Source code for brian2.input.spikegeneratorgroup

Module defining `SpikeGeneratorGroup`.
import numpy as np

from brian2.core.spikesource import SpikeSource
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import check_units, Unit, Quantity
from brian2.units.allunits import second
from brian2.core.variables import Variables
from import CodeRunner, Group

__all__ = ['SpikeGeneratorGroup']

[docs]class SpikeGeneratorGroup(Group, CodeRunner, SpikeSource): ''' SpikeGeneratorGroup(N, indices, times, dt=None, clock=None, period=1e100*second, when='thresholds', order=0, sorted=False, name='spikegeneratorgroup*', codeobj_class=None) A group emitting spikes at given times. Parameters ---------- N : int The number of "neurons" in this group indices : array of integers The indices of the spiking cells times : `Quantity` The spike times for the cells given in ``indices``. Has to have the same length as ``indices``. period : `Quantity`, optional If this is specified, it will repeat spikes with this period. dt : `Quantity`, optional The time step to be used for the simulation. Cannot be combined with the `clock` argument. clock : `Clock`, optional The update clock to be used. If neither a clock, nor the `dt` argument is specified, the `defaultclock` will be used. when : str, optional When to run within a time step, defaults to the ``'thresholds'`` slot. order : int, optional The priority of of this group for operations occurring at the same time step and in the same scheduling slot. Defaults to 0. sorted : bool, optional Whether the given indices and times are already sorted. Set to ``True`` if your events are already sorted (first by spike time, then by index), this can save significant time at construction if your arrays contain large numbers of spikes. Defaults to ``False``. Notes ----- * In a time step, `SpikeGeneratorGroup` emits all spikes that happened at :math:`t-dt < t_{spike} \leq t`. This might lead to unexpected or missing spikes if you change the time step dt between runs. * `SpikeGeneratorGroup` does not currently raise any warning if a neuron spikes more that once during a time step, but other code (e.g. for synaptic propagation) might assume that neurons only spike once per time step and will therefore not work properly. * If `sorted` is set to ``True``, the given arrays will not be copied (only affects runtime mode).. ''' @check_units(N=1, indices=1, times=second, period=second) def __init__(self, N, indices, times, dt=None, clock=None, period=1e100*second, when='thresholds', order=0, sorted=False, name='spikegeneratorgroup*', codeobj_class=None): Group.__init__(self, dt=dt, clock=clock, when=when, order=order, name=name) # We store the indices and times also directly in the Python object, # this way we can use them for checks in `before_run` even in standalone # TODO: Remove this when the checks in `before_run` have been moved to the template #: Array of spiking neuron indices. self._neuron_index = None #: Array of spiking neuron times. self._spike_time = None #: "Dirty flag" that will be set when spikes are changed after the #: `before_run` check self._spikes_changed = True # Let other objects know that we emit spikes events = {'spike': None} self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class if N < 1 or int(N) != N: raise TypeError('N has to be an integer >=1.') N = int(N) # Make sure that it is an integer, values such as 10.0 would # otherwise make weave compilation fail self.start = 0 self.stop = N indices, times = self._check_args(indices, times, period, N, sorted) self.variables = Variables(self) # standard variables self.variables.add_constant('N', value=N) self.variables.add_array('period', dimensions=second.dim, size=1, constant=True, read_only=True, scalar=True, dtype=self._clock.variables['t'].dtype) self.variables.add_arange('i', N) self.variables.add_dynamic_array('spike_number', values=np.arange(len(indices)), size=len(indices), dtype=np.int32, read_only=True, constant=True, index='spike_number', unique=True) self.variables.add_dynamic_array('neuron_index', values=indices, size=len(indices), dtype=np.int32, index='spike_number', read_only=True, constant=True) self.variables.add_dynamic_array('spike_time', values=times, size=len(times), dimensions=second.dim, index='spike_number', read_only=True, constant=True, dtype=self._clock.variables['t'].dtype) self.variables.add_array('_spikespace', size=N+1, dtype=np.int32) self.variables.add_array('_lastindex', size=1, values=0, dtype=np.int32, read_only=True, scalar=True) self.variables.create_clock_variables(self._clock) #: Remember the dt we used the last time when we checked the spike bins #: to not repeat the work for multiple runs with the same dt self._previous_dt = None CodeRunner.__init__(self, self, code='', template='spikegenerator', clock=self._clock, when=when, order=order, name=None) # Activate name attribute access self._enable_group_attributes() self.variables['period'].set_value(period)
[docs] def before_run(self, run_namespace): # Do some checks on the period vs. dt dt = self.dt_[:] # make a copy period = self.period_ if period < np.inf: if period < dt: raise ValueError('The period of %s is %s, which is smaller ' 'than its dt of %s.' % (, self.period, dt)) if (abs(int(period/dt)*dt - period) > period * np.finfo(dt.dtype).eps): raise NotImplementedError('The period of %s is %s, which is ' 'not an integer multiple of its dt ' 'of %s.' % (, self.period, dt)) # Check that we don't have more than one spike per neuron in a time bin if self._previous_dt is None or dt != self._previous_dt or self._spikes_changed: # We shift all the spikes by a tiny amount to make sure that spikes # at exact multiples of dt do not end up in the previous time bin # This shift has to be quite significant relative to machine # epsilon, we use 1e-3 of the dt here shift = 1e-3*dt timebins = np.asarray(np.asarray(self._spike_time + shift)/dt, dtype=np.int32) # time is already in sorted order, so it's enough to check if the condition # that timebins[i]==timebins[i+1] and self._neuron_index[i]==self._neuron_index[i+1] # is ever both true if (np.logical_and(np.diff(timebins)==0, np.diff(self._neuron_index)==0)).any(): raise ValueError('Using a dt of %s, some neurons of ' 'SpikeGeneratorGroup "%s" spike more than ' 'once during a time step.' % (str(self.dt), self._previous_dt = dt self._spikes_changed = False super(SpikeGeneratorGroup, self).before_run(run_namespace=run_namespace)
@check_units(indices=1, times=second, period=second) def set_spikes(self, indices, times, period=1e100*second, sorted=False): ''' set_spikes(indices, times, period=1e100*second, sorted=False) Change the spikes that this group will generate. This can be used to set the input for a second run of a model based on the output of a first run (if the input for the second run is already known before the first run, then all the information should simply be included in the initial `SpikeGeneratorGroup` initializer call, instead). Parameters ---------- indices : array of integers The indices of the spiking cells times : `Quantity` The spike times for the cells given in ``indices``. Has to have the same length as ``indices``. period : `Quantity`, optional If this is specified, it will repeat spikes with this period. sorted : bool, optional Whether the given indices and times are already sorted. Set to ``True`` if your events are already sorted (first by spike time, then by index), this can save significant time at construction if your arrays contain large numbers of spikes. Defaults to ``False``. ''' indices, times = self._check_args(indices, times, period, self.N, sorted) self.variables['period'].set_value(period) self.variables['neuron_index'].resize(len(indices)) self.variables['spike_time'].resize(len(indices)) self.variables['spike_number'].resize(len(indices)) self.variables['spike_number'].set_value(np.arange(len(indices))) self.variables['neuron_index'].set_value(indices) self.variables['spike_time'].set_value(times) self.variables['_lastindex'].set_value(0) def _check_args(self, indices, times, period, N, sorted): times = Quantity(times) if len(indices) != len(times): raise ValueError(('Length of the indices and times array must ' 'match, but %d != %d') % (len(indices), len(times))) if period < 0*second: raise ValueError('The period cannot be negative.') elif len(times) and period <= np.max(times): raise ValueError('The period has to be greater than the maximum of ' 'the spike times') if len(times) and np.min(times) < 0*second: raise ValueError('Spike times cannot be negative') if len(indices) and (np.min(indices) < 0 or np.max(indices) >= N): raise ValueError('Indices have to lie in the interval [0, %d[' % N) times = np.asarray(times) indices = np.asarray(indices) if not sorted: # sort times and indices first by time, then by indices I = np.lexsort((indices, times)) indices = indices[I] times = times[I] # We store the indices and times also directly in the Python object, # this way we can use them for checks in `before_run` even in standalone # TODO: Remove this when the checks in `before_run` have been moved to the template self._neuron_index = indices self._spike_time = times #: "Dirty flag" that will be set when spikes are changed after the #: `before_run` check self._spikes_changed = True return indices, times @property def spikes(self): ''' The spikes returned by the most recent thresholding operation. ''' # Note that we have to directly access the ArrayVariable object here # instead of using the Group mechanism by accessing self._spikespace # Using the latter would cut _spikespace to the length of the group spikespace = self.variables['_spikespace'].get_value() return spikespace[:spikespace[-1]] def __repr__(self): return ('{cls}({N}, indices=<length {l} array>, ' 'times=<length {l} array>').format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, N=self.N, l=self.variables['neuron_index'].size)