Source code for brian2.codegen.runtime.GSLweave_rt.GSLweave_rt

Module containing the Weave CodeObject for code generation for integration using the ODE solver provided in the
GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
import sys

    from scipy.weave.build_tools import CompileError
except ImportError:
        from weave.build_tools import CompileError
    except ImportError:
        CompileError = None  # weave is not available

from brian2.core.preferences import prefs

from ..weave_rt import WeaveCodeObject
from ...generators.GSL_generator import GSLWeaveCodeGenerator
from ..weave_rt import WeaveCodeGenerator

__all__ = ['GSLWeaveCodeObject']

[docs]class GSLCompileError(Exception): pass
[docs]class GSLWeaveCodeObject(WeaveCodeObject): templater = WeaveCodeObject.templater.derive('brian2.codegen.runtime.GSLweave_rt') original_generator_class = WeaveCodeGenerator generator_class = GSLWeaveCodeGenerator
[docs] def run(self): if CompileError is None: raise ImportError('weave is not available') self.libraries += ['gsl', 'gslcblas'] self.headers += ['<stdio.h>', '<stdlib.h>', '<gsl/gsl_odeiv2.h>', '<gsl/gsl_errno.h>','<gsl/gsl_matrix.h>'] if sys.platform == 'win32': self.define_macros += [('WIN32', '1'), ('GSL_DLL', '1')] if is not None: self.include_dirs += [] try: super(GSLWeaveCodeObject, self).run() except CompileError as err: raise GSLCompileError(("\nCompilation of files generated for integration with GSL has failed." "\nOne cause for this could be incorrect installation of GSL itself." "\nIf GSL is installed but Python cannot find the correct files, it is " "also possible to give the gsl directory manually by specifying " " = ..."))