monitors package

Base package for all monitors, i.e. objects to record activity during a simulation run.

Exported members: SpikeMonitor, EventMonitor, StateMonitor, PopulationRateMonitor

ratemonitor module

Module defining PopulationRateMonitor.

Exported members: PopulationRateMonitor


PopulationRateMonitor(source[, name, …]) Record instantaneous firing rates, averaged across neurons from a NeuronGroup or other spike source.

spikemonitor module

Module defining EventMonitor and SpikeMonitor.

Exported members: EventMonitor, SpikeMonitor


EventMonitor(source, event[, variables, …]) Record events from a NeuronGroup or another event source.
SpikeMonitor(source[, variables, record, …]) Record spikes from a NeuronGroup or other spike source.

statemonitor module

Exported members: StateMonitor


StateMonitor(source, variables, record[, …]) Record values of state variables during a run
StateMonitorView(monitor, item)