Source code for brian2.core.functions

import collections
import inspect
import types

import numpy as np
import sympy
from numpy.random import randn, rand
from sympy import Function as sympy_Function

import brian2.units.unitsafefunctions as unitsafe
from brian2.core.preferences import prefs
from brian2.core.variables import Constant
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import (fail_for_dimension_mismatch, Unit,
                                           Quantity, get_dimensions,
                                           DIMENSIONLESS, is_dimensionless)

__all__ = ['DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS', 'Function', 'implementation', 'declare_types']

BRIAN_DTYPES = ['boolean', 'integer', 'float']

[docs]def declare_types(**types): ''' Decorator to declare argument and result types for a function Usage is similar to `check_units` except that types must be one of ``{VALID_ARG_TYPES}`` and the result type must be one of ``{VALID_RETURN_TYPES}``. Unspecified argument types are assumed to be ``'all'`` (i.e. anything is permitted), and an unspecified result type is assumed to be ``'float'``. Note that the ``'highest'`` option for result type will give the highest type of its argument, e.g. if the arguments were boolean and integer then the result would be integer, if the arguments were integer and float it would be float. ''' def annotate_function_with_types(f): if hasattr(f, '_orig_arg_names'): arg_names = f._orig_arg_names else: arg_names = f.func_code.co_varnames[0:f.func_code.co_argcount] argtypes = [] for name in arg_names: arg_type = types.get(name, 'any') if arg_type not in VALID_ARG_TYPES: raise ValueError("Argument type %s is not valid, must be one of %s, " "for argument %s" % (arg_type, VALID_ARG_TYPES, name)) argtypes.append(arg_type) for n in types.keys(): if n not in arg_names and n!='result': raise ValueError("Type specified for unknown argument "+n) return_type = types.get('result', 'float') if return_type not in VALID_RETURN_TYPES: raise ValueError("Result type %s is not valid, " "must be one of %s" % (return_type, VALID_RETURN_TYPES)) f._arg_types = argtypes f._return_type = return_type f._orig_arg_names = arg_names f._annotation_attributes = getattr(f, '_annotation_attributes', [])+['_arg_types', '_return_type'] return f return annotate_function_with_types
[docs]class Function(object): ''' An abstract specification of a function that can be used as part of model equations, etc. Parameters ---------- pyfunc : function A Python function that is represented by this `Function` object. sympy_func : `sympy.Function`, optional A corresponding sympy function (if any). Allows functions to be interpreted by sympy and potentially make simplifications. For example, ``sqrt(x**2)`` could be replaced by ``abs(x)``. arg_units : list of `Unit`, optional If `pyfunc` does not provide unit information (which typically means that it was not annotated with a `check_units` decorator), the units of the arguments have to specified explicitly using this parameter. return_unit : `Unit` or callable, optional Same as for `arg_units`: if `pyfunc` does not provide unit information, this information has to be provided explictly here. `return_unit` can either be a specific `Unit`, if the function always returns the same unit, or a function of the input units, e.g. a "square" function would return the square of its input units, i.e. `return_unit` could be specified as ``lambda u: u**2``. arg_types : list of str, optional Similar to `arg_units`, but gives the type of the argument rather than its unit. In the current version of Brian arguments are specified by one of the following strings: 'boolean', 'integer', 'float', 'any'. If `arg_types` is not specified, 'any' will be assumed. In future versions, a more refined specification may be possible. Note that any argument with a type other than float should have no units. If return_type : str, optional Similar to `return_unit` and `arg_types`. In addition to 'boolean', 'integer' and 'float' you can also use 'highest' which will return the highest type of its arguments. You can also give a function, as for `return_unit`. If the return type is not specified, it is assumed to be 'float'. stateless : bool, optional Whether this function does not have an internal state, i.e. if it always returns the same output when called with the same arguments. This is true for mathematical functions but not true for ``rand()``, for example. Defaults to ``True``. Notes ----- If a function should be usable for code generation targets other than Python/numpy, implementations for these target languages have to be added using the `~brian2.codegen.functions.implementation` decorator or using the `~brian2.codegen.functions.add_implementations` function. ''' def __init__(self, pyfunc, sympy_func=None, arg_units=None, return_unit=None, arg_types=None, return_type=None, stateless=True): self.pyfunc = pyfunc self.sympy_func = sympy_func self._arg_units = arg_units self._return_unit = return_unit if return_unit == bool: self._returns_bool = True else: self._returns_bool = False self._arg_types = arg_types self._return_type = return_type self.stateless = stateless if self._arg_units is None: if not hasattr(pyfunc, '_arg_units'): raise ValueError(('The Python function "%s" does not specify ' 'how it deals with units, need to specify ' '"arg_units" or use the "@check_units" ' 'decorator.') % pyfunc.__name__) elif pyfunc._arg_units is None: # @check_units sets _arg_units to None if the units aren't # specified for all of its arguments raise ValueError(('The Python function "%s" does not specify ' 'the units for all of its ' 'arguments.') % pyfunc.__name__) else: self._arg_units = pyfunc._arg_units if self._return_unit is None: if not hasattr(pyfunc, '_return_unit'): raise ValueError(('The Python function "%s" does not specify ' 'how it deals with units, need to specify ' '"return_unit" or use the "@check_units" ' 'decorator.') % pyfunc.__name__) elif pyfunc._return_unit is None: # @check_units sets _return_unit to None if no "result=..." # keyword is specified. raise ValueError(('The Python function "%s" does not specify ' 'the unit for its return ' 'value.') % pyfunc.__name__) else: self._return_unit = pyfunc._return_unit if self._arg_types is None: if hasattr(pyfunc, '_arg_types'): self._arg_types = pyfunc._arg_types else: self._arg_types = ['any']*len(self._arg_units) if self._return_type is None: self._return_type = getattr(pyfunc, '_return_type', 'float') for argtype, u in zip(self._arg_types, self._arg_units): if argtype!='float' and argtype!='any' and u is not None and not is_dimensionless(u): raise TypeError("Non-float arguments must be dimensionless in function "+pyfunc.__name__) if argtype not in VALID_ARG_TYPES: raise ValueError("Argument type %s is not valid, must be one of %s, " "in function %s" % (argtype, VALID_ARG_TYPES, pyfunc.__name__)) if self._return_type not in VALID_RETURN_TYPES: raise ValueError("Return type %s is not valid, must be one of %s, " "in function %s" % (self._return_type, VALID_RETURN_TYPES, pyfunc.__name__)) #: Stores implementations for this function in a #: `FunctionImplementationContainer` self.implementations = FunctionImplementationContainer(self)
[docs] def is_locally_constant(self, dt): ''' Return whether this function (if interpreted as a function of time) should be considered constant over a timestep. This is most importantly used by `TimedArray` so that linear integration can be used. In its standard implementation, always returns ``False``. Parameters ---------- dt : float The length of a timestep (without units). Returns ------- constant : bool Whether the results of this function can be considered constant over one timestep of length `dt`. ''' return False
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): return self.pyfunc(*args)
[docs]class FunctionImplementation(object): ''' A simple container object for function implementations. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the function in the target language. Should only be specified if the function has to be renamed for the target language. code : language-dependent, optional A language dependent argument specifying the implementation in the target language, e.g. a code string or a dictionary of code strings. namespace : dict-like, optional A dictionary of mappings from names to values that should be added to the namespace of a `CodeObject` using the function. dependencies : dict-like, optional A mapping of names to `Function` objects, for additional functions needed by this function. dynamic : bool, optional Whether this `code`/`namespace` is dynamic, i.e. generated for each new context it is used in. If set to ``True``, `code` and `namespace` have to be callable with a `Group` as an argument and are expected to return the final `code` and `namespace`. Defaults to ``False``. ''' def __init__(self, name=None, code=None, namespace=None, dependencies=None, dynamic=False): = name self.dependencies = dependencies self._code = code self._namespace = namespace self.dynamic = dynamic
[docs] def get_code(self, owner): if self.dynamic: return self._code(owner) else: return self._code
[docs] def get_namespace(self, owner): if self.dynamic: return self._namespace(owner) else: return self._namespace
[docs]class FunctionImplementationContainer(collections.Mapping): ''' Helper object to store implementations and give access in a dictionary-like fashion, using `CodeGenerator` implementations as a fallback for `CodeObject` implementations. ''' def __init__(self, function): self._function = function self._implementations = dict() def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Find an implementation for this function that can be used by the `CodeObject` given as `key`. Will find implementations registered for `key` itself (or one of its parents), or for the `CodeGenerator` class that `key` uses (or one of its parents). In all cases, implementations registered for the corresponding names qualify as well. Parameters ---------- key : `CodeObject` The `CodeObject` that will use the `Function` Returns ------- implementation : `FunctionImplementation` An implementation suitable for `key`. ''' fallback = getattr(key, 'generator_class', None) for K in [key, fallback]: name = getattr(K, 'class_name', 'no class name for key') for impl_key, impl in self._implementations.iteritems(): impl_key_name = getattr(impl_key, 'class_name', 'no class name for implementation') if ((impl_key_name is not None and impl_key_name in [K, name]) or (impl_key is not None and impl_key in [K, name])): return impl if hasattr(K, '__bases__'): for cls in inspect.getmro(K): if cls in self._implementations: return self._implementations[cls] name = getattr(cls, 'class_name', None) if name in self._implementations: return self._implementations[name] # Give a nicer error message if possible if getattr(key, 'class_name', None) is not None: key = key.class_name elif getattr(fallback, 'class_name', None) is not None: key = fallback.class_name keys = ', '.join([getattr(k, 'class_name', str(k)) for k in self._implementations.iterkeys()]) raise KeyError(('No implementation available for target {key}. ' 'Available implementations: {keys}').format(key=key, keys=keys))
[docs] def add_numpy_implementation(self, wrapped_func, dependencies=None, discard_units=None): ''' Add a numpy implementation to a `Function`. Parameters ---------- function : `Function` The function description for which an implementation should be added. wrapped_func : callable The original function (that will be used for the numpy implementation) dependencies : list of `Function`, optional A list of functions this function needs. discard_units : bool, optional See `implementation`. ''' if discard_units is None: discard_units = prefs['codegen.runtime.numpy.discard_units'] # Get the original function inside the check_units decorator if hasattr(wrapped_func, '_orig_func'): orig_func = wrapped_func._orig_func else: orig_func = wrapped_func if discard_units: new_globals = dict(orig_func.func_globals) # strip away units in the function by changing its namespace for key, value in new_globals.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, Quantity): new_globals[key] = np.asarray(value) unitless_func = types.FunctionType(orig_func.func_code, new_globals, orig_func.func_name, orig_func.func_defaults, orig_func.func_closure) self._implementations['numpy'] = FunctionImplementation(name=None, code=unitless_func, dependencies=dependencies) else: def wrapper_function(*args): if not len(args) == len(self._function._arg_units): raise ValueError(('Function %s got %d arguments, ' 'expected %d') % (self._function.pyfunc.__name__, len(args), len(self._function._arg_units))) new_args = [] for arg, arg_unit in zip(args, self._function._arg_units): if arg_unit == bool: new_args.append(arg) else: new_args.append(Quantity.with_dimensions(arg, get_dimensions(arg_unit))) result = orig_func(*new_args) return_unit = self._function._return_unit if return_unit == bool: if not (isinstance(result, bool) or np.asarray(result).dtype == bool): raise TypeError('The function %s returned ' '%s, but it was expected ' 'to return a boolean ' 'value ' % (orig_func.__name__, result)) elif return_unit is 1 or return_unit.dim is DIMENSIONLESS: fail_for_dimension_mismatch(result, return_unit, 'The function %s returned ' '{value}, but it was expected ' 'to return a dimensionless ' 'quantity' % orig_func.__name__, value=result) else: fail_for_dimension_mismatch(result, return_unit, ('The function %s returned ' '{value}, but it was expected ' 'to return a quantity with ' 'units %r') % (orig_func.__name__, return_unit), value=result) return np.asarray(result) self._implementations['numpy'] = FunctionImplementation(name=None, code=wrapper_function, dependencies=dependencies)
[docs] def add_implementation(self, target, code, namespace=None, dependencies=None, name=None): self._implementations[target] = FunctionImplementation(name=name, code=code, dependencies=dependencies, namespace=namespace)
[docs] def add_dynamic_implementation(self, target, code, namespace=None, dependencies=None, name=None): ''' Adds an "dynamic implementation" for this function. `code` and `namespace` arguments are expected to be callables that will be called in `Network.before_run` with the owner of the `CodeObject` as an argument. This allows to generate code that depends on details of the context it is run in, e.g. the ``dt`` of a clock. ''' if not callable(code): raise TypeError('code argument has to be a callable, is type %s instead' % type(code)) if namespace is not None and not callable(namespace): raise TypeError('namespace argument has to be a callable, is type %s instead' % type(code)) self._implementations[target] = FunctionImplementation(name=name, code=code, namespace=namespace, dependencies=dependencies, dynamic=True)
def __len__(self): return len(self._implementations) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._implementations)
[docs]def implementation(target, code=None, namespace=None, dependencies=None, discard_units=None): ''' A simple decorator to extend user-written Python functions to work with code generation in other languages. Parameters ---------- target : str Name of the code generation target (e.g. ``'weave'``) for which to add an implementation. code : str or dict-like, optional What kind of code the target language expects is language-specific, e.g. C++ code allows for a dictionary of code blocks instead of a single string. namespaces : dict-like, optional A namespace dictionary (i.e. a mapping of names to values) that should be added to a `CodeObject` namespace when using this function. dependencies : dict-like, optional A mapping of names to `Function` objects, for additional functions needed by this function. discard_units: bool, optional Numpy functions can internally make use of the unit system. However, during a simulation run, state variables are passed around as unitless values for efficiency. If `discard_units` is set to ``False``, input arguments will have units added to them so that the function can still use units internally (the units will be stripped away from the return value as well). Alternatively, if `discard_units` is set to ``True``, the function will receive unitless values as its input. The namespace of the function will be altered to make references to units (e.g. ``ms``) refer to the corresponding floating point values so that no unit mismatch errors are raised. Note that this system cannot work in all cases, e.g. it does not work with functions that internally imports values (e.g. does ``from brian2 import ms``) or access values with units indirectly (e.g. uses ```` instead of ``ms``). If no value is given, defaults to the preference setting `codegen.runtime.numpy.discard_units`. Notes ----- While it is in principle possible to provide a numpy implementation as an argument for this decorator, this is normally not necessary -- the numpy implementation should be provided in the decorated function. If this decorator is used with other directors such as `check_units` or `declare_types`, it should be the uppermost decorator (that is, the last one to be applied). Examples -------- Sample usage:: @implementation('cpp',""" #include<math.h> inline double usersin(double x) { return sin(x); } """) def usersin(x): return sin(x) ''' def do_user_implementation(func): # Allow nesting of decorators if isinstance(func, Function): function = func else: function = Function(func) if discard_units: # Add a numpy implementation that discards units if not (target == 'numpy' and code is None): raise TypeError(("'discard_units' can only be set for code " "generation target 'numpy', without providing " "any code.")) function.implementations.add_numpy_implementation(wrapped_func=func, dependencies=dependencies, discard_units=discard_units) else: function.implementations.add_implementation(target, code=code, dependencies=dependencies, namespace=namespace) # # copy any annotation attributes # if hasattr(func, '_annotation_attributes'): # for attrname in func._annotation_attributes: # setattr(function, attrname, getattr(func, attrname)) # function._annotation_attributes = getattr(func, '_annotation_attributes', []) return function return do_user_implementation
[docs]class SymbolicConstant(Constant): ''' Class for representing constants (e.g. pi) that are understood by sympy. ''' def __init__(self, name, sympy_obj, value): super(SymbolicConstant, self).__init__(name, unit=Unit(1), value=value) self.sympy_obj = sympy_obj
################################################################################ # Standard functions and constants ################################################################################ # sympy does not have a log10 function, so let's define one
[docs]class log10(sympy_Function): nargs = 1 @classmethod
[docs] def eval(cls, args): return sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.log(args, 10)
DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS = { # numpy functions that have the same name in numpy and math.h 'cos': Function(unitsafe.cos, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.cos), 'sin': Function(unitsafe.sin, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.sin), 'tan': Function(unitsafe.tan, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.tan), 'cosh': Function(unitsafe.cosh, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic.cosh), 'sinh': Function(unitsafe.sinh, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic.sinh), 'tanh': Function(unitsafe.tanh, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic.tanh), 'exp': Function(unitsafe.exp, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.exp), 'log': Function(unitsafe.log, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.log), 'log10': Function(unitsafe.log10, sympy_func=log10), 'sqrt': Function(np.sqrt, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous.sqrt, arg_units=[None], return_unit=lambda u: u**0.5), 'ceil': Function(np.ceil, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.integers.ceiling, arg_units=[None], return_unit=lambda u: u), 'floor': Function(np.floor, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.integers.floor, arg_units=[None], return_unit=lambda u: u), # numpy functions that have a different name in numpy and math.h 'arccos': Function(unitsafe.arccos, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.acos), 'arcsin': Function(unitsafe.arcsin, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.asin), 'arctan': Function(unitsafe.arctan, sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.atan), 'abs': Function(np.abs, return_type='highest', sympy_func=sympy.functions.elementary.complexes.Abs, arg_units=[None], return_unit=lambda u: u), 'sign': Function(pyfunc=np.sign, sympy_func=sympy.sign, return_type='highest', arg_units=[None], return_unit=1), # functions that need special treatment 'rand': Function(pyfunc=rand, arg_units=[], return_unit=1, stateless=False), 'randn': Function(pyfunc=randn, arg_units=[], return_unit=1, stateless=False), 'clip': Function(pyfunc=np.clip, arg_units=[None, None, None], return_type='highest', return_unit=lambda u1, u2, u3: u1,), 'int': Function(pyfunc=np.int_, return_type='integer', arg_units=[1], return_unit=1) } DEFAULT_CONSTANTS = {'pi': SymbolicConstant('pi', sympy.pi, value=np.pi), 'e': SymbolicConstant('e', sympy.E, value=np.e), 'inf': SymbolicConstant('inf', sympy.oo, value=np.inf)}