Source code for brian2.core.core_preferences

Definitions, documentation, default values and validation functions for core
Brian preferences.
from numpy import float64, int32

from brian2.core.preferences import BrianPreference, prefs

[docs]def dtype_repr(dtype): return dtype.__name__
[docs]def default_float_dtype_validator(dtype): return dtype is float64
prefs.register_preferences('core', 'Core Brian preferences', default_float_dtype=BrianPreference( default=float64, docs=''' Default dtype for all arrays of scalars (state variables, weights, etc.). Currently, this is not supported (only float64 can be used). ''', representor=dtype_repr, validator=default_float_dtype_validator, ), default_integer_dtype=BrianPreference( default=int32, docs=''' Default dtype for all arrays of integer scalars. ''', representor=dtype_repr, ), outdated_dependency_error=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether to raise an error for outdated dependencies (``True``) or just a warning (``False``). ''' ) ) prefs.register_preferences('legacy', 'Preferences to enable legacy behaviour', refractory_timing=BrianPreference( default=False, docs=''' Whether to use the semantics for checking the refractoriness condition that were in place up until (including) version 2.1.2. In that implementation, refractory periods that were multiples of dt could lead to a varying number of refractory timesteps due to the nature of floating point comparisons). This preference is only provided for exact reproducibility of previously obtained results, new simulations should use the improved mechanism which uses a more robust mechanism to convert refractoriness into timesteps. Defaults to ``False``. ''') )