Source code for brian2.utils.topsort

from copy import copy

__all__ = ['topsort']

[docs]def topsort(graph): ''' Topologically sort a graph The graph should be of the form ``{node: [list of nodes], ...}``. ''' # make a copy so as not to destroy original graph = dict((k, copy(v)) for k, v in graph.iteritems()) # Use the standard algorithm for topological sorting: # # List that will contain the sorted elements sorted_items = [] # set of all nodes with no incoming edges: no_incoming = set([node for node, edges in graph.iteritems() if len(edges)==0]) while len(no_incoming): n = no_incoming.pop() sorted_items.append(n) # find nodes m with edges to n outgoing = [m for m, edges in graph.iteritems() if n in edges] for m in outgoing: graph[m].remove(n) if len(graph[m])==0: # no other dependencies no_incoming.add(m) if any([len(edges) > 0 for edges in graph.itervalues()]): raise ValueError('Cannot topologically sort cyclic graph.') return sorted_items
if __name__=='__main__': graph = { 'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['c'], 'c': [], } print topsort(graph)