """ def __init__(self, log_list, log_level=logging.WARN, only_from=("brian2",)): logging.Handler.__init__(self, level=log_level) self.log_list = log_list self.only_from = only_from # make a copy of the previous handlers self.handlers = list(logging.getLogger("brian2").handlers) self.install()
[docs] def emit(self, record): # Append a tuple consisting of (level, name, msg) to the list of # warnings if any( for name in self.only_from): self.log_list.append((record.levelname,, record.msg))
[docs] def install(self): """ Install this handler to catch all warnings. Temporarily disconnect all other handlers. """ the_logger = logging.getLogger("brian2") for handler in self.handlers: the_logger.removeHandler(handler) the_logger.addHandler(self)
[docs] def uninstall(self): """ Uninstall this handler and re-connect the previously installed handlers. """ the_logger = logging.getLogger("brian2") for handler in self.handlers: the_logger.addHandler(handler)
# See # for an explanation of how this function works. Note that 1 and 2 are the file # numbers for stdout and stderr
[docs] class std_silent: """ Context manager that temporarily silences stdout and stderr but keeps the output saved in a temporary file and writes it if an exception is raised. """ dest_stdout = None dest_stderr = None def __init__(self, alwaysprint=False): self.alwaysprint = alwaysprint or not prefs["logging.std_redirection"] self.redirect_to_file = prefs["logging.std_redirection_to_file"] if ( not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file and std_silent.dest_stdout is None ): std_silent.dest_fname_stdout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="brian_stdout_", suffix=".log", delete=False ).name std_silent.dest_fname_stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="brian_stderr_", suffix=".log", delete=False ).name std_silent.dest_stdout = open(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout, "w") std_silent.dest_stderr = open(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr, "w") def __enter__(self): if not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self.orig_out_fd = os.dup(1) self.orig_err_fd = os.dup(2) os.dup2(std_silent.dest_stdout.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(std_silent.dest_stderr.fileno(), 2) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file: std_silent.dest_stdout.flush() std_silent.dest_stderr.flush() if exc_type is not None: with open(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout) as f: out = with open(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr) as f: err = os.dup2(self.orig_out_fd, 1) os.dup2(self.orig_err_fd, 2) os.close(self.orig_out_fd) os.close(self.orig_err_fd) if exc_type is not None: sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err)
[docs] @classmethod def close(cls): if std_silent.dest_stdout is not None: std_silent.dest_stdout.close() if prefs["logging.delete_log_on_exit"]: try: os.remove(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout) except OSError: # TODO: this happens quite frequently - why? # The file objects are closed as far as Python is concerned, # but maybe Windows is still hanging on to them? pass if std_silent.dest_stderr is not None: std_silent.dest_stderr.close() if prefs["logging.delete_log_on_exit"]: try: os.remove(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr) except OSError: pass