Source code for brian2.codegen.runtime.numpy_rt.numpy_rt

Module providing `NumpyCodeObject`.
import sys

import numpy as np

from brian2.core.base import brian_object_exception
from brian2.core.preferences import prefs, BrianPreference
from brian2.core.variables import (DynamicArrayVariable, ArrayVariable,
                                   AuxiliaryVariable, Subexpression)

from ...codeobject import CodeObject, constant_or_scalar

from ...templates import Templater
from ...generators.numpy_generator import NumpyCodeGenerator
from ...targets import codegen_targets

__all__ = ['NumpyCodeObject']

# Preferences
    'Numpy runtime codegen preferences',
    discard_units = BrianPreference(
        Whether to change the namespace of user-specifed functions to remove

[docs]class NumpyCodeObject(CodeObject): ''' Execute code using Numpy Default for Brian because it works on all platforms. ''' templater = Templater('brian2.codegen.runtime.numpy_rt', '.py_', env_globals={'constant_or_scalar': constant_or_scalar}) generator_class = NumpyCodeGenerator class_name = 'numpy' def __init__(self, owner, code, variables, variable_indices, template_name, template_source, name='numpy_code_object*'): from brian2.devices.device import get_device self.device = get_device() self.namespace = {'_owner': owner, # TODO: This should maybe go somewhere else 'logical_not': np.logical_not} CodeObject.__init__(self, owner, code, variables, variable_indices, template_name, template_source, name=name) self.variables_to_namespace() @classmethod
[docs] def is_available(cls): # no test necessary for numpy return True
[docs] def variables_to_namespace(self): # Variables can refer to values that are either constant (e.g. dt) # or change every timestep (e.g. t). We add the values of the # constant variables here and add the names of non-constant variables # to a list # A list containing tuples of name and a function giving the value self.nonconstant_values = [] for name, var in self.variables.iteritems(): if isinstance(var, (AuxiliaryVariable, Subexpression)): continue try: if not hasattr(var, 'get_value'): raise TypeError() value = var.get_value() except TypeError: # A dummy Variable without value or a function self.namespace[name] = var continue if isinstance(var, ArrayVariable): self.namespace[self.generator_class.get_array_name(var)] = value if var.scalar and var.constant: self.namespace[name] = value[0] else: self.namespace[name] = value if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable): dyn_array_name = self.generator_class.get_array_name(var, access_data=False) self.namespace[dyn_array_name] = self.device.get_value(var, access_data=False) # Also provide the Variable object itself in the namespace (can be # necessary for resize operations, for example) self.namespace['_var_'+name] = var # There is one type of objects that we have to inject into the # namespace with their current value at each time step: dynamic # arrays that change in size during runs (i.e. not synapses but # e.g. the structures used in monitors) if (isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable) and var.needs_reference_update): self.nonconstant_values.append((self.generator_class.get_array_name(var, self.variables), var.get_value))
[docs] def update_namespace(self): # update the values of the non-constant values in the namespace for name, func in self.nonconstant_values: self.namespace[name] = func()
[docs] def compile(self): super(NumpyCodeObject, self).compile() self.compiled_code = compile(self.code, '(string)', 'exec')
[docs] def run(self): try: exec self.compiled_code in self.namespace except Exception as exc: message = ('An exception occured during the execution of code ' 'object {}.\n').format( lines = self.code.split('\n') message += 'The error was raised in the following line:\n' _, _, tb = sys.exc_info() tb = tb.tb_next # Line in the code object's code message += lines[tb.tb_lineno - 1] + '\n' raise brian_object_exception(message, self.owner, exc) # output variables should land in the variable name _return_values if '_return_values' in self.namespace: return self.namespace['_return_values']