Source code for brian2.stateupdaters.explicit

Numerical integration functions.

import operator
import string
from functools import reduce

import sympy
from pyparsing import (
from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError

from brian2.equations.codestrings import is_constant_over_dt
from brian2.parsing.sympytools import str_to_sympy, sympy_to_str

from .base import (

__all__ = ["milstein", "heun", "euler", "rk2", "rk4", "ExplicitStateUpdater"]

# ===============================================================================
# Class for simple definition of explicit state updaters
# ===============================================================================

def _symbol(name, positive=None):
    """Shorthand for ``sympy.Symbol(name, real=True)``."""
    return sympy.Symbol(name, real=True, positive=positive)

#: reserved standard symbols
    "__x": _symbol("__x"),
    "__t": _symbol("__t", positive=True),
    "dt": _symbol("dt", positive=True),
    "t": _symbol("t", positive=True),
    "__f": sympy.Function("__f"),
    "__g": sympy.Function("__g"),
    "__dW": _symbol("__dW"),

[docs] def split_expression(expr): """ Split an expression into a part containing the function ``f`` and another one containing the function ``g``. Returns a tuple of the two expressions (as sympy expressions). Parameters ---------- expr : str An expression containing references to functions ``f`` and ``g``. Returns ------- (non_stochastic, stochastic) : tuple of sympy expressions A pair of expressions representing the non-stochastic (containing function-independent terms and terms involving ``f``) and the stochastic part of the expression (terms involving ``g`` and/or ``dW``). Examples -------- >>> split_expression('dt * __f(__x, __t)') (dt*__f(__x, __t), None) >>> split_expression('dt * __f(__x, __t) + __dW * __g(__x, __t)') (dt*__f(__x, __t), __dW*__g(__x, __t)) >>> split_expression('1/(2*sqrt(dt))*(__g_support - __g(__x, __t))*(sqrt(__dW))') (0, sqrt(__dW)*__g_support/(2*sqrt(dt)) - sqrt(__dW)*__g(__x, __t)/(2*sqrt(dt))) """ f = SYMBOLS["__f"] g = SYMBOLS["__g"] dW = SYMBOLS["__dW"] # Arguments of the f and g functions x_f = sympy.Wild("x_f", exclude=[f, g], real=True) t_f = sympy.Wild("t_f", exclude=[f, g], real=True) x_g = sympy.Wild("x_g", exclude=[f, g], real=True) t_g = sympy.Wild("t_g", exclude=[f, g], real=True) # Reorder the expression so that f(x,t) and g(x,t) are factored out sympy_expr = sympy.sympify(expr, locals=SYMBOLS).expand() sympy_expr = sympy.collect(sympy_expr, f(x_f, t_f)) sympy_expr = sympy.collect(sympy_expr, g(x_g, t_g)) # Constant part, contains neither f, g nor dW independent = sympy.Wild("independent", exclude=[f, g, dW], real=True) # The exponent of the random number dW_exponent = sympy.Wild("dW_exponent", exclude=[f, g, dW, 0], real=True) # The factor for the random number, not containing the g function independent_dW = sympy.Wild("independent_dW", exclude=[f, g, dW], real=True) # The factor for the f function f_factor = sympy.Wild("f_factor", exclude=[f, g], real=True) # The factor for the g function g_factor = sympy.Wild("g_factor", exclude=[f, g], real=True) match_expr = ( independent + f_factor * f(x_f, t_f) + independent_dW * dW**dW_exponent + g_factor * g(x_g, t_g) ) matches = sympy_expr.match(match_expr) if matches is None: raise ValueError( f'Expression "{sympy_expr}" in the state updater description could not be' " parsed." ) # Non-stochastic part if x_f in matches: # Includes the f function non_stochastic = matches[independent] + ( matches[f_factor] * f(matches[x_f], matches[t_f]) ) else: # Does not include f, might be 0 non_stochastic = matches[independent] # Stochastic part if independent_dW in matches and matches[independent_dW] != 0: # includes a random variable term with a non-zero factor stochastic = ( matches[g_factor] * g(matches[x_g], matches[t_g]) + matches[independent_dW] * dW ** matches[dW_exponent] ) elif x_g in matches: # Does not include a random variable but the g function stochastic = matches[g_factor] * g(matches[x_g], matches[t_g]) else: # Contains neither random variable nor g function --> empty stochastic = None return (non_stochastic, stochastic)
[docs] class ExplicitStateUpdater(StateUpdateMethod): """ An object that can be used for defining state updaters via a simple description (see below). Resulting instances can be passed to the ``method`` argument of the `NeuronGroup` constructor. As other state updater functions the `ExplicitStateUpdater` objects are callable, returning abstract code when called with an `Equations` object. A description of an explicit state updater consists of a (multi-line) string, containing assignments to variables and a final "x_new = ...", stating the integration result for a single timestep. The assignments can be used to define an arbitrary number of intermediate results and can refer to ``f(x, t)`` (the function being integrated, as a function of ``x``, the previous value of the state variable and ``t``, the time) and ``dt``, the size of the timestep. For example, to define a Runge-Kutta 4 integrator (already provided as `rk4`), use:: k1 = dt*f(x,t) k2 = dt*f(x+k1/2,t+dt/2) k3 = dt*f(x+k2/2,t+dt/2) k4 = dt*f(x+k3,t+dt) x_new = x+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6 Note that for stochastic equations, the function `f` only corresponds to the non-stochastic part of the equation. The additional function `g` corresponds to the stochastic part that has to be multiplied with the stochastic variable xi (a standard normal random variable -- if the algorithm needs a random variable with a different variance/mean you have to multiply/add it accordingly). Equations with more than one stochastic variable do not have to be treated differently, the part referring to ``g`` is repeated for all stochastic variables automatically. Stochastic integrators can also make reference to ``dW`` (a normal distributed random number with variance ``dt``) and ``g(x, t)``, the stochastic part of an equation. A stochastic state updater could therefore use a description like:: x_new = x + dt*f(x,t) + g(x, t) * dW For simplicity, the same syntax is used for state updaters that only support additive noise, even though ``g(x, t)`` does not depend on ``x`` or ``t`` in that case. There a some restrictions on the complexity of the expressions (but most can be worked around by using intermediate results as in the above Runge- Kutta example): Every statement can only contain the functions ``f`` and ``g`` once; The expressions have to be linear in the functions, e.g. you can use ``dt*f(x, t)`` but not ``f(x, t)**2``. Parameters ---------- description : str A state updater description (see above). stochastic : {None, 'additive', 'multiplicative'} What kind of stochastic equations this state updater supports: ``None`` means no support of stochastic equations, ``'additive'`` means only equations with additive noise and ``'multiplicative'`` means supporting arbitrary stochastic equations. Raises ------ ValueError If the parsing of the description failed. Notes ----- Since clocks are updated *after* the state update, the time ``t`` used in the state update step is still at its previous value. Enumerating the states and discrete times, ``x_new = x + dt*f(x, t)`` is therefore understood as :math:`x_{i+1} = x_i + dt f(x_i, t_i)`, yielding the correct forward Euler integration. If the integrator has to refer to the time at the end of the timestep, simply use ``t + dt`` instead of ``t``. See also -------- euler, rk2, rk4, milstein """ # =========================================================================== # Parsing definitions # =========================================================================== #: Legal names for temporary variables TEMP_VAR = ~Literal("x_new") + Word( f"{string.ascii_letters}_", f"{string.ascii_letters + string.digits}_" ).setResultsName("identifier") #: A single expression EXPRESSION = restOfLine.setResultsName("expression") #: An assignment statement STATEMENT = Group(TEMP_VAR + Suppress("=") + EXPRESSION).setResultsName("statement") #: The last line of a state updater description OUTPUT = Group( Suppress(Literal("x_new")) + Suppress("=") + EXPRESSION ).setResultsName("output") #: A complete state updater description DESCRIPTION = ZeroOrMore(STATEMENT) + OUTPUT def __init__(self, description, stochastic=None, custom_check=None): self._description = description self.stochastic = stochastic self.custom_check = custom_check try: parsed = ExplicitStateUpdater.DESCRIPTION.parseString( description, parseAll=True ) except ParseException as p_exc: ex = SyntaxError(f"Parsing failed: {str(p_exc.msg)}") ex.text = str(p_exc.line) ex.offset = p_exc.column ex.lineno = p_exc.lineno raise ex self.statements = [] self.symbols = SYMBOLS.copy() for element in parsed: expression = str_to_sympy(element.expression) # Replace all symbols used in state updater expressions by unique # names that cannot clash with user-defined variables or functions expression = expression.subs(sympy.Function("f"), self.symbols["__f"]) expression = expression.subs(sympy.Function("g"), self.symbols["__g"]) symbols = list(expression.atoms(sympy.Symbol)) unique_symbols = [] for symbol in symbols: if == "dt": unique_symbols.append(symbol) else: unique_symbols.append(_symbol(f"__{}")) for symbol, unique_symbol in zip(symbols, unique_symbols): expression = expression.subs(symbol, unique_symbol) self.symbols.update({ symbol for symbol in unique_symbols}) if element.getName() == "statement": self.statements.append((f"__{element.identifier}", expression)) elif element.getName() == "output": self.output = expression else: raise AssertionError(f"Unknown element name: {element.getName()}") def __repr__(self): # recreate a description string description = "\n".join([f"{var} = {expr}" for var, expr in self.statements]) if len(description): description += "\n" description += f"x_new = {str(self.output)}" classname = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{classname}('''{description}''', stochastic={self.stochastic!r})" def __str__(self): s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n" if len(self.statements) > 0: s += "Intermediate statements:\n" s += "\n".join( [f"{var} = {sympy_to_str(expr)}" for var, expr in self.statements] ) s += "\n" s += "Output:\n" s += sympy_to_str(self.output) return s def _latex(self, *args): from sympy import Symbol, latex s = [r"\begin{equation}"] for var, expr in self.statements: expr = expr.subs(Symbol("x"), Symbol("x_t")) s.append(f"{latex(Symbol(var))} = {latex(expr)}\\\\") expr = self.output.subs(Symbol("x"), "x_t") s.append(f"x_{{t+1}} = {latex(expr)}") s.append(r"\end{equation}") return "\n".join(s) def _repr_latex_(self): return self._latex()
[docs] def replace_func(self, x, t, expr, temp_vars, eq_symbols, stochastic_variable=None): """ Used to replace a single occurance of ``f(x, t)`` or ``g(x, t)``: `expr` is the non-stochastic (in the case of ``f``) or stochastic part (``g``) of the expression defining the right-hand-side of the differential equation describing `var`. It replaces the variable `var` with the value given as `x` and `t` by the value given for `t`. Intermediate variables will be replaced with the appropriate replacements as well. For example, in the `rk2` integrator, the second step involves the calculation of ``f(k/2 + x, dt/2 + t)``. If `var` is ``v`` and `expr` is ``-v / tau``, this will result in ``-(_k_v/2 + v)/tau``. Note that this deals with only one state variable `var`, given as an argument to the surrounding `_generate_RHS` function. """ try: s_expr = str_to_sympy(str(expr)) except SympifyError as ex: raise ValueError(f'Error parsing the expression "{expr}": {str(ex)}') for var in eq_symbols: # Generate specific temporary variables for the state variable, # e.g. '_k_v' for the state variable 'v' and the temporary # variable 'k'. if stochastic_variable is None: temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol(f"{temp_var}_{var}") for temp_var in temp_vars } else: temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol( f"{temp_var}_{var}_{stochastic_variable}" ) for temp_var in temp_vars } # In the expression given as 'x', replace 'x' by the variable # 'var' and all the temporary variables by their # variable-specific counterparts. x_replacement = x.subs(self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var]) x_replacement = x_replacement.subs(temp_var_replacements) # Replace the variable `var` in the expression by the new `x` # expression s_expr = s_expr.subs(eq_symbols[var], x_replacement) # If the expression given for t in the state updater description # is not just "t" (or rather "__t"), then replace t in the # equations by it, and replace "__t" by "t" afterwards. if t != self.symbols["__t"]: s_expr = s_expr.subs(SYMBOLS["t"], t) s_expr = s_expr.replace(self.symbols["__t"], SYMBOLS["t"]) return s_expr
def _non_stochastic_part( self, eq_symbols, non_stochastic, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var, ): non_stochastic_results = [] if stochastic_variable is None or len(stochastic_variable) == 0: # Replace the f(x, t) part replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func( x, t, non_stochastic, temp_vars, eq_symbols ) non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace( self.symbols["__f"], replace_f ) # Replace x by the respective variable non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var] ) # Replace intermediate variables temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol(f"{temp_var}_{var}") for temp_var in temp_vars } non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements) non_stochastic_results.append(non_stochastic_result) elif isinstance(stochastic_variable, str): # Replace the f(x, t) part replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func( x, t, non_stochastic, temp_vars, eq_symbols, stochastic_variable ) non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace( self.symbols["__f"], replace_f ) # Replace x by the respective variable non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var] ) # Replace intermediate variables temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol( f"{temp_var}_{var}_{stochastic_variable}" ) for temp_var in temp_vars } non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements) non_stochastic_results.append(non_stochastic_result) else: # Replace the f(x, t) part replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func( x, t, non_stochastic, temp_vars, eq_symbols ) non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_expr.replace( self.symbols["__f"], replace_f ) # Replace x by the respective variable non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var] ) # Replace intermediate variables temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: reduce( operator.add, [_symbol(f"{temp_var}_{var}_{xi}") for xi in stochastic_variable], ) for temp_var in temp_vars } non_stochastic_result = non_stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements) non_stochastic_results.append(non_stochastic_result) return non_stochastic_results def _stochastic_part( self, eq_symbols, stochastic, stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var, ): stochastic_results = [] if isinstance(stochastic_variable, str): # Replace the g(x, t) part replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func( x, t, stochastic.get(stochastic_variable, 0), temp_vars, eq_symbols, stochastic_variable, ) stochastic_result = stochastic_expr.replace(self.symbols["__g"], replace_f) # Replace x by the respective variable stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var] ) # Replace dW by the respective variable stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__dW"], stochastic_variable ) # Replace intermediate variables temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol( f"{temp_var}_{var}_{stochastic_variable}" ) for temp_var in temp_vars } stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements) stochastic_results.append(stochastic_result) else: for xi in stochastic_variable: # Replace the g(x, t) part replace_f = lambda x, t: self.replace_func( x, t, stochastic.get(xi, 0), temp_vars, eq_symbols, xi # noqa: B023 ) stochastic_result = stochastic_expr.replace( self.symbols["__g"], replace_f ) # Replace x by the respective variable stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs( self.symbols["__x"], eq_symbols[var] ) # Replace dW by the respective variable stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(self.symbols["__dW"], xi) # Replace intermediate variables temp_var_replacements = { self.symbols[temp_var]: _symbol(f"{temp_var}_{var}_{xi}") for temp_var in temp_vars } stochastic_result = stochastic_result.subs(temp_var_replacements) stochastic_results.append(stochastic_result) return stochastic_results def _generate_RHS( self, eqs, var, eq_symbols, temp_vars, expr, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable=(), ): """ Helper function used in `__call__`. Generates the right hand side of an abstract code statement by appropriately replacing f, g and t. For example, given a differential equation ``dv/dt = -(v + I) / tau`` (i.e. `var` is ``v` and `expr` is ``(-v + I) / tau``) together with the `rk2` step ``return x + dt*f(x + k/2, t + dt/2)`` (i.e. `non_stochastic_expr` is ``x + dt*f(x + k/2, t + dt/2)`` and `stochastic_expr` is ``None``), produces ``v + dt*(-v - _k_v/2 + I + _k_I/2)/tau``. """ # Note: in the following we are silently ignoring the case that a # state updater does not care about either the non-stochastic or the # stochastic part of an equation. We do trust state updaters to # correctly specify their own abilities (i.e. they do not claim to # support stochastic equations but actually just ignore the stochastic # part). We can't really check the issue here, as we are only dealing # with one line of the state updater description. It is perfectly valid # to write the euler update as: # non_stochastic = dt * f(x, t) # stochastic = dt**.5 * g(x, t) * xi # return x + non_stochastic + stochastic # # In the above case, we'll deal with lines which do not define either # the stochastic or the non-stochastic part. non_stochastic, stochastic = expr.split_stochastic() if non_stochastic_expr is not None: # We do have a non-stochastic part in the state updater description non_stochastic_results = self._non_stochastic_part( eq_symbols, non_stochastic, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var, ) else: non_stochastic_results = [] if not (stochastic is None or stochastic_expr is None): # We do have a stochastic part in the state # updater description stochastic_results = self._stochastic_part( eq_symbols, stochastic, stochastic_expr, stochastic_variable, temp_vars, var, ) else: stochastic_results = [] RHS = sympy.Number(0) # All the parts (one non-stochastic and potentially more than one # stochastic part) are combined with addition for non_stochastic_result in non_stochastic_results: RHS += non_stochastic_result for stochastic_result in stochastic_results: RHS += stochastic_result return sympy_to_str(RHS)
[docs] def __call__(self, eqs, variables=None, method_options=None): """ Apply a state updater description to model equations. Parameters ---------- eqs : `Equations` The equations describing the model variables: dict-like, optional The `Variable` objects for the model. Ignored by the explicit state updater. method_options : dict, optional Additional options to the state updater (not used at the moment for the explicit state updaters). Examples -------- >>> from brian2 import * >>> eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau : volt') >>> print(euler(eqs)) _v = -dt*v/tau + v v = _v >>> print(rk4(eqs)) __k_1_v = -dt*v/tau __k_2_v = -dt*(__k_1_v/2 + v)/tau __k_3_v = -dt*(__k_2_v/2 + v)/tau __k_4_v = -dt*(__k_3_v + v)/tau _v = __k_1_v/6 + __k_2_v/3 + __k_3_v/3 + __k_4_v/6 + v v = _v """ extract_method_options(method_options, {}) # Non-stochastic numerical integrators should work for all equations, # except for stochastic equations if eqs.is_stochastic and self.stochastic is None: raise UnsupportedEquationsException( "Cannot integrate stochastic equations with this state updater." ) if self.custom_check: self.custom_check(eqs, variables) # The final list of statements statements = [] stochastic_variables = eqs.stochastic_variables # The variables for the intermediate results in the state updater # description, e.g. the variable k in rk2 intermediate_vars = [var for var, expr in self.statements] # A dictionary mapping all the variables in the equations to their # sympy representations eq_variables = {var: _symbol(var) for var in eqs.eq_names} # Generate the random numbers for the stochastic variables for stochastic_variable in stochastic_variables: statements.append(f"{stochastic_variable} = dt**.5 * randn()") substituted_expressions = eqs.get_substituted_expressions(variables) # Process the intermediate statements in the stateupdater description for intermediate_var, intermediate_expr in self.statements: # Split the expression into a non-stochastic and a stochastic part non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(intermediate_expr) # Execute the statement by appropriately replacing the functions f # and g and the variable x for every equation in the model. # We use the model equations where the subexpressions have # already been substituted into the model equations. for var, expr in substituted_expressions: for xi in stochastic_variables: RHS = self._generate_RHS( eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars, expr, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr, xi, ) statements.append(f"{intermediate_var}_{var}_{xi} = {RHS}") if not stochastic_variables: # no stochastic variables RHS = self._generate_RHS( eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars, expr, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr, ) statements.append(f"{intermediate_var}_{var} = {RHS}") # Process the "return" line of the stateupdater description non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(self.output) if eqs.is_stochastic and ( self.stochastic != "multiplicative" and eqs.stochastic_type == "multiplicative" ): # The equations are marked as having multiplicative noise and the # current state updater does not support such equations. However, # it is possible that the equations do not use multiplicative noise # at all. They could depend on time via a function that is constant # over a single time step (most likely, a TimedArray). In that case # we can integrate the equations dt_value = variables["dt"].get_value()[0] if "dt" in variables else None for _, expr in substituted_expressions: _, stoch = expr.split_stochastic() if stoch is None: continue # There could be more than one stochastic variable (e.g. xi_1, xi_2) for _, stoch_expr in stoch.items(): sympy_expr = str_to_sympy(stoch_expr.code) # The equation really has multiplicative noise, if it depends # on time (and not only via a function that is constant # over dt), or if it depends on another variable defined # via differential equations. if not is_constant_over_dt(sympy_expr, variables, dt_value) or len( stoch_expr.identifiers & eqs.diff_eq_names ): raise UnsupportedEquationsException( "Cannot integrate " "equations with " "multiplicative noise with " "this state updater." ) # Assign a value to all the model variables described by differential # equations for var, expr in substituted_expressions: RHS = self._generate_RHS( eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars, expr, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr, stochastic_variables, ) statements.append(f"_{var} = {RHS}") # Assign everything to the final variables for var, _ in substituted_expressions: statements.append(f"{var} = _{var}") return "\n".join(statements)
# =============================================================================== # Excplicit state updaters # =============================================================================== # these objects can be used like functions because they are callable #: Forward Euler state updater euler = ExplicitStateUpdater( "x_new = x + dt * f(x,t) + g(x,t) * dW", stochastic="additive" ) #: Second order Runge-Kutta method (midpoint method) rk2 = ExplicitStateUpdater( """ k = dt * f(x,t) x_new = x + dt*f(x + k/2, t + dt/2)""" ) #: Classical Runge-Kutta method (RK4) rk4 = ExplicitStateUpdater( """ k_1 = dt*f(x,t) k_2 = dt*f(x+k_1/2,t+dt/2) k_3 = dt*f(x+k_2/2,t+dt/2) k_4 = dt*f(x+k_3,t+dt) x_new = x+(k_1+2*k_2+2*k_3+k_4)/6 """ )
[docs] def diagonal_noise(equations, variables): """ Checks whether we deal with diagonal noise, i.e. one independent noise variable per variable. Raises ------ UnsupportedEquationsException If the noise is not diagonal. """ if not equations.is_stochastic: return stochastic_vars = [] for _, expr in equations.get_substituted_expressions(variables): expr_stochastic_vars = expr.stochastic_variables if len(expr_stochastic_vars) > 1: # More than one stochastic variable --> no diagonal noise raise UnsupportedEquationsException( "Cannot integrate stochastic " "equations with non-diagonal " "noise with this state " "updater." ) stochastic_vars.extend(expr_stochastic_vars) # If there's no stochastic variable is used in more than one equation, we # have diagonal noise if len(stochastic_vars) != len(set(stochastic_vars)): raise UnsupportedEquationsException( "Cannot integrate stochastic " "equations with non-diagonal " "noise with this state " "updater." )
#: Derivative-free Milstein method milstein = ExplicitStateUpdater( """ x_support = x + dt*f(x, t) + dt**.5 * g(x, t) g_support = g(x_support, t) k = 1/(2*dt**.5)*(g_support - g(x, t))*(dW**2) x_new = x + dt*f(x,t) + g(x, t) * dW + k """, stochastic="multiplicative", custom_check=diagonal_noise, ) #: Stochastic Heun method (for multiplicative Stratonovic SDEs with non-diagonal #: diffusion matrix) heun = ExplicitStateUpdater( """ x_support = x + g(x,t) * dW g_support = g(x_support,t+dt) x_new = x + dt*f(x,t) + .5*dW*(g(x,t)+g_support) """, stochastic="multiplicative", )