Source code for brian2.input.binomial

Implementation of `BinomialFunction`

import numpy as np

from brian2.core.base import Nameable
from brian2.core.functions import Function, DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import check_units
from brian2.utils.stringtools import replace

__all__ = ['BinomialFunction']

def _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p):
    loc = n*p
    scale = np.sqrt(n*p*(1-p))
    return loc, scale

def _pre_calc_constants(n, p):
    reverse = p > 0.5
    if reverse:
        P = 1.0 - p
        P = p
    q = 1.0 - P
    qn = np.exp(n * np.log(q))
    bound = min(n, n*P + 10.0*np.sqrt(n*P*q + 1))
    return reverse, q, P, qn, bound

def _generate_cython_code(n, p, use_normal, name):
    # Cython implementation
    # Inversion transform sampling
    if use_normal:
        loc, scale = _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p)
        cython_code = '''
        cdef float %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx):
            return _randn(vectorisation_idx) * %SCALE% + %LOC%
        cython_code = replace(cython_code, {'%SCALE%': '%.15f' % scale,
                                            '%LOC%': '%.15f' % loc,
                                            '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_randn': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn']}
        reverse, q, P, qn, bound = _pre_calc_constants(n, p)
        # The following code is an almost exact copy of numpy's
        # rk_binomial_inversion function
        # (numpy/random/mtrand/distributions.c)
        cython_code = '''
        cdef long %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx):
            cdef long X = 0
            cdef double px = %QN%
            cdef double U = _rand(vectorisation_idx)
            while U > px:
                X += 1
                if X > %BOUND%:
                    X = 0
                    px = %QN%
                    U = _rand(vectorisation_idx)
                    U -= px
                    px = ((%N%-X+1) * %P% * px)/(X*%Q%)
            return %RETURN_VALUE%
        cython_code = replace(cython_code, {'%N%': '%d' % n,
                                            '%P%': '%.15f' % p,
                                            '%Q%': '%.15f' % q,
                                            '%QN%': '%.15f' % qn,
                                            '%BOUND%': '%.15f' % bound,
                                            '%RETURN_VALUE%': '%d-X' % n if reverse else 'X',
                                            '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']}

    return cython_code, dependencies

def _generate_cpp_code(n, p, use_normal, name):
    # C++ implementation
    # Inversion transform sampling
    if use_normal:
        loc, scale = _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p)
        loc = n*p
        scale = np.sqrt(n*p*(1-p))
        cpp_code = '''
        float %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx)
            return _randn(vectorisation_idx) * %SCALE% + %LOC%;
        cpp_code = replace(cpp_code, {'%SCALE%': '%.15f' % scale,
                                      '%LOC%': '%.15f' % loc,
                                      '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_randn': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn']}
        reverse, q, P, qn, bound = _pre_calc_constants(n, p)
        # The following code is an almost exact copy of numpy's
        # rk_binomial_inversion function
        # (numpy/random/mtrand/distributions.c)
        cpp_code = '''
        long %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx)
            long X = 0;
            double px = %QN%;
            double U = _rand(vectorisation_idx);
            while (U > px)
                if (X > %BOUND%)
                    X = 0;
                    px = %QN%;
                    U = _rand(vectorisation_idx);
                } else
                    U -= px;
                    px = ((%N%-X+1) * %P% * px)/(X*%Q%);
            return %RETURN_VALUE%;
        cpp_code = replace(cpp_code, {'%N%': '%d' % n,
                                      '%P%': '%.15f' % P,
                                      '%Q%': '%.15f' % q,
                                      '%QN%': '%.15f' % qn,
                                      '%BOUND%': '%.15f' % bound,
                                      '%RETURN_VALUE%': '%d-X' % n if reverse else 'X',
                                      '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']}

    return {'support_code': cpp_code}, dependencies

[docs]class BinomialFunction(Function, Nameable): ''' BinomialFunction(n, p, approximate=True, name='_binomial*') A function that generates samples from a binomial distribution. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of samples p : float Probablility approximate : bool, optional Whether to approximate the binomial with a normal distribution if :math:`n p > 5 \wedge n (1 - p) > 5`. Defaults to ``True``. ''' #: Container for implementing functions for different targets #: This container can be extended by other codegeneration targets/devices #: The key has to be the name of the target, the value a function #: that takes three parameters (n, p, use_normal) and returns a tuple of #: (code, dependencies) implementations = { 'cpp': _generate_cpp_code, 'cython': _generate_cython_code } @check_units(n=1, p=1) def __init__(self, n, p, approximate=True, name='_binomial*'): Nameable.__init__(self, name) #Python implementation use_normal = approximate and (n*p > 5) and n*(1-p) > 5 if use_normal: loc = n*p scale = np.sqrt(n*p*(1-p)) def sample_function(vectorisation_idx): try: N = len(vectorisation_idx) except TypeError: N = int(vectorisation_idx) return np.random.normal(loc, scale, size=N) else: def sample_function(vectorisation_idx): try: N = len(vectorisation_idx) except TypeError: N = int(vectorisation_idx) return np.random.binomial(n, p, size=N) Function.__init__(self, pyfunc=lambda: sample_function(1), arg_units=[], return_unit=1, stateless=False, auto_vectorise=True) self.implementations.add_implementation('numpy', sample_function) for target, func in BinomialFunction.implementations.items(): code, dependencies = func(n=n, p=p, use_normal=use_normal, self.implementations.add_implementation(target, code, dependencies=dependencies,