Source code for brian2.utils.logger

Brian's logging module.

.. document_brian_prefs:: logging
import atexit
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from warnings import warn

import numpy
    import scipy
except ImportError:
    scipy = None
    import scipy.weave as weave
except ImportError:
        import weave
    except ImportError:
        weave = None
import sympy

import brian2
from brian2.core.preferences import prefs, BrianPreference

from .environment import running_from_ipython

__all__ = ['get_logger', 'BrianLogger', 'std_silent']

# Logging preferences

[docs]def log_level_validator(log_level): log_levels = ('CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'DIAGNOSTIC') return log_level.upper() in log_levels
#: Our new log level for more detailed debug output (mostly useful for debugging #: Brian itself, not for user scripts) DIAGNOSTIC = 5 #: Translation from string representation to number LOG_LEVELS = {'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'DIAGNOSTIC': DIAGNOSTIC} logging.addLevelName(DIAGNOSTIC, 'DIAGNOSTIC') prefs.register_preferences('logging', 'Logging system preferences', delete_log_on_exit=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether to delete the log and script file on exit. If set to ``True`` (the default), log files (and the copy of the main script) will be deleted after the brian process has exited, unless an uncaught exception occured. If set to ``False``, all log files will be kept. ''', ), file_log_level=BrianPreference( default='DIAGNOSTIC', docs=''' What log level to use for the log written to the log file. In case file logging is activated (see `logging.file_log`), which log level should be used for logging. Has to be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or DIAGNOSTIC. ''', validator=log_level_validator), console_log_level=BrianPreference( default='INFO', docs=''' What log level to use for the log written to the console. Has to be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or DIAGNOSTIC. ''', validator=log_level_validator), file_log=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether to log to a file or not. If set to ``True`` (the default), logging information will be written to a file. The log level can be set via the `logging.file_log_level` preference. '''), save_script=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether to save a copy of the script that is run. If set to ``True`` (the default), a copy of the currently run script is saved to a temporary location. It is deleted after a successful run (unless `logging.delete_log_on_exit` is ``False``) but is kept after an uncaught exception occured. This can be helpful for debugging, in particular when several simulations are running in parallel. '''), std_redirection=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether or not to redirect stdout/stderr to null at certain places. This silences a lot of annoying compiler output, but will also hide error messages making it harder to debug problems. You can always temporarily switch it off when debugging. If `logging.std_redirection_to_file` is set to ``True`` as well, then the output is saved to a file and if an error occurs the name of this file will be printed. ''' ), std_redirection_to_file=BrianPreference( default=True, docs=''' Whether to redirect stdout/stderr to a file. If both ``logging.std_redirection`` and this preference are set to ``True``, all standard output/error (most importantly output from the compiler) will be stored in files and if an error occurs the name of this file will be printed. If `logging.std_redirection` is ``True`` and this preference is ``False``, then all standard output/error will be completely suppressed, i.e. neither be displayed nor stored in a file. The value of this preference is ignore if `logging.std_redirection` is set to ``False``. ''' ), ) #=============================================================================== # Initial setup #=============================================================================== def _encode(text): ''' Small helper function to encode unicode strings as UTF-8. ''' return text.encode('UTF-8') UNHANDLED_ERROR_MESSAGE = ('Brian 2 encountered an unexpected error. ' 'If you think this is bug in Brian 2, please report this issue either to the ' 'mailing list at <>, ' 'or to the issue tracker at <>.')
[docs]def brian_excepthook(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb): ''' Display a message mentioning the debug log in case of an uncaught exception. ''' # Do not catch Ctrl+C if exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt: return BrianLogger.exception_occured = True message = UNHANDLED_ERROR_MESSAGE if BrianLogger.tmp_log is not None: message += (' Please include this file with debug information in your ' 'report: {} ').format(BrianLogger.tmp_log) if BrianLogger.tmp_script is not None: message += (' Additionally, you can also include a copy ' 'of the script that was run, available ' 'at: {}').format(BrianLogger.tmp_script) if hasattr(std_silent, 'dest_fname_stdout'): message += (' You can also include a copy of the ' 'redirected std stream outputs, available at ' '{stdout} and {stderr}').format( stdout=std_silent.dest_fname_stdout, stderr=std_silent.dest_fname_stderr) message += ' Thanks!' # very important :) logging.getLogger('brian2').error(message, exc_info=(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb))
[docs]def clean_up_logging(): ''' Shutdown the logging system and delete the debug log file if no error occured. ''' logging.shutdown() if not BrianLogger.exception_occured and prefs['logging.delete_log_on_exit']: if BrianLogger.tmp_log is not None: try: os.remove(BrianLogger.tmp_log) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: warn('Could not delete log file: %s' % exc) if BrianLogger.tmp_script is not None: try: os.remove(BrianLogger.tmp_script) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: warn('Could not delete copy of script file: %s' % exc) std_silent.close()
[docs]class HierarchyFilter(object): ''' A class for suppressing all log messages in a subtree of the name hierarchy. Does exactly the opposite as the `logging.Filter` class, which allows messages in a certain name hierarchy to *pass*. Parameters ---------- name : str The name hiearchy to suppress. See `BrianLogger.suppress_hierarchy` for details. ''' def __init__(self, name): self.orig_filter = logging.Filter(name)
[docs] def filter(self, record): ''' Filter out all messages in a subtree of the name hierarchy. ''' # do the opposite of what the standard filter class would do return not self.orig_filter.filter(record)
[docs]class NameFilter(object): ''' A class for suppressing log messages ending with a certain name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to suppress. See `BrianLogger.suppress_name` for details. ''' def __init__(self, name): = name
[docs] def filter(self, record): ''' Filter out all messages ending with a certain name. ''' # The last part of the name record_name ='.')[-1] return != record_name
[docs]class BrianLogger(object): ''' Convenience object for logging. Call `get_logger` to get an instance of this class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name used for logging, normally the name of the module. ''' #: Class attribute to remember whether any exception occured exception_occured = False #: Class attribute for remembering log messages that should only be #: displayed once _log_messages = set() #: The name of the temporary log file (by default deleted after the run if #: no exception occurred), if any tmp_log = None #: The `logging.FileHandler` responsible for logging to the temporary log #: file file_handler = None #: The name of the temporary copy of the main script file (by default #: deleted after the run if no exception occurred), if any tmp_script = None def __init__(self, name): = name def _log(self, log_level, msg, name_suffix, once): ''' Log an entry. Parameters ---------- log_level : {'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'} The level with which to log the message. msg : str The log message. name_suffix : str A suffix that will be added to the logger name. once : bool Whether to suppress identical messages if they are logged again. ''' name = if name_suffix: name += '.' + name_suffix if once: # Check whether this exact message has already been displayed log_tuple = (name, log_level, msg) if log_tuple in BrianLogger._log_messages: return else: BrianLogger._log_messages.add(log_tuple) the_logger = logging.getLogger(name) the_logger.log(LOG_LEVELS[log_level], msg)
[docs] def diagnostic(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): ''' Log a diagnostic message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. ''' self._log('DIAGNOSTIC', msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def debug(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): ''' Log a debug message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. ''' self._log('DEBUG', msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def info(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): ''' Log an info message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. ''' self._log('INFO', msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def warn(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): ''' Log a warn message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. ''' self._log('WARNING', msg, name_suffix, once)
[docs] def error(self, msg, name_suffix=None, once=False): ''' Log an error message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to log. name_suffix : str, optional A suffix to add to the name, e.g. a class or function name. once : bool, optional Whether this message should be logged only once and not repeated if sent another time. ''' self._log('ERROR', msg, name_suffix, once)
@staticmethod def _suppress(filterobj, filter_log_file): ''' Apply a filter object to log messages. Parameters ---------- filterobj : `logging.Filter` A filter object to apply to log messages. filter_log_file : bool Whether the filter also applies to log messages in the log file. ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.addFilter(filterobj) if filter_log_file: BrianLogger.file_handler.addFilter(filterobj)
[docs] @staticmethod def suppress_hierarchy(name, filter_log_file=False): ''' Suppress all log messages in a given hiearchy. Parameters ---------- name : str Suppress all log messages in the given `name` hierarchy. For example, specifying ``'brian2'`` suppresses all messages logged by Brian, specifying ``'brian2.codegen'`` suppresses all messages generated by the code generation modules. filter_log_file : bool, optional Whether to suppress the messages also in the log file. Defaults to ``False`` meaning that suppressed messages are not displayed on the console but are still saved to the log file. ''' suppress_filter = HierarchyFilter(name) BrianLogger._suppress(suppress_filter, filter_log_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def suppress_name(name, filter_log_file=False): ''' Suppress all log messages with a given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Suppress all log messages ending in the given `name`. For example, specifying ``'resolution_conflict'`` would suppress messages with names such as ``brian2.equations.codestrings.CodeString.resolution_conflict`` or ``brian2.equations.equations.Equations.resolution_conflict``. filter_log_file : bool, optional Whether to suppress the messages also in the log file. Defaults to ``False`` meaning that suppressed messages are not displayed on the console but are still saved to the log file. ''' suppress_filter = NameFilter(name) BrianLogger._suppress(suppress_filter, filter_log_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_diagnostic(): ''' Set the log level to "diagnostic". ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(DIAGNOSTIC)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_debug(): ''' Set the log level to "debug". ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_info(): ''' Set the log level to "info". ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_warn(): ''' Set the log level to "warn". ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.WARN)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_level_error(): ''' Set the log level to "error". ''' BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(): ''' Initialize Brian's logging system. This function will be called automatically when Brian is imported. ''' # get the main logger logger = logging.getLogger('brian2') logger.propagate = False logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS['DIAGNOSTIC']) # Log to a file if prefs['logging.file_log']: try: # Temporary filename used for logging BrianLogger.tmp_log = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='brian_debug_', suffix='.log', delete=False) BrianLogger.tmp_log = BrianLogger.file_handler = logging.FileHandler(BrianLogger.tmp_log, mode='wt') BrianLogger.file_handler.setLevel( LOG_LEVELS[prefs['logging.file_log_level'].upper()]) BrianLogger.file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-10s %(name)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) except IOError as ex: warn('Could not create log file: %s' % ex) # Save a copy of the script BrianLogger.tmp_script = None if prefs['logging.save_script']: if (len(sys.argv[0]) and not running_from_ipython() and os.path.isfile(sys.argv[0])): try: tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='brian_script_', suffix='.py', delete=False) with tmp_file: # Timestamp tmp_file.write(_encode(u'# %s\n' % time.asctime())) # Command line arguments tmp_file.write( _encode(u'# Run as: %s\n\n' % (' '.join(sys.argv)))) # The actual script file # TODO: We are copying the script file as it is, this might clash # with the encoding we used for the comments added above with open(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), 'rb') as script_file: shutil.copyfileobj(script_file, tmp_file) BrianLogger.tmp_script = except IOError as ex: warn( 'Could not copy script file to temp directory: %s' % ex) # create console handler with a higher log level BrianLogger.console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() BrianLogger.console_handler.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[prefs['logging.console_log_level']]) BrianLogger.console_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-10s %(message)s [%(name)s]')) # add the handler to the logger logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) # We want to log all warnings logging.captureWarnings(True) # pylint: disable=E1101 # Manually connect to the warnings logger so that the warnings end up in # the log file. Note that connecting to the console handler here means # duplicated warning messages in the ipython notebook, but not doing so # would mean that they are not displayed at all in the standard ipython # interface... warn_logger = logging.getLogger('py.warnings') warn_logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.console_handler) if BrianLogger.file_handler is not None: warn_logger.addHandler(BrianLogger.file_handler) # Put some standard info into the log file logger.log(DIAGNOSTIC, 'Logging to file: %s, copy of main script saved as: %s' % (BrianLogger.tmp_log, BrianLogger.tmp_script)) logger.log(DIAGNOSTIC, 'Python interpreter: %s' % sys.executable) logger.log(DIAGNOSTIC, 'Platform: %s' % sys.platform) version_infos = {'brian': brian2.__version__, 'numpy': numpy.__version__, 'scipy': scipy.__version__ if scipy else 'not installed', 'weave': weave.__version__ if weave else 'not installed', 'sympy': sympy.__version__, 'python': sys.version, } for _name, _version in version_infos.iteritems(): logger.log(DIAGNOSTIC, '{name} version is: {version}'.format(name=_name, version=str( _version))) # Handle uncaught exceptions sys.excepthook = brian_excepthook
[docs]def get_logger(module_name='brian2'): ''' Get an object that can be used for logging. Parameters ---------- module_name : str The name used for logging, should normally be the module name as returned by ``__name__``. Returns ------- logger : `BrianLogger` ''' return BrianLogger(module_name)
[docs]class catch_logs(object): ''' A context manager for catching log messages. Use this for testing the messages that are logged. Defaults to catching warning/error messages and this is probably the only real use case for testing. Note that while this context manager is active, *all* log messages are suppressed. Using this context manager returns a list of (log level, name, message) tuples. Parameters ---------- log_level : int or str, optional The log level above which messages are caught. Examples -------- >>> logger = get_logger('brian2.logtest') >>> logger.warn('An uncaught warning') # doctest: +SKIP WARNING brian2.logtest: An uncaught warning >>> with catch_logs() as l: ... logger.warn('a caught warning') ... print('l contains: %s' % l) ... l contains: [('WARNING', 'brian2.logtest', 'a caught warning')] ''' _entered = False def __init__(self, log_level=logging.WARN): self.log_list = [] self.handler = LogCapture(self.log_list, log_level) self._entered = False def __enter__(self): if self._entered: raise RuntimeError('Cannot enter %r twice' % self) self._entered = True return self.log_list def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if not self._entered: raise RuntimeError('Cannot exit %r without entering first' % self) self.handler.uninstall()
[docs]class LogCapture(logging.Handler): ''' A class for capturing log warnings. This class is used by `~brian2.utils.logger.catch_logs` to allow testing in a similar way as with `warnings.catch_warnings`. ''' captured_loggers = ['brian2', 'py.warnings'] def __init__(self, log_list, log_level=logging.WARN): logging.Handler.__init__(self, level=log_level) self.log_list = log_list # make a copy of the previous handlers self.handlers = {} for logger_name in LogCapture.captured_loggers: self.handlers[logger_name] = list(logging.getLogger(logger_name).handlers) self.install()
[docs] def emit(self, record): # Append a tuple consisting of (level, name, msg) to the list of # warnings self.log_list.append((record.levelname,, record.msg))
[docs] def install(self): ''' Install this handler to catch all warnings. Temporarily disconnect all other handlers. ''' for logger_name in LogCapture.captured_loggers: the_logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) for handler in self.handlers[logger_name]: the_logger.removeHandler(handler) the_logger.addHandler(self)
[docs] def uninstall(self): ''' Uninstall this handler and re-connect the previously installed handlers. ''' for logger_name in LogCapture.captured_loggers: the_logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) for handler in self.handlers[logger_name]: the_logger.addHandler(handler)
# See # for an explanation of how this function works. Note that 1 and 2 are the file # numbers for stdout and stderr
[docs]class std_silent(object): ''' Context manager that temporarily silences stdout and stderr but keeps the output saved in a temporary file and writes it if an exception is raised. ''' dest_stdout = None dest_stderr = None def __init__(self, alwaysprint=False): self.alwaysprint = alwaysprint or not prefs['logging.std_redirection'] self.redirect_to_file = prefs['logging.std_redirection_to_file'] if (not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file and std_silent.dest_stdout is None): std_silent.dest_fname_stdout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='brian_stdout_', suffix='.log', delete=False).name std_silent.dest_fname_stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='brian_stderr_', suffix='.log', delete=False).name std_silent.dest_stdout = open(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout, 'w') std_silent.dest_stderr = open(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr, 'w') def __enter__(self): if not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self.orig_out_fd = os.dup(1) self.orig_err_fd = os.dup(2) os.dup2(std_silent.dest_stdout.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(std_silent.dest_stderr.fileno(), 2) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.alwaysprint and self.redirect_to_file: std_silent.dest_stdout.flush() std_silent.dest_stderr.flush() if exc_type is not None: with open(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout, 'r') as f: out = with open(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr, 'r') as f: err = os.dup2(self.orig_out_fd, 1) os.dup2(self.orig_err_fd, 2) os.close(self.orig_out_fd) os.close(self.orig_err_fd) if exc_type is not None: sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err)
[docs] @classmethod def close(cls): if std_silent.dest_stdout is not None: std_silent.dest_stdout.close() if prefs['logging.delete_log_on_exit']: try: os.remove(std_silent.dest_fname_stdout) except (IOError, OSError): # TODO: this happens quite frequently - why? # The file objects are closed as far as Python is concerned, # but maybe Windows is still hanging on to them? pass if std_silent.dest_stderr is not None: std_silent.dest_stderr.close() if prefs['logging.delete_log_on_exit']: try: os.remove(std_silent.dest_fname_stderr) except (IOError, OSError): pass