Source code for brian2.input.timedarray

Implementation of `TimedArray`.

import numpy as np

from brian2.core.clocks import defaultclock
from brian2.core.functions import Function
from brian2.units.allunits import second
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import check_units, get_dimensions, Quantity, \
from brian2.core.names import Nameable
from brian2.utils.caching import CacheKey
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger
from brian2.utils.stringtools import replace

__all__ = ['TimedArray']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def _find_K(group_dt, dt):
    dt_ratio = dt / group_dt
    if dt_ratio > 1 and np.floor(dt_ratio) != dt_ratio:
        logger.warn(('Group uses a dt of %s while TimedArray uses dt '
                     'of %s') % (group_dt*second, dt*second), once=True)
    # Find an upsampling factor that should avoid rounding issues even
    # for multistep methods
    K = max(int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(8/group_dt*dt))), 1)
    return K

[docs]class TimedArray(Function, Nameable, CacheKey): ''' TimedArray(values, dt, name=None) A function of time built from an array of values. The returned object can be used as a function, including in model equations etc. The resulting function has to be called as `funcion_name(t)` if the provided value array is one-dimensional and as `function_name(t, i)` if it is two-dimensional. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray or `Quantity` An array of values providing the values at various points in time. This array can either be one- or two-dimensional. If it is two-dimensional it's first dimension should be the time. dt : `Quantity` The time distance between values in the `values` array. name : str, optional A unique name for this object, see `Nameable` for details. Defaults to ``'_timedarray*'``. Notes ----- For time values corresponding to elements outside of the range of `values` provided, the first respectively last element is returned. Examples -------- >>> from brian2 import * >>> ta = TimedArray([1, 2, 3, 4] * mV, dt=0.1*ms) >>> print(ta(0.3*ms)) 4. mV >>> G = NeuronGroup(1, 'v = ta(t) : volt') >>> mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True) >>> net = Network(G, mon) >>>*ms) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... >>> print(mon[0].v) [ 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.] mV >>> ta2d = TimedArray([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]*mV, dt=0.1*ms) >>> G = NeuronGroup(4, 'v = ta2d(t, i%2) : volt') >>> mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True) >>> net = Network(G, mon) >>>*ms) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... >>> print mon.v[:] [[ 1. 3.] [ 2. 4.] [ 1. 3.] [ 2. 4.]] mV ''' _cache_irrelevant_attributes = {'_id', 'values', 'pyfunc', 'implementations'} @check_units(dt=second) def __init__(self, values, dt, name=None): if name is None: name = '_timedarray*' Nameable.__init__(self, name) dimensions = get_dimensions(values) self.dim = dimensions values = np.asarray(values, dtype=np.double) self.values = values dt = float(dt) self.dt = dt if values.ndim == 1: self._init_1d() elif values.ndim == 2: self._init_2d() else: raise NotImplementedError(('Only 1d and 2d arrays are supported ' 'for TimedArray')) def _init_1d(self): dimensions = self.dim unit = get_unit(dimensions) values = self.values dt = self.dt # Python implementation (with units), used when calling the TimedArray # directly, outside of a simulation @check_units(t=second, result=unit) def timed_array_func(t): # We round according to the current defaultclock.dt K = _find_K(float(defaultclock.dt), dt) epsilon = dt / K i = np.clip(np.int_(np.round(np.asarray(t/epsilon)) / K), 0, len(values)-1) return Quantity(values[i], dim=dimensions) Function.__init__(self, pyfunc=timed_array_func) # we use dynamic implementations because we want to do upsampling # in a way that avoids rounding problems with the group's dt def create_numpy_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) n_values = len(values) epsilon = dt / K def unitless_timed_array_func(t): timestep = np.clip(np.int_(np.round(t/epsilon) / K), 0, n_values-1) return values[timestep] unitless_timed_array_func._arg_units = [second] unitless_timed_array_func._return_unit = unit return unitless_timed_array_func self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('numpy', create_numpy_implementation) def create_cpp_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) support_code = ''' static inline double %NAME%(const double t) { const double epsilon = %DT% / %K%; int i = (int)((t/epsilon + 0.5)/%K%); if(i < 0) i = 0; if(i >= %NUM_VALUES%) i = %NUM_VALUES%-1; return _namespace%NAME%_values[i]; } '''.replace('%NAME%','%DT%', '%.18f' % dt).replace('%K%', str(K)).replace('%NUM_VALUES%', str(len(self.values))) cpp_code = {'support_code': support_code} return cpp_code def create_cpp_namespace(owner): return {'%s_values' % self.values} self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('cpp', code=create_cpp_implementation, namespace=create_cpp_namespace, def create_cython_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) code = ''' cdef double %NAME%(const double t): global _namespace%NAME%_values cdef double epsilon = %DT% / %K% cdef int i = (int)((t/epsilon + 0.5)/%K%) if i < 0: i = 0 if i >= %NUM_VALUES%: i = %NUM_VALUES% - 1 return _namespace%NAME%_values[i] '''.replace('%NAME%','%DT%', '%.18f' % dt).replace('%K%', str(K)).replace('%NUM_VALUES%', str(len(self.values))) return code def create_cython_namespace(owner): return {'%s_values' % self.values} self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('cython', code=create_cython_implementation, namespace=create_cython_namespace, def _init_2d(self): dimensions = self.dim unit = get_unit(dimensions) values = self.values dt = self.dt # Python implementation (with units), used when calling the TimedArray # directly, outside of a simulation @check_units(i=1, t=second, result=unit) def timed_array_func(t, i): # We round according to the current defaultclock.dt K = _find_K(float(defaultclock.dt), dt) epsilon = dt / K time_step = np.clip(np.int_(np.round(np.asarray(t/epsilon)) / K), 0, len(values)-1) return Quantity(values[time_step, i], dim=dimensions) Function.__init__(self, pyfunc=timed_array_func) # we use dynamic implementations because we want to do upsampling # in a way that avoids rounding problems with the group's dt def create_numpy_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) n_values = len(values) epsilon = dt / K def unitless_timed_array_func(t, i): timestep = np.clip(np.int_(np.round(t/epsilon) / K), 0, n_values-1) return values[timestep, i] unitless_timed_array_func._arg_units = [second] unitless_timed_array_func._return_unit = unit return unitless_timed_array_func self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('numpy', create_numpy_implementation) def create_cpp_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) support_code = ''' static inline double %NAME%(const double t, const int i) { const double epsilon = %DT% / %K%; if (i < 0 || i >= %COLS%) return NAN; int timestep = (int)((t/epsilon + 0.5)/%K%); if(timestep < 0) timestep = 0; else if(timestep >= %ROWS%) timestep = %ROWS%-1; return _namespace%NAME%_values[timestep*%COLS% + i]; } ''' support_code = replace(support_code, {'%NAME%':, '%DT%': '%.18f' % dt, '%K%': str(K), '%COLS%': str(self.values.shape[1]), '%ROWS%': str(self.values.shape[0])}) cpp_code = {'support_code': support_code} return cpp_code def create_cpp_namespace(owner): return {'%s_values' % self.values.astype(np.double, order='C', copy=False).ravel()} self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('cpp', code=create_cpp_implementation, namespace=create_cpp_namespace, def create_cython_implementation(owner): group_dt = owner.clock.dt_ K = _find_K(group_dt, dt) code = ''' cdef double %NAME%(const double t, const int i): global _namespace%NAME%_values cdef double epsilon = %DT% / %K% if i < 0 or i >= %COLS%: return _numpy.nan cdef int timestep = (int)((t/epsilon + 0.5)/%K%) if timestep < 0: timestep = 0 elif timestep >= %ROWS%: timestep = %ROWS%-1 return _namespace%NAME%_values[timestep*%COLS% + i] ''' code = replace(code, {'%NAME%':, '%DT%': '%.18f' % dt, '%K%': str(K), '%COLS%': str(self.values.shape[1]), '%ROWS%': str(self.values.shape[0])}) return code def create_cython_namespace(owner): return {'%s_values' % self.values.astype(np.double, order='C', copy=False).ravel()} self.implementations.add_dynamic_implementation('cython', code=create_cython_implementation, namespace=create_cython_namespace,
[docs] def is_locally_constant(self, dt): if dt > self.dt: return False dt_ratio = self.dt / float(dt) if np.floor(dt_ratio) != dt_ratio:"dt of the TimedArray is not an integer multiple of " "the group's dt, the TimedArray's return value can " "therefore not be considered constant over one " "timestep, making linear integration impossible."), once=True) return False return True