Source code for brian2.parsing.expressions

AST parsing based analysis of expressions
import sys
import ast
import numbers

from brian2.core.functions import Function
from brian2.parsing.rendering import NodeRenderer
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import (Unit,

__all__ = ['parse_expression_dimensions']

[docs]def is_boolean_expression(expr, variables): ''' Determines if an expression is of boolean type or not Parameters ---------- expr : str The expression to test variables : dict-like of `Variable` The variables used in the expression. Returns ------- isbool : bool Whether or not the expression is boolean. Raises ------ SyntaxError If the expression ought to be boolean but is not, for example ``x<y and z`` where ``z`` is not a boolean variable. Notes ----- We test the following cases recursively on the abstract syntax tree: * The node is a boolean operation. If all the subnodes are boolean expressions we return ``True``, otherwise we raise the ``SyntaxError``. * The node is a function call, we return ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the function description has the ``_returns_bool`` attribute set. * The node is a variable name, we return ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether ``is_boolean`` attribute is set or if the name is ``True`` or ``False``. * The node is a comparison, we return ``True``. * The node is a unary operation, we return ``True`` if the operation is ``not``, otherwise ``False``. * Otherwise we return ``False``. ''' # If we are working on a string, convert to the top level node if isinstance(expr, str): mod = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval') expr = mod.body if expr.__class__ is ast.BoolOp: if all(is_boolean_expression(node, variables) for node in expr.values): return True else: raise SyntaxError("Expression ought to be boolean but is not (e.g. 'x<y and 3')") elif expr.__class__ is getattr(ast, 'NameConstant', None): value = expr.value if value is True or value is False: return True else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to deal with value %s' % value) elif expr.__class__ is ast.Name: name = if name in variables: return variables[name].is_boolean else: return name == 'True' or name == 'False' elif expr.__class__ is ast.Call: name = if name in variables and hasattr(variables[name], '_returns_bool'): return variables[name]._returns_bool else: raise SyntaxError('Unknown function %s' % name) elif expr.__class__ is ast.Compare: return True elif expr.__class__ is ast.UnaryOp: return expr.op.__class__.__name__ == 'Not' else: return False
def _get_value_from_expression(expr, variables): ''' Returns the scalar value of an expression, and checks its validity. Parameters ---------- expr : str or `ast.Expression` The expression to check. variables : dict of `Variable` objects The information about all variables used in `expr` (including `Constant` objects for external variables) Returns ------- value : float The value of the expression Raises ------ SyntaxError If the expression cannot be evaluated to a scalar value DimensionMismatchError If any part of the expression is dimensionally inconsistent. ''' # If we are working on a string, convert to the top level node if isinstance(expr, basestring): mod = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval') expr = mod.body if expr.__class__ is ast.Name: name = if name in variables: if not getattr(variables[name], 'constant', False): raise SyntaxError('Value %s is not constant' % name) if not getattr(variables[name], 'scalar', False): raise SyntaxError('Value %s is not scalar' % name) return variables[name].get_value() elif name in ['True', 'False']: return 1.0 if name == 'True' else 0.0 else: raise ValueError('Unknown identifier %s' % name) elif expr.__class__ is getattr(ast, 'NameConstant', None): value = expr.value if value is True or value is False: return 1.0 if value else 0.0 else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to deal with value %s' % value) elif expr.__class__ is ast.Num: return expr.n elif expr.__class__ is ast.BoolOp: raise SyntaxError('Cannot determine the numerical value for a boolean operation.') elif expr.__class__ is ast.Compare: raise SyntaxError('Cannot determine the numerical value for a boolean operation.') elif expr.__class__ is ast.Call: raise SyntaxError('Cannot determine the numerical value for a function call.') elif expr.__class__ is ast.BinOp: op = expr.op.__class__.__name__ left = _get_value_from_expression(expr.left, variables) right = _get_value_from_expression(expr.right, variables) if op == 'Add' or op == 'Sub': v = left + right elif op == 'Mult': v = left * right elif op == 'Div': v = float(left) / right elif op == 'FloorDiv': v = left // right elif op == 'Pow': v = left**right elif op == 'Mod': v = left % right else: raise SyntaxError("Unsupported operation "+op) return v elif expr.__class__ is ast.UnaryOp: op = expr.op.__class__.__name__ # check validity of operand and get its unit v = _get_value_from_expression(expr.operand, variables) if op == 'Not': raise SyntaxError(('Cannot determine the numerical value ' 'for a boolean operation.')) if op == 'USub': return -v else: raise SyntaxError('Unknown unary operation ' + op) else: raise SyntaxError('Unsupported operation ' + str(expr.__class__))
[docs]def parse_expression_dimensions(expr, variables): ''' Returns the unit value of an expression, and checks its validity Parameters ---------- expr : str The expression to check. variables : dict Dictionary of all variables used in the `expr` (including `Constant` objects for external variables) Returns ------- unit : Quantity The output unit of the expression Raises ------ SyntaxError If the expression cannot be parsed, or if it uses ``a**b`` for ``b`` anything other than a constant number. DimensionMismatchError If any part of the expression is dimensionally inconsistent. ''' # If we are working on a string, convert to the top level node if isinstance(expr, basestring): mod = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval') expr = mod.body if expr.__class__ is getattr(ast, 'NameConstant', None): # new class for True, False, None in Python 3.4 value = expr.value if value is True or value is False: return DIMENSIONLESS else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to handle value %s' % value) if expr.__class__ is ast.Name: name = # Raise an error if a function is called as if it were a variable # (most of the time this happens for a TimedArray) if name in variables and isinstance(variables[name], Function): raise SyntaxError('%s was used like a variable/constant, but it is ' 'a function.' % name) if name in variables: return variables[name].dim elif name in ['True', 'False']: return DIMENSIONLESS else: raise KeyError('Unknown identifier %s' % name) elif expr.__class__ is ast.Num: return DIMENSIONLESS elif expr.__class__ is ast.BoolOp: # check that the units are valid in each subexpression for node in expr.values: parse_expression_dimensions(node, variables) # but the result is a bool, so we just return 1 as the unit return DIMENSIONLESS elif expr.__class__ is ast.Compare: # check that the units are consistent in each subexpression subexprs = [expr.left]+expr.comparators subunits = [] for node in subexprs: subunits.append(parse_expression_dimensions(node, variables)) for left_dim, right_dim in zip(subunits[:-1], subunits[1:]): if not have_same_dimensions(left_dim, right_dim): msg = ('Comparison of expressions with different units. Expression ' '"{}" has unit ({}), while expression "{}" has units ({})').format( NodeRenderer().render_node(expr.left), get_dimensions(left_dim), NodeRenderer().render_node(expr.comparators[0]), get_dimensions(right_dim)) raise DimensionMismatchError(msg) # but the result is a bool, so we just return 1 as the unit return DIMENSIONLESS elif expr.__class__ is ast.Call: if len(expr.keywords): raise ValueError("Keyword arguments not supported.") elif getattr(expr, 'starargs', None) is not None: raise ValueError("Variable number of arguments not supported") elif getattr(expr, 'kwargs', None) is not None: raise ValueError("Keyword arguments not supported") func = variables.get(, None) if func is None: raise SyntaxError('Unknown function %s' % if not hasattr(func, '_arg_units') or not hasattr(func, '_return_unit'): raise ValueError(('Function %s does not specify how it ' 'deals with units.') % if len(func._arg_units) != len(expr.args): raise SyntaxError('Function %s was called with %d parameters, ' 'needs %d.' % (, len(expr.args), len(func._arg_units))) for idx, (arg, expected_unit) in enumerate(zip(expr.args, func._arg_units)): # A "None" in func._arg_units means: No matter what unit if expected_unit is None: continue elif expected_unit == bool: if not is_boolean_expression(arg, variables): raise TypeError(('Argument number %d for function %s was ' 'expected to be a boolean value, but is ' '"%s".') % (idx + 1,, NodeRenderer().render_node(arg))) else: arg_unit = parse_expression_dimensions(arg, variables) if not have_same_dimensions(arg_unit, expected_unit): msg = ('Argument number {} for function {} does not have the ' 'correct units. Expression "{}" has units ({}), but ' 'should be ({}).').format( idx+1,, NodeRenderer().render_node(arg), get_dimensions(arg_unit), get_dimensions(expected_unit)) raise DimensionMismatchError(msg) if func._return_unit == bool: return DIMENSIONLESS elif isinstance(func._return_unit, (Unit, int)): # Function always returns the same unit return getattr(func._return_unit, 'dim', DIMENSIONLESS) else: # Function returns a unit that depends on the arguments arg_units = [parse_expression_dimensions(arg, variables) for arg in expr.args] return func._return_unit(*arg_units).dim elif expr.__class__ is ast.BinOp: op = expr.op.__class__.__name__ left_dim = parse_expression_dimensions(expr.left, variables) right_dim = parse_expression_dimensions(expr.right, variables) if op in ['Add', 'Sub', 'Mod']: # dimensions should be the same if left_dim is not right_dim: op_symbol = {'Add': '+', 'Sub': '-', 'Mod': '%'}.get(op) left_str = NodeRenderer().render_node(expr.left) right_str = NodeRenderer().render_node(expr.right) left_unit = repr(get_unit(left_dim)) right_unit = repr(get_unit(right_dim)) error_msg = ('Expression "{left} {op} {right}" uses ' 'inconsistent units ("{left}" has unit ' '{left_unit}; "{right}" ' 'has unit {right_unit})').format(left=left_str, right=right_str, op=op_symbol, left_unit=left_unit, right_unit=right_unit) raise DimensionMismatchError(error_msg) u = left_dim elif op == 'Mult': u = left_dim*right_dim elif op == 'Div': u = left_dim/right_dim elif op == 'FloorDiv': if not (left_dim is DIMENSIONLESS and right_dim is DIMENSIONLESS): raise SyntaxError('Floor division can only be used on ' 'dimensionless values.') u = DIMENSIONLESS elif op == 'Pow': if left_dim is DIMENSIONLESS and right_dim is DIMENSIONLESS: return DIMENSIONLESS n = _get_value_from_expression(expr.right, variables) u = left_dim**n else: raise SyntaxError("Unsupported operation "+op) return u elif expr.__class__ is ast.UnaryOp: op = expr.op.__class__.__name__ # check validity of operand and get its unit u = parse_expression_dimensions(expr.operand, variables) if op == 'Not': return DIMENSIONLESS else: return u else: raise SyntaxError('Unsupported operation ' + str(expr.__class__))