Source code for brian2.spatialneuron.spatialneuron

Compartmental models.
This module defines the SpatialNeuron class, which defines multicompartmental models.
import weakref
import copy

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np

from brian2.core.variables import Variables
from brian2.equations.equations import (Equations, PARAMETER, SUBEXPRESSION,
                                        DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, SingleEquation,
from import Group, CodeRunner, create_runner_codeobj
from brian2.units.allunits import ohm, siemens, amp, meter, volt
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import Quantity, Unit, fail_for_dimension_mismatch, have_same_dimensions, DimensionMismatchError
from brian2.units.stdunits import uF, cm
from brian2.parsing.sympytools import sympy_to_str, str_to_sympy
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger
from brian2.groups.neurongroup import NeuronGroup, SubexpressionUpdater
from brian2.groups.subgroup import Subgroup
from brian2.equations.codestrings import Expression

__all__ = ['SpatialNeuron']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class FlatMorphology(object): ''' Container object to store the flattened representation of a morphology. Note that all values are stored as numpy arrays without unit information (i.e. in base units). ''' def __init__(self, morphology): self.n = n = morphology.total_compartments # Total number of compartments # Per-compartment attributes self.length = np.zeros(n) self.distance = np.zeros(n) self.area = np.zeros(n) self.diameter = np.zeros(n) self.volume = np.zeros(n) self.r_length_1 = np.zeros(n) self.r_length_2 = np.zeros(n) self.start_x = np.zeros(n) self.start_y = np.zeros(n) self.start_z = np.zeros(n) self.x = np.zeros(n) self.y = np.zeros(n) self.z = np.zeros(n) self.end_x = np.zeros(n) self.end_y = np.zeros(n) self.end_z = np.zeros(n) self.depth = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32) self.sections = sections = morphology.total_sections self.end_distance = np.zeros(sections) # Index of the parent for each section (-1 for the root) self.morph_parent_i = np.zeros(sections, dtype=np.int32) # The children indices for each section (list of lists, will be later # transformed into an array representation) self.morph_children = [] # each section is child of exactly one parent, this stores the index in # the parents list of children self.morph_idxchild = np.zeros(sections, dtype=np.int32) self.starts = np.zeros(sections, dtype=np.int32) self.ends = np.zeros(sections, dtype=np.int32) # recursively fill the data structures self._sections_without_coordinates = False self.has_coordinates = False self._offset = 0 self._section_counter = 0 self._insert_data(morphology) if self.has_coordinates and self._sections_without_coordinates:'The morphology has a mix of sections with and ' 'without coordinates. The SpatialNeuron object ' 'will store NaN values for the coordinates of ' 'the sections that do not specify coordinates. ' 'Call generate_coordinates on the morphology ' 'before creating the SpatialNeuron object to fill ' 'in the missing coordinates.') # Do not store coordinates for morphologies that don't define them if not self.has_coordinates: self.start_x = self.start_y = self.start_z = None self.x = self.y = self.z = None self.end_x = self.end_y = self.end_z = None # Transform the list of list of children into a 2D array (stored as # 1D) -- note that this wastes space if the number of children per # section is very different. In practice, this should not be much of a # problem since most sections have 0, 1, or 2 children (e.g. SWC files # on are all binary trees) self.morph_children_num = np.array([len(c) for c in self.morph_children] + [0]) max_children = max(self.morph_children_num) morph_children = np.zeros((sections+1, max_children), dtype=np.int32) for idx, section_children in enumerate(self.morph_children): morph_children[idx, :len(section_children)] = section_children self.morph_children = morph_children.reshape(-1) def _insert_data(self, section, parent_idx=-1, depth=0): n = section.n start = self._offset end = self._offset + n # Compartment attributes self.depth[start:end] = depth self.length[start:end] = np.asarray(section.length) self.distance[start:end] = np.asarray(section.distance) self.area[start:end] = np.asarray(section.area) self.diameter[start:end] = np.asarray(section.diameter) self.volume[start:end] = np.asarray(section.volume) self.r_length_1[start:end] = np.asarray(section.r_length_1) self.r_length_2[start:end] = np.asarray(section.r_length_2) if section.x is None: self._sections_without_coordinates = True self.start_x[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.start_y[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.start_z[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.x[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.y[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.z[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.end_x[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.end_y[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan self.end_z[start:end] = np.ones(n)*np.nan else: self.has_coordinates = True self.start_x[start:end] = np.asarray(section.start_x) self.start_y[start:end] = np.asarray(section.start_y) self.start_z[start:end] = np.asarray(section.start_z) self.x[start:end] = np.asarray(section.x) self.y[start:end] = np.asarray(section.y) self.z[start:end] = np.asarray(section.z) self.end_x[start:end] = np.asarray(section.end_x) self.end_y[start:end] = np.asarray(section.end_y) self.end_z[start:end] = np.asarray(section.end_z) # Section attributes idx = self._section_counter # We start counting from 1 for the parent indices, since the index 0 # is used for the (virtual) root compartment self.morph_parent_i[idx] = parent_idx + 1 self.morph_children.append([]) self.starts[idx] = start self.ends[idx] = end # Append ourselves to the children list of our parent self.morph_idxchild[idx] = len(self.morph_children[parent_idx+1]) self.morph_children[parent_idx + 1].append(idx + 1) self.end_distance[idx] = section.end_distance # Recurse down the tree self._offset += n self._section_counter += 1 for child in section.children: self._insert_data(child, parent_idx=idx, depth=depth+1)
[docs]class SpatialNeuron(NeuronGroup): ''' A single neuron with a morphology and possibly many compartments. Parameters ---------- morphology : `Morphology` The morphology of the neuron. model : (str, `Equations`) The equations defining the group. method : (str, function), optional The numerical integration method. Either a string with the name of a registered method (e.g. "euler") or a function that receives an `Equations` object and returns the corresponding abstract code. If no method is specified, a suitable method will be chosen automatically. threshold : str, optional The condition which produces spikes. Should be a single line boolean expression. threshold_location : (int, `Morphology`), optional Compartment where the threshold condition applies, specified as an integer (compartment index) or a `Morphology` object corresponding to the compartment (e.g. ``morpho.axon[10*um]``). If unspecified, the threshold condition applies at all compartments. Cm : `Quantity`, optional Specific capacitance in uF/cm**2 (default 0.9). It can be accessed and modified later as a state variable. In particular, its value can differ in different compartments. Ri : `Quantity`, optional Intracellular resistivity in (default 150). It can be accessed as a shared state variable, but modified only before the first run. It is uniform across the neuron. reset : str, optional The (possibly multi-line) string with the code to execute on reset. events : dict, optional User-defined events in addition to the "spike" event defined by the ``threshold``. Has to be a mapping of strings (the event name) to strings (the condition) that will be checked. refractory : {str, `Quantity`}, optional Either the length of the refractory period (e.g. ``2*ms``), a string expression that evaluates to the length of the refractory period after each spike (e.g. ``'(1 + rand())*ms'``), or a string expression evaluating to a boolean value, given the condition under which the neuron stays refractory after a spike (e.g. ``'v > -20*mV'``) namespace : dict, optional A dictionary mapping variable/function names to the respective objects. If no `namespace` is given, the "implicit" namespace, consisting of the local and global namespace surrounding the creation of the class, is used. dtype : (`dtype`, `dict`), optional The `numpy.dtype` that will be used to store the values, or a dictionary specifying the type for variable names. If a value is not provided for a variable (or no value is provided at all), the preference setting `core.default_float_dtype` is used. dt : `Quantity`, optional The time step to be used for the simulation. Cannot be combined with the `clock` argument. clock : `Clock`, optional The update clock to be used. If neither a clock, nor the `dt` argument is specified, the `defaultclock` will be used. order : int, optional The priority of of this group for operations occurring at the same time step and in the same scheduling slot. Defaults to 0. name : str, optional A unique name for the group, otherwise use ``spatialneuron_0``, etc. ''' def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None, refractory=False, reset=None, events=None, threshold_location=None, dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm, name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None, method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')): # #### Prepare and validate equations if isinstance(model, basestring): model = Equations(model) if not isinstance(model, Equations): raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations ' 'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model)) # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location if threshold_location is not None: if hasattr(threshold_location, '_indices'): # assuming this is a method threshold_location = threshold_location._indices() # for now, only a single compartment allowed if len(threshold_location) == 1: threshold_location = threshold_location[0] else: raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a ' 'single location')) threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')' # Check flags (we have point currents) model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',), PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'), SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current', 'constant over dt')}) #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. before #: inserting point-currents into the membrane equation, before adding #: all the internally used variables and constants, etc.). self.user_equations = model # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be # constant over a time step or not (this would also be done by the # NeuronGroup initializer later, but this would give incorrect results # for the linearity check) model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model) # Extract membrane equation if 'Im' in model: if len(model['Im'].flags): raise TypeError('Cannot specify any flags for the transmembrane ' 'current Im.') membrane_expr = model['Im'].expr # the membrane equation else: raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined') model_equations = [] # Insert point currents in the membrane equation for eq in model.itervalues(): if eq.varname == 'Im': continue # ignore -- handled separately if 'point current' in eq.flags: fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.unit, amp, "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp") membrane_expr = Expression( str(membrane_expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area') eq = SingleEquation(eq.type, eq.varname, eq.unit, expr=eq.expr, flags=list(set(eq.flags)-set(['point current']))) model_equations.append(eq) model_equations.append(SingleEquation(SUBEXPRESSION, 'Im', unit=amp/meter**2, expr=membrane_expr)) model_equations.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'v', unit=volt)) model = Equations(model_equations) ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current # Check conditional linearity with respect to v # Match to _A*v+_B var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True) wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var]) constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var]) pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard # Expand expressions in the membrane equation for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions(include_subexpressions=True): if var == 'Im': Im_expr = expr break else: raise AssertionError('Model equations did not contain Im!') # Factor out the variable s_expr = sp.collect(str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code).expand(), var) matches = s_expr.match(pattern) if matches is None: raise TypeError("The membrane current must be linear with respect to v") a, b = (matches[wildcard], matches[constant_wildcard]) # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b) # Add correct units if necessary if minusa_str == '0': minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2' if b_str == '0': b_str += '*amp/meter**2' gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2" I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2" model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str) # Insert morphology (store a copy) self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology) # Flatten the morphology self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology) # Equations for morphology # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations # no: should be shared instead of constant # yes: should be constant (check) eqs_constants = Equations(""" length : meter (constant) distance : meter (constant) area : meter**2 (constant) volume : meter**3 diameter : meter (constant) Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant) Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared) r_length_1 : meter (constant) r_length_2 : meter (constant) time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) / (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter """) if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates: eqs_constants += Equations(''' x : meter (constant) y : meter (constant) z : meter (constant) ''') NeuronGroup.__init__(self, morphology.total_compartments, model=model + eqs_constants, threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory, reset=reset, events=events, method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order, namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name) # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't # assign them any units self.variables.add_arrays(['_ab_star0', '_ab_star1', '_ab_star2', '_a_minus0', '_a_minus1', '_a_minus2', '_a_plus0', '_a_plus1', '_a_plus2', '_b_plus', '_b_minus', '_v_star', '_u_plus', '_u_minus', # The following three are for solving the # three tridiag systems in parallel '_c1', '_c2', '_c3', # The following two are only necessary for # C code where we cannot deal with scalars # and arrays interchangeably: '_I0_all', '_gtot_all'], unit=1, size=self.N, read_only=True) self.Cm = Cm self.Ri = Ri # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk # in standalone mode self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1 self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2 if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates: self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z # Performs numerical integration step self.add_attribute('diffusion_state_updater') self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method, clock=self.clock, order=order) # Creation of contained_objects that do the work self.contained_objects.extend([self.diffusion_state_updater]) if len(constant_over_dt): self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(self, constant_over_dt) self.contained_objects.append(self.subexpression_updater) def __getattr__(self, name): ''' Subtrees are accessed by attribute, e.g. neuron.axon. ''' return self.spatialneuron_attribute(self, name) def __getitem__(self, item): ''' Selects a segment, where x is a slice of either compartment indexes or distances. Note a: segment is not a SpatialNeuron, only a Group. ''' return self.spatialneuron_segment(self, item) @staticmethod
[docs] def spatialneuron_attribute(neuron, name): ''' Selects a subtree from `SpatialNeuron` neuron and returns a `SpatialSubgroup`. If it does not exist, returns the `Group` attribute. ''' if name == 'main': # Main section, without the subtrees indices = neuron.morphology.indices[:] start, stop = indices[0], indices[-1] return SpatialSubgroup(neuron, start, stop + 1, morphology=neuron.morphology) elif (name != 'morphology') and ((name in getattr(neuron.morphology, 'children', [])) or all([c in 'LR123456789' for c in name])): # subtree morpho = neuron.morphology[name] indices = morpho.indices[:] start, stop = indices[0], indices[-1] return SpatialSubgroup(neuron, start, stop + 1, morphology=morpho) else: return Group.__getattr__(neuron, name)
[docs] def spatialneuron_segment(neuron, item): ''' Selects a segment from `SpatialNeuron` neuron, where item is a slice of either compartment indexes or distances. Note a: segment is not a `SpatialNeuron`, only a `Group`. ''' if not isinstance(item, slice): raise TypeError( 'Subgroups can only be constructed using slicing syntax') start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step if step is None: step = 1 if step != 1: raise IndexError('Subgroups have to be contiguous') if isinstance(start, Quantity): if not have_same_dimensions(start, meter) or not have_same_dimensions(stop, meter): raise DimensionMismatchError('Start and stop should have units of meter', start, stop) # Convert to integers (compartment numbers) indices = neuron.morphology.indices[item] start, stop = indices[0], indices[-1] + 1 if start >= stop: raise IndexError('Illegal start/end values for subgroup, %d>=%d' % (start, stop)) return Subgroup(neuron, start, stop)
[docs]class SpatialSubgroup(Subgroup): ''' A subgroup of a `SpatialNeuron`. Parameters ---------- source : int First compartment. stop : int Ending compartment, not included (as in slices). morphology : `Morphology` Morphology corresponding to the subgroup (not the full morphology). name : str, optional Name of the subgroup. ''' def __init__(self, source, start, stop, morphology, name=None): self.morphology = morphology Subgroup.__init__(self, source, start, stop, name) def __getattr__(self, name): return SpatialNeuron.spatialneuron_attribute(self, name) def __getitem__(self, item): return SpatialNeuron.spatialneuron_segment(self, item)
[docs]class SpatialStateUpdater(CodeRunner, Group): ''' The `CodeRunner` that updates the state variables of a `SpatialNeuron` at every timestep. ''' def __init__(self, group, method, clock, order=0): # group is the neuron (a group of compartments) self.method_choice = method = weakref.proxy(group) compartments = group.flat_morphology.n sections = group.flat_morphology.sections CodeRunner.__init__(self, group, 'spatialstateupdate', code='''_gtot = gtot__private _I0 = I0__private''', clock=clock, when='groups', order=order, + '_spatialstateupdater*', check_units=False, template_kwds={'number_sections': sections}) self.variables = Variables(self, default_index='_section_idx') self.variables.add_reference('N', group) # One value per compartment self.variables.add_arange('_compartment_idx', size=compartments) self.variables.add_array('_invr', unit=siemens, size=compartments, constant=True, index='_compartment_idx') # one value per section self.variables.add_arange('_section_idx', size=sections) self.variables.add_array('_P_parent', unit=Unit(1), size=sections, constant=True) # elements below diagonal self.variables.add_arrays(['_morph_idxchild', '_morph_parent_i', '_starts', '_ends'], unit=Unit(1), size=sections, dtype=np.int32, constant=True) self.variables.add_arrays(['_invr0', '_invrn'], unit=siemens, size=sections, constant=True) # one value per section + 1 value for the root self.variables.add_arange('_section_root_idx', size=sections+1) self.variables.add_array('_P_diag', unit=Unit(1), size=sections+1, constant=True, index='_section_root_idx') self.variables.add_array('_B', unit=Unit(1), size=sections+1, constant=True, index='_section_root_idx') self.variables.add_array('_morph_children_num', unit=Unit(1), size=sections+1, dtype=np.int32, constant=True, index='_section_root_idx') # 2D matrices of size (sections + 1) x max children per section self.variables.add_arange('_morph_children_idx', size=len(group.flat_morphology.morph_children)) self.variables.add_array('_P_children', unit=Unit(1), size=len(group.flat_morphology.morph_children), index='_morph_children_idx', constant=True) # elements above diagonal self.variables.add_array('_morph_children', unit=Unit(1), size=len(group.flat_morphology.morph_children), dtype=np.int32, constant=True, index='_morph_children_idx') self._enable_group_attributes() self._morph_parent_i = group.flat_morphology.morph_parent_i self._morph_children_num = group.flat_morphology.morph_children_num self._morph_children = group.flat_morphology.morph_children self._morph_idxchild = group.flat_morphology.morph_idxchild self._starts = group.flat_morphology.starts self._ends = group.flat_morphology.ends self._prepare_codeobj = None
[docs] def before_run(self, run_namespace): # execute code to initalize the data structures if self._prepare_codeobj is None: self._prepare_codeobj = create_runner_codeobj(, '', # no code, 'spatialneuron_prepare','_spatialneuron_prepare', check_units=False, additional_variables=self.variables, run_namespace=run_namespace) self._prepare_codeobj() # Raise a warning if the slow pure numpy version is used # For simplicity, we check which CodeObject class the _prepare_codeobj # is using, this will be the same as the main state updater from brian2.codegen.runtime.numpy_rt.numpy_rt import NumpyCodeObject if isinstance(self._prepare_codeobj, NumpyCodeObject): # If numpy is used, raise a warning if scipy is not present try: import scipy except ImportError:'SpatialNeuron will use numpy to do the numerical ' 'integration -- this will be very slow. Either ' 'switch to a different code generation target ' '(e.g. weave or cython) or install scipy.'), once=True) CodeRunner.before_run(self, run_namespace)