Source code for brian2.spatialneuron.morphology

Neuronal morphology module.
This module defines classes to load and build neuronal morphologies.
import abc
import numbers
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
import os

from brian2.units.allunits import meter
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger
from brian2.units.stdunits import um
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import (have_same_dimensions, Quantity,
                                           check_units, DimensionMismatchError)
from brian2 import numpy as np

logger = get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = ['Morphology', 'Section', 'Cylinder', 'Soma']

Node = namedtuple('Node',

def _to_meters(value):
    Helper function to convert a floating point value (or array) to a `Quantity`
    in units of "meter", but also allow for ``None`` and return it as it is.
    if value is None:
        return None
        return Quantity(value, dim=meter.dim)

def _from_morphology(variable, i, j):
    Helper function to return coordinates from a main morphology (used by
    `SubMorphology`), dealing with ``None``.
    if variable is None:
        return None
    return variable[i:j]

[docs]class MorphologyIndexWrapper(object): ''' A simpler version of ``, not allowing for string indexing (`Morphology` is not a `Group`). It allows to use ``morphology.indices[...]`` instead of ``morphology[...]._indices()``. ''' def __init__(self, morphology): self.morphology = morphology def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, basestring): raise NotImplementedError(('Morphologies do not support string ' 'indexing')) assert isinstance(self.morphology, (SubMorphology, Morphology)) return self.morphology._indices(item)
def _calc_start_idx(section): ''' Calculate the absolute start index that will be used by a flattened representation. ''' # calculate the absolute start index of this section # 1. find the root of the tree root = section while root._parent is not None: root = root._parent # 2. go down from the root and advance the indices until we find # the current section start_idx, found = _find_start_index(root, section) assert found return start_idx def _find_start_index(current, target_section, index=0): if current == target_section: return index, True index += current.n for child in current.children: if child == target_section: return index, True else: index, found = _find_start_index(child, target_section, index) if found: return index, True return index, False
[docs]class Topology(object): ''' A representation of the topology of a `Morphology`. Has a useful string representation, inspired by NEURON's ``topology`` function. ''' def __init__(self, morphology): self.morphology = morphology def __str__(self): # TODO: Make sure that the shown compartments do not get out of hand divisor = 1 return Topology._str_topology(self.morphology, compartments_divisor=divisor) @staticmethod def _str_topology(morphology, indent=0, named_path='', compartments_divisor=1, parent=None): ''' A simple string-based representation of a morphology. Inspired by NEURON's ``topology`` function. ''' description = ' '*indent length = max([1, morphology.n//compartments_divisor]) if parent is not None: description += '`' if isinstance(morphology, Soma): description += '( )' else: description += '-' * length description += '|' if len(named_path) == 0: description += ' [root] \n' else: description += ' ' + named_path + '\n' for child in morphology.children: name = description += Topology._str_topology(child, indent=indent+2+length, named_path=named_path+'.'+name, compartments_divisor=compartments_divisor, parent=morphology) return description __repr__ = __str__
def _rotate(vec, axis, angle): ''' Rotate a vector around an arbitrary axis. Parameters ---------- vec : `ndarray` The vector to rotate. axis : `ndarray` The axis around which the vector should be rotated. angle : float The rotation angle (in radians). Returns ------- rotated : `ndarray` The rotated vector. ''' return (vec*np.cos(angle) - np.cross(axis, vec)*np.sin(angle) + axis*, vec)*(1 - np.cos(angle))) def _perturb(vec, sigma): if sigma == 0: return vec # Get an arbitrary orthogonal vector if vec[1] != 0 or vec[0] != 0: orthogonal = np.hstack([vec[1], vec[0], 0]) else: # special case for the [0, 0, 1] vector orthogonal = np.array([1, 0, 0]) # Rotate the orthogonal vector orthogonal = _rotate(orthogonal, vec, np.random.rand()*np.pi*2) # Use an exponentially distributed angle for the perturbation perturbation = np.random.exponential(sigma, 1) return _rotate(vec, orthogonal, perturbation) def _add_coordinates(orig_morphology, root=None, parent=None, name=None, section_randomness=0.0, compartment_randomness=0.0, n_th_child=0, total_children=0, overwrite_existing=False): # Note that in the following, all values are without physical units # The new direction is based on the direction of the parent section if parent is None: section_dir = np.array([0, 0, 0]) else: section_dir = np.hstack([np.asarray(parent.end_x[-1] - parent.start_x[0]), np.asarray(parent.end_y[-1] - parent.start_y[0]), np.asarray(parent.end_z[-1] - parent.start_z[0])]) parent_dir_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(section_dir**2)) if parent_dir_norm != 0: section_dir /= parent_dir_norm else: section_dir = np.array([0, 0, 0]) if not overwrite_existing and orig_morphology.x is not None: section = orig_morphology.copy_section() elif isinstance(orig_morphology, Soma): # No perturbation for the soma section = Soma(diameter=orig_morphology.diameter, x=section_dir[0]*meter, y=section_dir[1]*meter, z=section_dir[2]*meter) else: if np.sum(section_dir**2) == 0: # We don't have any direction to base this section on (most common # case is that the root section is a soma) # We stay in the x-y plane and distribute all children in a 360 degree # circle around (0, 0, 0) section_dir = np.array([1, 0, 0]) rotation_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) angle_increment = 2*np.pi/total_children rotation_angle = np.pi/2 + angle_increment * n_th_child section_dir = _rotate(section_dir, rotation_axis, rotation_angle) else: if section_randomness == 0 and section_dir[2] == 0: # If we are in the x-y plane, stay there rotation_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) else: rotation_axis = np.array([-section_dir[1], section_dir[2], 0]) if section_randomness == 0: angle_increment = np.pi/(total_children + 1) rotation_angle = -np.pi/2 + angle_increment * (n_th_child + 1) section_dir = _rotate(section_dir, rotation_axis, rotation_angle) if section_randomness > 0: # Rotate randomly section_dir = _perturb(section_dir, section_randomness) section_dir_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(section_dir**2)) section_dir /= section_dir_norm # For a soma, we let child sections begin at the surface of the sphere if isinstance(parent, Soma): origin = parent.diameter/2*section_dir else: origin = (0, 0, 0)*um coordinates = np.zeros((orig_morphology.n + 1, 3))*meter start_coords = origin coordinates[0, :] = origin # Perturb individual compartments as well for idx, length in enumerate(orig_morphology.length): compartment_dir = _perturb(section_dir, compartment_randomness) compartment_dir_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(compartment_dir**2)) compartment_dir /= compartment_dir_norm current_coords = start_coords + length*compartment_dir coordinates[idx + 1, :] = current_coords start_coords = current_coords if isinstance(orig_morphology, Cylinder) and compartment_randomness == 0: section = Cylinder(n=orig_morphology.n, diameter=orig_morphology.diameter[0], x=coordinates[[0, -1], 0], y=coordinates[[0, -1], 1], z=coordinates[[0, -1], 2], type=orig_morphology.type) elif isinstance(orig_morphology, Section): section = Section(n=orig_morphology.n, diameter=np.hstack([orig_morphology.start_diameter[0], orig_morphology.end_diameter])*meter, x=coordinates[:, 0], y=coordinates[:, 1], z=coordinates[:, 2], type=orig_morphology.type) else: raise NotImplementedError(('Do not know how to deal with section of ' 'type %s.' % type(orig_morphology))) if parent is None: root = section else: parent.children.add(name, section) for idx, child in enumerate(orig_morphology.children): _add_coordinates(child, root=root, parent=section,, n_th_child=idx, total_children=len(orig_morphology.children), section_randomness=section_randomness, compartment_randomness=compartment_randomness, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing) return section
[docs]class Children(object): ''' Helper class to represent the children (sub trees) of a section. Can be used like a dictionary (mapping names to `Morphology` objects), but iterates over the values (sub trees) instead of over the keys (names). ''' def __init__(self, owner): self._owner = owner self._counter = 0 self._children = [] self._named_children = {} self._given_name = defaultdict(lambda: None) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._children) def __len__(self): return len(self._children) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._named_children
[docs] def name(self, child): ''' Return the given name (i.e. not the automatic name such as ``1``) for a child subtree. Parameters ---------- child : `Morphology` Returns ------- name : str The given name for the ``child``. ''' return self._given_name[child]
def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, basestring): return self._named_children[item] else: raise TypeError('Index has to be an integer or a string.')
[docs] def add(self, name, subtree, automatic_name=False): ''' Add a new child to the morphology. Parameters ---------- name : str The name (e.g. ``"axon"``, ``"soma"``) to use for this sub tree. subtree : `Morphology` The subtree to link as a child. automatic_name : bool, optional Whether to chose a new name automatically, if a subtree of the same name already exists (uses e.g. ``"dend2"`` instead ``"dend"``). Defaults to ``False`` and will raise an error instead. ''' if (name in self._named_children and self._named_children[name] is not subtree): if automatic_name: basename = name counter = 1 while name in self._named_children: counter += 1 name = basename + str(counter) else: raise AttributeError('The name %s is already used for a ' 'subtree.' % name) if subtree not in self._children: self._counter += 1 self._children.append(subtree) self._named_children[str(self._counter)] = subtree self._given_name[subtree] = name if name is not None: self._named_children[name] = subtree subtree._parent = self._owner
[docs] def remove(self, name): ''' Remove a subtree from this morphology. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the sub tree to remove. ''' if name not in self: raise AttributeError('The subtree ' + name + ' does not exist') subtree = self._named_children[name] del self._named_children[name] self._children.remove(subtree) subtree._parent = None
def __repr__(self): n = len(self._children) s = '<%d children' % n if n > 0: name_dict = { sec for sec in self._children} s += ': %r' % name_dict return s + '>'
[docs]class Morphology(object): ''' Neuronal morphology (tree structure). The data structure is a tree where each node is an un-branched section consisting of a number of connected compartments, each one defined by its geometrical properties (length, area, diameter, position). Notes ----- You cannot create objects of this class, create a `Soma`, a `Section`, or a `Cylinder` instead. ''' __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @check_units(n=1) def __init__(self, n, type=None): if isinstance(n, basestring): raise TypeError('Need the number of compartments, not a string. ' 'If you want to load a morphology from a file, ' 'use Morphology.from_file instead.') self._n = int(n) if self._n != n: raise TypeError('The number of compartments n has to be an integer ' 'value.') if n <= 0: raise ValueError('The number of compartments n has to be at least 1.') self.type = type self._children = Children(self) self._parent = None self.indices = MorphologyIndexWrapper(self) def __getitem__(self, item): ''' Return the subtree with the given name/index. Ex.: ```neuron['axon']``` or ```neuron['11213']``` ```neuron[10*um:20*um]``` returns the subbranch from 10 um to 20 um. ```neuron[10*um]``` returns one compartment. ```neuron[5]``` returns compartment number 5. ''' if isinstance(item, slice): # neuron[10*um:20*um] or neuron[1:3] using_lengths = all([arg is None or have_same_dimensions(arg, meter) for arg in [item.start, item.stop]]) using_ints = all([arg is None or int(arg) == float(arg) for arg in [item.start, item.stop]]) if not (using_lengths or using_ints): raise TypeError('Index slice has to use lengths or integers') if using_lengths: if item.step is not None: raise TypeError(('Cannot provide a step argument when ' 'slicing with lengths')) l = np.cumsum(np.asarray(self.length)) # coordinate on the section # We use a special handling for values very close to the points # between the compartments to avoid non-intuitive rounding # effects: a point closer than 1e-12*length of section will be # considered to be within the following section (for a start # index), respectively within the previous section (for an end # index) if item.start is None: i = 0 else: diff = np.abs(float(item.start) - l) if min(diff) < 1e-12 * l[-1]: i = np.argmin(diff) + 1 else: i = np.searchsorted(l, item.start) if item.stop is None: j = len(l) else: diff = np.abs(float(item.stop) - l) if min(diff) < 1e-12 * l[-1]: j = np.argmin(diff) + 1 else: j = np.searchsorted(l, item.stop) + 1 else: # integers i, j, step = item.indices(self.n) if step != 1: raise TypeError('Can only slice a contiguous segment') elif isinstance(item, Quantity) and have_same_dimensions(item, meter): l = np.hstack([0, np.cumsum(np.asarray(self.length))]) # coordinate on the section if float(item) < 0 or float(item) > (1 + 1e-12) * l[-1]: raise IndexError(('Invalid index %s, has to be in the interval ' '[%s, %s].' % (item, 0*meter, l[-1]*meter))) diff = np.abs(float(item) - l) if min(diff) < 1e-12 * l[-1]: i = np.argmin(diff) else: i = np.searchsorted(l, item) - 1 j = i + 1 elif isinstance(item, numbers.Integral): # int: returns one compartment if item < 0: # allows e.g. to use -1 to get the last compartment item += self.n if item >= self.n: raise IndexError(('Invalid index %d ' 'for %d compartments') % (item, self.n)) i = item j = i + 1 elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = str(item) # convert int to string if (len(item) > 1) and all([c in 'LR123456789' for c in item]): # binary string of the form LLLRLR or 1213 (or mixed) return self._children[item[0]][item[1:]] elif item in self._children: return self._children[item] else: raise AttributeError('The subtree ' + item + ' does not exist') else: raise TypeError('Index of type %s not understood' % type(item)) return SubMorphology(self, i, j) def __setitem__(self, item, child): ''' Inserts the subtree and name it ``item``. Ex.: ``neuron['axon']`` or ``neuron['11213']`` ''' item = str(item) # convert int to string if (len(item) > 1) and all([c in 'LR123456789' for c in item]): # binary string of the form LLLRLR or 1213 (or mixed) self.children[item[0]][item[1:]] = child else: self.children.add(item, child) def __delitem__(self, item): ''' Remove the subtree ``item``. ''' item = str(item) # convert int to string if (len(item) > 1) and all([c in 'LR123456789' for c in item]): # binary string of the form LLLRLR or 1213 (or mixed) del self._children[item[0]][item[1:]] else: self._children.remove(item) def __getattr__(self, item): ''' Return the subtree named ``item``. Ex.: ``axon = neuron.axon`` ''' if item.startswith('_'): return super(object, self).__getattr__(item) else: return self[item] def __setattr__(self, item, child): ''' Attach a subtree and name it ``item``. Ex.: ``neuron.axon = Soma(diameter=10*um)`` ''' if isinstance(child, Morphology) and not item.startswith('_'): self[item] = child else: # If it is not a subtree, then it's a normal class attribute object.__setattr__(self, item, child) def __delattr__(self, item): ''' Remove the subtree ``item``. ''' del self[item] def _indices(self, item=None, index_var='_idx'): ''' Return compartment indices for the main section, relative to the original morphology. ''' if index_var != '_idx': raise AssertionError('Unexpected index %s' % index_var) if not (item is None or item == slice(None)): if isinstance(item, slice): # So that this always returns an array of values, even if it is # just a single value return self[item]._indices(slice(None)) else: return self[item]._indices(None) else: start_idx = _calc_start_idx(self) if self.n == 1 and item is None: return start_idx else: return np.arange(start_idx, start_idx + self.n)
[docs] def topology(self): ''' Return a representation of the topology Returns ------- topology : `Topology` An object representing the topology (can be converted to a string by using ``str(...)`` or simply by printing it with `print`.) ''' return Topology(self)
[docs] def generate_coordinates(self, section_randomness=0.0, compartment_randomness=0.0, overwrite_existing=False): ''' Create a new `Morphology`, with coordinates filled in place where the previous morphology did not have any. This is mostly useful for plotting a morphology, it does not affect its electrical properties. Parameters ---------- section_randomness : float, optional The randomness when deciding the direction vector for each new section. The given number is the :math:`\beta` parameter of an exponential distribution (in degrees) which will be used to determine the deviation from the direction of the parent section. If the given value equals 0 (the default), then a deterministic algorithm will be used instead. compartment_randomness : float, optional The randomness when deciding the direction vector for each compartment within a section. The given number is the :math:`\beta` parameter of an exponential distribution (in degrees) which will be used to determine the deviation from the main direction of the current section. If the given value equals 0 (the default), then all compartments will be along a straight line. overwrite_existing : bool, optional Whether to overwrite existing coordinates in the morphology. This is by default set to ``False``, meaning that only sections that do not currently have any coordinates set will get new coordinates. This allows to conveniently generate a morphology that can be plotted for a morphology that is based on points but also has artificially added sections (the most common case: an axon added to a reconstructed morphology). If set to ``True``, all sections will get new coordinates. This can be useful to either get a schematic representation of the morphology (with ``section_randomness`` and ``compartment_randomness`` both 0) or to simply generate a new random variation of a morphology (which will still be electrically equivalent, of course). Returns ------- morpho_with_coordinates : `Morphology` The same morphology, but with coordinates ''' # Convert to radians section_randomness *= np.pi/180 compartment_randomness *= np.pi/180 return _add_coordinates(self, section_randomness=section_randomness, compartment_randomness=compartment_randomness, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing)
[docs] def copy_section(self): ''' Create a copy of the current section (attributes of this section only, not re-creating the parent/children relation) Returns ------- copy : `Morphology` A copy of this section (without the links to the parent/children) ''' raise NotImplementedError()
@property def n(self): ''' The number of compartments in this section. ''' return self._n def __len__(self): ''' This is not well-defined, use `Morphology.n` or `Morphology.total_compartments` instead. ''' raise TypeError('The "length" of a Morphology is ambiguous, use its ' '"n" attribute for the number of compartments in this ' 'section or the "total_compartments" attribute for the ' 'total number of compartments in the whole sub-tree.') @property def total_compartments(self): ''' The total number of compartments in this subtree (i.e. the number of compartments in this section plus all the compartments in the sections deeper in the tree). ''' return self.n + sum(c.total_compartments for c in self.children) @property def total_sections(self): ''' The total number of sections in this subtree. ''' return 1 + sum(c.total_sections for c in self.children) @property def parent(self): ''' The parent section of this section. ''' return self._parent @property def children(self): ''' The children (as a `Children` object) of this section. ''' return self._children @abc.abstractproperty def end_distance(self): ''' The distance to the root of the morphology at the end of this section. ''' raise NotImplementedError() # Per-compartment attributes @abc.abstractproperty def area(self): ''' The membrane surface area of each compartment in this section. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def volume(self): ''' The volume of each compartment in this section. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def length(self): ''' The length of each compartment in this section. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def r_length_1(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def r_length_2(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' raise NotImplementedError() # At-midpoint attributes @abc.abstractproperty def diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this section. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def distance(self): ''' The total distance between the midpoint of each compartment and the root of the morphology. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def start_x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_x_) @property def start_y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_y_) @property def start_z(self): ''' The z coordinate at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_z_) @abc.abstractproperty def start_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def start_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def start_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.x_) @property def y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.y_) @property def z(self): ''' The y coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.z_) @abc.abstractproperty def x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def end_x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_x_) @property def end_y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_y_) @property def end_z(self): ''' The z coordinate at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_z_) @abc.abstractproperty def end_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def end_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def end_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def coordinates(self): r''' Array with all coordinates at the start- and end-points of each compartment in this section. The array has size :math:`(n+1) \times 3`, where :math:`n` is the number of compartments in this section. Each row is one point (start point of first compartment, end point of first compartment, end point of second compartment, ...), with the columns being the x, y, and z coordinates. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self.x_ is None: return None else: return Quantity(self.coordinates_, dim=meter.dim) @property def coordinates_(self): r''' Array with all coordinates (as unitless floating point numbers) at the start- and end-points of each compartment in this section. The array has size :math:`(n+1) \times 3`, where :math:`n` is the number of compartments in this section. Each row is one point (start point of first compartment, end point of first compartment, end point of second compartment, ...), with the columns being the x, y, and z coordinates. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self.x_ is None: return None else: return np.vstack([np.hstack([self.start_x_[0], self.end_x_[:]]), np.hstack([self.start_y_[0], self.end_y_[:]]), np.hstack([self.start_z_[0], self.end_z_[:]])]).T @staticmethod def _create_section(compartments, name, parent, sections, spherical_soma): if (spherical_soma and len(compartments) == 1 and compartments[0].comp_name == 'soma'): soma = compartments[0] section = Soma(diameter=soma.diameter * um, x=soma.x * um, y=soma.y * um, z=soma.z * um) else: sec_x, sec_y, sec_z, sec_diameter = zip(*[(c.x, c.y, c.z, c.diameter) for c in compartments]) # Add a point for the end of the parent_idx compartment if parent is not None: n = len(compartments) if (parent.comp_name is not None and parent.comp_name.lower() == 'soma'): # For a Soma, we don't use its diameter start_diameter = sec_diameter[0] else: start_diameter = parent.diameter # Use relative coordinates sec_x = np.array(sec_x) - parent.x sec_y = np.array(sec_y) - parent.y sec_z = np.array(sec_z) - parent.z start_x = start_y = start_z = 0. else: n = len(compartments) - 1 start_diameter = sec_diameter[0] sec_diameter = sec_diameter[1:] start_x = sec_x[0] start_y = sec_y[0] start_z = sec_z[0] sec_x = sec_x[1:] sec_y = sec_y[1:] sec_z = sec_z[1:] diameter = np.hstack([start_diameter, sec_diameter])*um x = np.hstack([start_x, sec_x])*um y = np.hstack([start_y, sec_y])*um z = np.hstack([start_z, sec_z])*um section = Section(n=n, diameter=diameter, x=x, y=y, z=z, type=name) # Add the section as a child to its parent if parent is not None: parent_sec = sections[parent.index] parent_sec.children.add(name, section, automatic_name=True) return section @staticmethod def _compartments_to_sections(compartment, spherical_soma, current_compartments=None, sections=None): # Merge all unbranched compartments of the same type into a single # section if sections is None: sections = OrderedDict() if current_compartments is None: current_compartments = [] current_compartments.append(compartment) # We have to create a new section, if we are either # 1. at a leaf of the tree or at a branching point, or # 2. if the compartment type changes if (len(compartment.children) != 1 or compartment.comp_name != compartment.children[0].comp_name): parent = current_compartments[0].parent section = Morphology._create_section(current_compartments, compartment.comp_name, parent=parent, sections=sections, spherical_soma=spherical_soma) sections[current_compartments[-1].index] = section # If we are at a branching point, recurse into all subtrees for child in compartment.children: Morphology._compartments_to_sections(child, spherical_soma=spherical_soma, current_compartments=None, sections=sections) else: # A single child of the same type, continue (recursive call) Morphology._compartments_to_sections(compartment.children[0], spherical_soma=spherical_soma, current_compartments=current_compartments, sections=sections) return sections @staticmethod def _replace_three_point_soma(compartment, all_compartments): # Replace a three-point/two-cylinder soma by a single spherical soma # if possible (see for some # details) # We are looking for a node with two children of the soma type (and # other childen of other types), where the two children don't have any # children of their own soma_children = [c for c in compartment.children if c.comp_name == 'soma'] if (compartment.comp_name == 'soma' and len(soma_children) == 2 and all(len(c.children) == 0 for c in soma_children)): # We've found a 3-point soma to replace soma_c = [compartment] + soma_children if not all(abs(c.diameter - soma_c[0].diameter) < 1e-15 for c in soma_c): indices = ', '.join(str(c.index) for c in soma_c) raise ValueError('Found a "3-point-soma" (lines: %s), but not ' 'all the diameters are ' 'identical.' % indices) diameter = soma_c[0].diameter point_0 = np.array([soma_c[0].x, soma_c[0].y, soma_c[0].z]) point_1 = np.array([soma_c[1].x, soma_c[1].y, soma_c[1].z]) point_2 = np.array([soma_c[2].x, soma_c[2].y, soma_c[2].z]) length_1 = np.sqrt(np.sum((point_1 - point_0) ** 2)) length_2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((point_2 - point_0) ** 2)) if (np.abs(length_1 - diameter / 2) > 0.01 or np.abs(length_2 - diameter / 2) > 0.01): raise ValueError(('Cannot replace "3-point-soma" by a single ' 'point, the second and third points should ' 'be positioned one radius away from the ' 'first point. Distances are %.3fum and ' '%.3fum, respectively, while the ' 'radius is %.3fum.') % (length_1, length_2, diameter / 2)) children = [c for c in compartment.children if not c in soma_c] compartment = Node(index=compartment.index, comp_name='soma', x=point_0[0], y=point_0[1], z=point_0[2], diameter=diameter, parent=compartment.parent, children=children) all_compartments[compartment.index] = compartment del all_compartments[soma_children[0].index] del all_compartments[soma_children[1].index] # Recurse further down the tree all_compartments[compartment.index] = compartment for child in compartment.children: Morphology._replace_three_point_soma(child, all_compartments) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_points(points, spherical_soma=True): ''' Create a morphology from a sequence of points (similar to the ``SWC`` format, see `Morphology.from_swc_file`). Each point has to be a 7-tuple: ``(index, name, x, y, z, diameter, parent)`` Note that the values should not use units, but are instead all taken to be in micrometers. Parameters ---------- points : sequence of 7-tuples The points of the morphology. spherical_soma : bool, optional Whether to model a soma as a sphere. Returns ------- morphology : `Morphology` Notes ----- This format closely follows the SWC format (see `Morphology.from_swc_file`) with two differences: the ``type`` should be a string (e.g. ``'soma'``) instead of an integer and the 6-th element should be the diameter and not the radius. ''' # First pass through all points to get the dependency structure compartments = OrderedDict() for counter, point in enumerate(points): if len(point) != 7: raise ValueError('Each point needs to be described by 7 ' 'values, got %d instead.' % len(point)) index, name, x, y, z, diameter, parent_idx = point if index in compartments: raise ValueError('Two compartments with index %d' % index) if parent_idx == index: raise ValueError('Compartment %d lists itself as the parent ' 'compartment.' % index) if counter == 0 and parent_idx == -1: parent = None # The first compartment does not have a parent elif parent_idx not in compartments: raise ValueError(('Did not find the compartment %d (parent ' 'compartment of compartment %d). Make sure ' 'that parent compartments are listed before ' 'their children.') % (parent_idx, index)) else: parent = compartments[parent_idx] children = [] node = Node(index, name, x, y, z, diameter, parent, children) compartments[index] = node if parent is not None: parent.children.append(node) if spherical_soma: Morphology._replace_three_point_soma(compartments.values()[0], compartments) sections = Morphology._compartments_to_sections(compartments.values()[0], spherical_soma) # Go through all the sections again and add standard names for all # sections (potentially in addition to the name they already have): # "L" + "R" for one or two children, "1", "2", "3", etc. otherwise children_counter = defaultdict(int) for section in sections.itervalues(): parent = section.parent if parent is not None: children_counter[parent] += 1 children = parent.children nth_child = children_counter[parent] if len(children) <= 2: name = 'L' if nth_child == 1 else 'R' else: name = '%d' % nth_child children.add(name, section) # There should only be one section without parents root = [sec for sec in sections.itervalues() if sec.parent is None] assert len(root) == 1 return root[0]
[docs] def from_swc_file(filename, spherical_soma=True): ''' Load a morphology from a ``SWC`` file. A large database of morphologies in this format can be found at The format consists of an optional header of lines starting with ``#`` (ignored), followed by a sequence of points, each described in a line following the format:: index type x y z radius parent ``index`` is an integer label (starting at 1) that identifies the current point and increases by one each line. ``type`` is an integer representing the type of the neural segment. The only type that changes the interpretation by Brian is the type ``1`` which signals a soma. Types ``2`` (axon), ``3`` (dendrite), and ``4`` (apical dendrite) are used to give corresponding names to the respective sections. All other types are ignored. ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` are the cartesian coordinates at each point and ``r`` is its radius. ``parent`` refers to the index of the parent point or is ``-1`` for the root point. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the ``SWC`` file. spherical_soma : bool, optional Whether to model the soma as a sphere. Returns ------- morpho : `Morphology` The morphology stored in the given file. ''' swc_types = defaultdict(lambda: None) # The following names will be translated into names, all other will be # ignored swc_types.update({'1': 'soma', '2': 'axon', '3': 'dend', '4': 'apic'}) with open(filename, 'r') as f: points = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(f): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: # Ignore comments or empty lines continue splitted = line.split() if len(splitted) != 7: raise ValueError('Each line of an SWC file has to contain ' '7 space-separated entries, but line %d ' 'contains %d.' % (line_no + 1, len(splitted))) index, comp_type, x, y, z, radius, parent = splitted points.append((int(index), swc_types[comp_type], float(x), float(y), float(z), 2*float(radius), int(parent))) return Morphology.from_points(points, spherical_soma=spherical_soma)
[docs] def from_file(filename, spherical_soma=True): ''' Convencience method to load a morphology from a given file. At the moment, only ``SWC`` files are supported, calling this function is therefore equivalent to calling `Morphology.from_swc_file` directly. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of a file storing a morphology. spherical_soma : bool, optional Whether to model the soma as a sphere. Returns ------- morphology : `Morphology` The morphology stored in the given file. ''' _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext.lower() == '.swc': return Morphology.from_swc_file(filename, spherical_soma=spherical_soma) else: raise NotImplementedError('Currently, SWC is the only supported ' 'file format.')
[docs]class SubMorphology(object): ''' A view on a subset of a section in a morphology. ''' def __init__(self, morphology, i, j): self._morphology = morphology self.indices = MorphologyIndexWrapper(self) self._i = i self._j = j def _indices(self, item=None): if not (item is None or item == slice(None)): raise IndexError('Cannot index a view on a subset of a section further') # Start index of the main section start_idx = _calc_start_idx(self._morphology) if item is None and self.n == 1: return start_idx + self._i else: return np.arange(start_idx + self._i, start_idx + self._j) @property def n(self): ''' The number of compartments in this sub-section. ''' return self._j - self._i def __len__(self): return self.n @property def n_sections(self): ''' The number of sections in this sub-section (always 1). ''' return 1 # Per-compartment attributes @property def area(self): ''' The membrane surface area of each compartment in this sub-section. ''' return self._morphology.area[self._i:self._j] @property def volume(self): ''' The volume of each compartment in this sub-section. ''' return self._morphology.volume[self._i:self._j] @property def length(self): ''' The length of each compartment in this sub-section. ''' return self._morphology.length[self._i:self._j] @property def r_length_1(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' return self._morphology.r_length_1[self._i:self._j] @property def r_length_2(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' return self._morphology.r_length_2[self._i:self._j] # At-midpoint attributes @property def diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this sub-section. ''' return self._morphology.diameter[self._i:self._j] @property def distance(self): ''' The total distance between the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section and the root of the morphology. ''' return self._morphology.distance[self._i:self._j] @property def start_x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_x_) @property def start_y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_y_) @property def start_z(self): ''' The x coordinate at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.start_z_) @property def start_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.start_x_, self._i, self._j) @property def start_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.start_y_, self._i, self._j) @property def start_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.start_z_, self._i, self._j) @property def x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.x_) @property def y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.y_) @property def z(self): ''' The z coordinate at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.z_) @property def x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.x_, self._i, self._j) @property def y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.y_, self._i, self._j) @property def z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.z_, self._i, self._j) @property def end_x(self): ''' The x coordinate at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_x_) @property def end_y(self): ''' The y coordinate at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_y_) @property def end_z(self): ''' The z coordinate at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _to_meters(self.end_z_) @property def end_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.end_x_, self._i, self._j) @property def end_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.end_y_, self._i, self._j) @property def end_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment in this sub-section. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' return _from_morphology(self._morphology.end_z_, self._i, self._j)
[docs]class Soma(Morphology): ''' A spherical, iso-potential soma. Parameters ---------- diameter : `Quantity` Diameter of the sphere. x : `Quantity`, optional The x coordinate of the position of the soma. y : `Quantity`, optional The y coordinate of the position of the soma. z : `Quantity`, optional The z coordinate of the position of the soma. type : str, optional The ``type`` of this section, defaults to ``'soma'``. ''' @check_units(diameter=meter, x=meter, y=meter, z=meter) def __init__(self, diameter, x=None, y=None, z=None, type='soma'): Morphology.__init__(self, n=1, type=type) if diameter.shape != () and len(diameter) != 1: raise TypeError('Diameter has to be a scalar value.') for coord in [x, y, z]: if coord is not None and coord.shape != () and len(coord) != 1: raise TypeError('Coordinates have to be scalar values.') self._diameter = np.ones(1) * diameter if any(coord is not None for coord in (x, y, z)): default_value = np.array([0.0]) else: default_value = None self._x = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(x)) if x is not None else default_value self._y = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(y)) if y is not None else default_value self._z = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(z)) if z is not None else default_value def __repr__(self): s = '{klass}(diameter={diam!r}'.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__, diam=self.diameter[0]) if self._x is not None: s += ', x={x!r}, y={y!r}, z={z!r}'.format(x=self.x[0], y=self.y[0], z=self.z[0]) if self.type != 'soma': s += ', type={type!r}'.format(type=self.type) return s + ')'
[docs] def copy_section(self): return Soma(self.diameter, x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, type=self.type)
# Note that the per-compartment properties should always return 1D arrays, # i.e. for the soma arrays of length 1 instead of scalar values @property def area(self): ''' The membrane surface area of this section (as an array of length 1). ''' return np.pi * self.diameter ** 2 @property def volume(self): ''' The volume of this section (as an array of length 1). ''' return (np.pi * self.diameter ** 3)/6 @property def length(self): ''' The "length" (equal to `diameter`) of this section (as an array of length 1). ''' return self.diameter @property def r_length_1(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment. Returns a fixed (high) value for a `Soma`, corresponding to a section with very low intracellular resistance. ''' return [1]*meter @property def r_length_2(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment. Returns a fixed (high) value for a `Soma`, corresponding to a section with very low intracellular resistance. ''' return [1]*meter @property def diameter(self): ''' The diameter of this section (as an array of length 1). ''' return self._diameter @property def distance(self): ''' The total distance between the midpoint of this section and the root of the morphology. The `Soma` is most likely the root of the morphology, and therefore the `distance` is 0. ''' dist = self._parent.distance if self._parent else 0*um return dist @property def start_x_(self): ''' The x-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._x @property def start_y_(self): ''' The y-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._y @property def start_z_(self): ''' The z-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._z @property def x_(self): ''' The x-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._x @property def y_(self): ''' The y-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._y @property def z_(self): ''' The z-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._z @property def end_x_(self): ''' The x-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._x @property def end_y_(self): ''' The y-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._y @property def end_z_(self): ''' The z-coordinate of the current section (as an array of length 1). Note that a `Soma` is modelled as a "point" with finite surface/volume, equivalent to that of a sphere with the given `diameter`. It's start-, midpoint-, and end-coordinates are therefore identical. ''' return self._z @property def end_distance(self): ''' The distance to the root of the morphology at the end of this section. Note that since a `Soma` is modeled as a point (see docs of `x`, etc.), it does not add anything to the total distance, e.g. a section connecting to a `Soma` has a `distance` of 0 um at its start. ''' dist = self._parent.end_distance if self._parent is not None else 0 * um return dist
[docs]class Section(Morphology): ''' A section (unbranched structure), described as a sequence of truncated cones with potentially varying diameters and lengths per compartment. Parameters ---------- diameter : `Quantity` Either a single value (the constant diameter along the whole section), or a value of length ``n+1``. When ``n+1`` values are given, they will be interpreted as the diameters at the start of the first compartment and the diameters at the end of each compartment (which is equivalent to: the diameter at the start of each compartment and the diameter at the end of the last compartment. n : int, optional The number of compartments in this section. Defaults to 1. length : `Quantity`, optional Either a single value (the total length of the section), or a value of length ``n``, the length of each individual compartment. Cannot be combined with the specification of coordinates. x : `Quantity`, optional ``n+1`` values, specifying the x coordinates of the start point of the first compartment and the end-points of all compartments (which is equivalent to: the start point of all compartments and the end point of the last compartment). The coordinates are interpreted as relative to the end point of the parent compartment (if any), so in most cases the start point should be ``0*um``. The common exception is a cylinder connecting to a `Soma`, here the start point can be used to make the cylinder start at the surface of the sphere instead of at its center. You can specify all of ``x``, ``y``, or ``z`` to specify a morphology in 3D, or only one or two out of them to specify a morphology in 1D or 2D. y : `Quantity`, optional See ``x`` z : `Quantity`, optional See ``x`` type : str, optional The type (e.g. ``"axon"``) of this `Section`. ''' @check_units(n=1, length=meter, diameter=meter, start_diameter=meter, x=meter, y=meter, z=meter) def __init__(self, diameter, n=1, length=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, start_diameter=None, origin=None, type=None): n = int(n) Morphology.__init__(self, n=n, type=type) if diameter.ndim != 1 or len(diameter) != n+1: raise TypeError('The diameter argument has to be a one-dimensional ' 'array of length %d' % (n + 1)) self._diameter = Quantity(diameter, copy=True).reshape((n+1, )) if ((x is not None or y is not None or z is not None) and length is not None): raise TypeError('Cannot specify coordinates and length at the same ' 'time.') if length is not None: # Length if length.ndim != 1 or len(length) != n: raise TypeError('The length argument has to be a ' 'one-dimensional array of length %d' % n) self._length = Quantity(length, copy=True).reshape((n, )) self._x = self._y = self._z = None else: # Coordinates if x is None and y is None and z is None: raise TypeError('No length specified, need to specify at least ' 'one out of x, y, or z.') for name, value in [('x', x), ('y', y), ('z', z)]: if value is not None and (value.ndim != 1 or len(value) != n + 1): raise TypeError(('%s needs to be a 1-dimensional array ' 'of length %d.') % (name, n + 1)) self._x = np.asarray(x).reshape((n+1, )) if x is not None else np.zeros(n + 1) self._y = np.asarray(y).reshape((n+1, )) if y is not None else np.zeros(n + 1) self._z = np.asarray(z).reshape((n+1, )) if z is not None else np.zeros(n + 1) length = np.sqrt((self.end_x - self.start_x) ** 2 + (self.end_y - self.start_y) ** 2 + (self.end_z - self.start_z) ** 2) self._length = length def __repr__(self): if all(np.abs(self.end_diameter - self.end_diameter[0]) < self.end_diameter[0]*1e-12): # Constant diameter diam = self.end_diameter[0] else: diam = np.hstack([np.asarray(self.start_diameter[0]), np.asarray(self.end_diameter)])*meter s = '{klass}(diameter={diam!r}'.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__, diam=diam) if self.n != 1: s += ', n={n}'.format(n=self.n) if self._x is not None: s += ', x={x!r}, y={y!r}, z={z!r}'.format(x=self._x, y=self._y, z=self._z) else: s += ', length={length!r}'.format(length=sum(self._length)) if self.type is not None: s += ', type={type!r}'.format(type=self.type) return s + ')'
[docs] def copy_section(self): if self.x is None: x, y, z = None, None, None length = self.length else: x, y, z = self._x*meter, self._y*meter, self._z*meter length = None return Section(diameter=self._diameter, n=self.n, x=x, y=y, z=z, length=length, type=self.type)
@property def area(self): r''' The membrane surface area of each compartment in this section. The surface area of each compartment is calculated as :math:`\frac{\pi}{2}(d_1 + d_2)\sqrt{\frac{(d_1 - d_2)^2}{4} + l^2)}`, where :math:`l` is the length of the compartment, and :math:`d_1` and :math:`d_2` are the diameter at the start and end of the compartment, respectively. Note that this surface area does not contain the area of the two disks at the two sides of the truncated cone. ''' d_1 = self.start_diameter d_2 = self.end_diameter return np.pi/2*(d_1 + d_2)*np.sqrt(((d_1 - d_2)**2)/4 + self._length**2) @property def volume(self): r''' The volume of each compartment in this section. The volume of each compartment is calculated as :math:`\frac{\pi}{12} l (d_1^2 + d_1 d_2 + d_2^2)`, where :math:`l` is the length of the compartment, and :math:`d_1` and :math:`d_2` are the diameter at the start and end of the compartment, respectively. ''' d_1 = self.start_diameter d_2 = self.end_diameter return np.pi * self._length * (d_1**2 + d_1*d_2 + d_2**2)/12 @property def length(self): ''' The length of each compartment in this section. ''' return self._length @property def start_diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the start of each compartment in this section. ''' return Quantity(self._diameter[:-1], copy=True) @property def end_diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the end of each compartment in this section. ''' return Quantity(self._diameter[1:], copy=True) @property def diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this section. ''' d_1 = self.start_diameter d_2 = self.end_diameter # Diameter at the center return 0.5*(d_1 + d_2) @property def distance(self): ''' The total distance between the midpoint of each compartment and the root of the morphology. ''' dist = self._parent.end_distance if self._parent is not None else 0 * um return dist + np.cumsum(self.length) - 0.5 * self.length @property def end_distance(self): ''' The distance to the root of the morphology at the end of this section. ''' return self.distance[-1] + 0.5 * self.length[-1] @property def r_length_1(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' d_1 = self.start_diameter d_2 = (self.start_diameter + self.end_diameter)*0.5 return np.pi/2 * (d_1 * d_2)/self._length @property def r_length_2(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' d_1 = (self.start_diameter + self.end_diameter)*0.5 d_2 = self.end_diameter return np.pi/2 * (d_1 * d_2)/self._length @property def start_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._x is None: return None parent_end_x = self.parent.end_x_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_x is not None: return parent_end_x[-1] + self._x[:-1] else: return self._x[:-1] @property def start_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._y is None: return None parent_end_y = self.parent.end_y_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_y is not None: return parent_end_y[-1] + self._y[:-1] else: return self._y[:-1] @property def start_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._z is None: return None parent_end_z = self.parent.end_z_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_z is not None: return parent_end_z[-1] + self._z[:-1] else: return self._z[:-1] @property def x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._x is None: return None start_x = self.start_x_ diff_x = (self.end_x_ - start_x) return start_x + 0.5*diff_x @property def y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._y is None: return None start_y = self.start_y_ diff_y = (self.end_y_ - start_y) return start_y + 0.5*diff_y @property def z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._z is None: return None start_z = self.start_z_ diff_z = (self.end_z_ - start_z) return start_z + 0.5*diff_z @property def end_x_(self): ''' The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._x is None: return None parent_end_x = self.parent.end_x_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_x is not None: return parent_end_x[-1] + self._x[1:] else: return self._x[1:] @property def end_y_(self): ''' The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._y is None: return None parent_end_y = self.parent.end_y_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_y is not None: return parent_end_y[-1] + self._y[1:] else: return self._y[1:] @property def end_z_(self): ''' The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns ``None`` for morphologies without coordinates. ''' if self._z is None: return None parent_end_z = self.parent.end_z_ if self.parent is not None else None if parent_end_z is not None: return parent_end_z[-1] + self._z[1:] else: return self._z[1:]
[docs]class Cylinder(Section): ''' A cylindrical section. For sections with more complex geometry (varying length and/or diameter of each compartment), use the `Section` class. Parameters ---------- diameter : `Quantity` The diameter of the cylinder. n : int, optional The number of compartments in this section. Defaults to 1. length : `Quantity`, optional The length of the cylinder. Cannot be combined with the specification of coordinates. x : `Quantity`, optional A sequence of two values, the start and the end point of the cylinder. The coordinates are interpreted as relative to the end point of the parent compartment (if any), so in most cases the start point should be ``0*um``. The common exception is a cylinder connecting to a `Soma`, here the start point can be used to make the cylinder start at the surface of the sphere instead of at its center. You can specify all of ``x``, ``y``, or ``z`` to specify a morphology in 3D, or only one or two out of them to specify a morphology in 1D or 2D. y : `Quantity`, optional See ``x`` z : `Quantity`, optional See ``x`` type : str, optional The type (e.g. ``"axon"``) of this `Cylinder`. ''' @check_units(n=1, length=meter, diameter=meter, x=meter, y=meter, z=meter) def __init__(self, diameter, n=1, length=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, type=None): n = int(n) Morphology.__init__(self, n=n, type=type) # Diameter if diameter.shape != () and (diameter.ndim > 1 or len(diameter) != 1): raise TypeError('The diameter argument has to be a single value.') diameter = np.ones(n) * diameter self._diameter = diameter if ((x is not None or y is not None or z is not None) and length is not None): raise TypeError('Cannot specify coordinates and length at the same ' 'time.') if length is not None: # Length if length.shape != () and (length.ndim > 1 or len(length) != 1): raise TypeError('The length argument has to be a single value.') self._length = np.ones(n) * (length/n) # length was total length self._x = self._y = self._z = None else: # Coordinates if x is None and y is None and z is None: raise TypeError('No length specified, need to specify at least ' 'one out of x, y, or z.') for name, value in [('x', x), ('y', y), ('z', z)]: if value is not None and (value.ndim != 1 or len(value) != 2): raise TypeError('%s needs to be a 1-dimensional array of ' 'length 2 (start and end point)' % name) self._x = np.asarray(np.linspace(x[0], x[1], n+1)) if x is not None else np.zeros(n+1) self._y = np.asarray(np.linspace(y[0], y[1], n+1)) if y is not None else np.zeros(n+1) self._z = np.asarray(np.linspace(z[0], z[1], n+1)) if z is not None else np.zeros(n+1) length = np.sqrt((self.end_x - self.start_x) ** 2 + (self.end_y - self.start_y) ** 2 + (self.end_z - self.start_z) ** 2) self._length = length def __repr__(self): s = '{klass}(diameter={diam!r}'.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__, diam=self.diameter[0]) if self.n != 1: s += ', n={n}'.format(n=self.n) if self._x is not None: s += ', x={x!r}, y={y!r}, z={z!r}'.format(x=self._x[[0, -1]], y=self._y[[0, -1]], z=self._z[[0, -1]]) else: s += ', length={length!r}'.format(length=sum(self._length)) if self.type is not None: s += ', type={type!r}'.format(type=self.type) return s + ')'
[docs] def copy_section(self): if self.x is None: return Cylinder(self.diameter[0], n=self.n, length=self.length, type=self.type) else: return Cylinder(self.diameter[0], n=self.n, x=self._x[[0, -1]], y=self._y[[0, -1]], z=self._z[[0, -1]], type=self.type)
# Overwrite the properties that differ from `Section` @property def area(self): r''' The membrane surface area of each compartment in this section. The surface area of each compartment is calculated as :math:`\pi d l`, where :math:`l` is the length of the compartment, and :math:`d` is its diameter. Note that this surface area does not contain the area of the two disks at the two sides of the cylinder. ''' return np.pi * self._diameter * self.length @property def start_diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the start of each compartment in this section. ''' return self._diameter @property def diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this section. ''' return self._diameter @property def end_diameter(self): ''' The diameter at the end of each compartment in this section. ''' return self._diameter @property def volume(self): r''' The volume of each compartment in this section. The volume of each compartment is calculated as :math:`\pi \frac{d}{2}^2 l` , where :math:`l` is the length of the compartment, and :math:`d` is its diameter. ''' return np.pi * (self._diameter/2)**2 * self.length @property def r_length_1(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' return np.pi/2 * (self._diameter**2)/self.length @property def r_length_2(self): ''' The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance. ''' return np.pi/2 * (self._diameter**2)/self.length