Source code for brian2.groups.subgroup

from brian2.core.base import weakproxy_with_fallback
from brian2.core.spikesource import SpikeSource
from brian2.core.variables import Variables
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import Unit

from .group import Group, Indexing

__all__ = ['Subgroup']

[docs]class Subgroup(Group, SpikeSource): ''' Subgroup of any `Group` Parameters ---------- source : SpikeSource The source object to subgroup. start, stop : int Select only spikes with indices from ``start`` to ``stop-1``. name : str, optional A unique name for the group, or use ``'_subgroup_0'``, etc. ''' def __init__(self, source, start, stop, name=None): # First check if the source is itself a Subgroup # If so, then make this a Subgroup of the original Group if isinstance(source, Subgroup): source = source.source start = start + source.start stop = stop + source.start self.source = source else: self.source = weakproxy_with_fallback(source) if name is None: name = + '_subgroup*' # We want to update the spikes attribute after it has been updated # by the parent, we do this in slot 'thresholds' with an order # one higher than the parent order to ensure it takes place after the # parent threshold operation Group.__init__(self, clock=source._clock, when='thresholds', order=source.order+1, name=name) self._N = stop-start self.start = start self.stop = stop = # All the variables have to go via the _sub_idx to refer to the # appropriate values in the source group self.variables = Variables(self, default_index='_sub_idx') # overwrite the meaning of N and i if self.start > 0: self.variables.add_constant('_offset', unit=Unit(1), value=self.start) self.variables.add_reference('_source_i', source, 'i') self.variables.add_subexpression('i', unit=Unit(1), dtype=source.variables['i'].dtype, expr='_source_i - _offset', index='_idx') else: # no need to calculate anything if this is a subgroup starting at 0 self.variables.add_reference('i', source) self.variables.add_constant('N', unit=Unit(1), value=self._N) # add references for all variables in the original group self.variables.add_references(source, source.variables.keys()) # Only the variable _sub_idx itself is stored in the subgroup # and needs the normal index for this group self.variables.add_arange('_sub_idx', size=self._N, start=self.start, index='_idx') # special indexing for subgroups self._indices = Indexing(self, self.variables['_sub_idx']) for key, value in self.source.variables.indices.iteritems(): if value not in ('_idx', '0'): raise ValueError(('Do not know how to deal with variable %s ' 'using index %s in a subgroup') % (key, value)) self.namespace = self.source.namespace self.codeobj_class = self.source.codeobj_class self._enable_group_attributes() spikes = property(lambda self: self.source.spikes) def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, slice): raise TypeError('Subgroups can only be constructed using slicing syntax') start, stop, step = item.indices(self._N) if step != 1: raise IndexError('Subgroups have to be contiguous') if start >= stop: raise IndexError('Illegal start/end values for subgroup, %d>=%d' % (start, stop)) return Subgroup(self.source, self.start + start, self.start + stop) def __repr__(self): description = '<{classname} {name} of {source} from {start} to {end}>' return description.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__, name=repr(, source=repr(, start=self.start, end=self.stop)