CPPStandaloneDevice class

(Shortest import: from brian2.devices.cpp_standalone.device import CPPStandaloneDevice)

class brian2.devices.cpp_standalone.device.CPPStandaloneDevice[source]

Bases: brian2.devices.device.Device

The Device used for C++ standalone simulations.


arange_arrays List of all arrays to be filled with numbers (list of (var, varname, start) tuples
array_cache Dictionary mapping ArrayVariable objects to their value or to None if the value (potentially) depends on executed code.
arrays Dictionary mapping ArrayVariable objects to their globally unique name
build_on_run Whether a run should trigger a build
build_options build options
code_lines Code lines that have been manually added with device.insert_code() Dictionary mapping slot names to lists of lines.
dynamic_arrays List of all dynamic arrays Dictionary mapping DynamicArrayVariable objects with 1 dimension to their globally unique name
dynamic_arrays_2d Dictionary mapping DynamicArrayVariable objects with 2 dimensions to their globally unique name
enable_profiling Whether to generate profiling information (stored in an instance variable to be accessible during CodeObject generation)
has_been_run Whether the simulation has been run
profiled_codeobjects CodeObjects that use profiling (users can potentially enable profiling only for a subset of runs)
project_dir The directory which contains the generated code and results
static_arrays Dict of all static saved arrays
synapses Set of all existing synapses
timers Dictionary storing compile and binary execution times
zero_arrays List of all arrays to be filled with zeros (list of (var, varname) )


add_array(var) Add an array to this device.
build([directory, compile, run, debug, …]) Build the project
code_object(owner, name, abstract_code, …)
code_object_class([codeobj_class, fallback_pref]) Return CodeObject class (either CPPStandaloneCodeObject class or input)
compile_source(directory, compiler, debug, clean)
copy_source_files(writer, directory)
delete([code, data, directory, force]) Delete code and/or data generated/stored by the device.
fill_with_array(var, arr) Fill an array with the values given in another array.
freeze(code, ns)
generate_makefile(writer, compiler, …)
generate_network_source(writer, compiler)
generate_objects_source(writer, …)
get_array_filename(var[, basedir]) Return a file name for a variable.
get_array_name(var[, access_data]) Return a globally unique name for var.
get_value(var[, access_data])
init_with_arange(var, start, dtype) Initialize an array with an integer range.
init_with_zeros(var, dtype) Initialize an array with zeros.
insert_code(slot, code) Insert code directly into main.cpp
network_restore(net, *args, **kwds)
network_run(net, duration[, report, …])
network_store(net, *args, **kwds)
reinit() Reinitialize the device.
resize(var, new_size) Resize a DynamicArrayVariable.
run(directory, with_output, run_args)
run_function(name[, include_in_parent]) Context manager to divert code into a function
seed([seed]) Set the seed for the random number generator.
spike_queue(source_start, source_end) Create and return a new SpikeQueue for this Device.
static_array(name, arr)
variableview_get_with_expression(…[, …])



List of all arrays to be filled with numbers (list of (var, varname, start) tuples


Dictionary mapping ArrayVariable objects to their value or to None if the value (potentially) depends on executed code. This mechanism allows to access state variables in standalone mode if their value is known at run time


Dictionary mapping ArrayVariable objects to their globally unique name


Whether a run should trigger a build


build options


Code lines that have been manually added with device.insert_code() Dictionary mapping slot names to lists of lines. Note that the main slot is handled separately as part of main_queue


List of all dynamic arrays Dictionary mapping DynamicArrayVariable objects with 1 dimension to their globally unique name


Dictionary mapping DynamicArrayVariable objects with 2 dimensions to their globally unique name


Whether to generate profiling information (stored in an instance variable to be accessible during CodeObject generation)


Whether the simulation has been run


CodeObjects that use profiling (users can potentially enable profiling only for a subset of runs)


The directory which contains the generated code and results


Dict of all static saved arrays


Set of all existing synapses


Dictionary storing compile and binary execution times


List of all arrays to be filled with zeros (list of (var, varname) )


Add an array to this device.

build(directory='output', compile=True, run=True, debug=False, clean=False, with_output=True, additional_source_files=None, run_args=None, direct_call=True, **kwds)[source]

Build the project

TODO: more details

code_object(owner, name, abstract_code, variables, template_name, variable_indices, codeobj_class=None, template_kwds=None, override_conditional_write=None, compiler_kwds=None)[source]
code_object_class(codeobj_class=None, fallback_pref=None)[source]

Return CodeObject class (either CPPStandaloneCodeObject class or input)

compile_source(directory, compiler, debug, clean)[source]
copy_source_files(writer, directory)[source]
delete(code=True, data=True, directory=True, force=False)[source]

Delete code and/or data generated/stored by the device.

fill_with_array(var, arr)[source]

Fill an array with the values given in another array.

freeze(code, ns)[source]
generate_makefile(writer, compiler, compiler_flags, linker_flags, nb_threads, debug)[source]
generate_network_source(writer, compiler)[source]
generate_objects_source(writer, arange_arrays, synapses, static_array_specs, networks)[source]
get_array_filename(var, basedir='results')[source]

Return a file name for a variable.

get_array_name(var, access_data=True)[source]

Return a globally unique name for var.

get_value(var, access_data=True)[source]
init_with_arange(var, start, dtype)[source]

Initialize an array with an integer range.

init_with_zeros(var, dtype)[source]

Initialize an array with zeros.

insert_code(slot, code)[source]

Insert code directly into main.cpp

network_restore(net, *args, **kwds)[source]
network_run(net, duration, report=None, report_period=10. * second, namespace=None, profile=None, level=0, **kwds)[source]
network_store(net, *args, **kwds)[source]

Reinitialize the device. For standalone devices, clears all the internal state of the device.

resize(var, new_size)[source]

Resize a DynamicArrayVariable.

run(directory, with_output, run_args)[source]
run_function(name, include_in_parent=True)[source]

Context manager to divert code into a function

Code that happens within the scope of this context manager will go into the named function.


Set the seed for the random number generator.

spike_queue(source_start, source_end)[source]

Create and return a new SpikeQueue for this Device.

static_array(name, arr)[source]
variableview_get_subexpression_with_index_array(variableview, item, run_namespace=None)[source]
variableview_get_with_expression(variableview, code, run_namespace=None)[source]
variableview_set_with_index_array(variableview, item, value, check_units)[source]