Source code for brian2.codegen.runtime.weave_rt.weave_rt

Module providing `WeaveCodeObject`.
import os
import sys
import numpy

    from scipy import weave
    from scipy.weave.c_spec import num_to_c_types
    from scipy.weave.inline_tools import function_cache
except ImportError:
    try:  # weave as an independent package
        import weave
        from weave.c_spec import num_to_c_types
        from weave.inline_tools import function_cache
    except ImportError:
        # No weave for Python 3
        weave = None

from brian2.core.variables import (DynamicArrayVariable, ArrayVariable,
                                   AuxiliaryVariable, Subexpression)
from brian2.core.preferences import prefs
from brian2.core.functions import DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, Function
from brian2.devices.device import all_devices
from brian2.utils.logger import std_silent, get_logger
from brian2.utils.stringtools import get_identifiers

from ...codeobject import CodeObject, constant_or_scalar, sys_info
from ...templates import Templater
from ...generators.cpp_generator import CPPCodeGenerator
from ...targets import codegen_targets
from ...cpp_prefs import get_compiler_and_args, update_for_cross_compilation

__all__ = ['WeaveCodeObject', 'WeaveCodeGenerator']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def weave_data_type(dtype): ''' Gives the C language specifier for numpy data types using weave. For example, ``numpy.int32`` maps to ``long`` in C. ''' # this handles the case where int is specified, it will be int32 or int64 # depending on platform if dtype is int: dtype = numpy.array([1]).dtype.type if dtype is float: dtype = numpy.array([1.]).dtype.type try: dtype = numpy.empty(0, dtype=dtype).dtype.char except TypeError: raise TypeError('Illegal dtype %r' % dtype) return num_to_c_types[dtype]
[docs]class WeaveCodeGenerator(CPPCodeGenerator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(WeaveCodeGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.c_data_type = weave_data_type
[docs]class WeaveCodeObject(CodeObject): ''' Weave code object The ``code`` should be a `~brian2.codegen.templates.MultiTemplate` object with two macros defined, ``main`` (for the main loop code) and ``support_code`` for any support code (e.g. function definitions). ''' templater = Templater('brian2.codegen.runtime.weave_rt', '.cpp', env_globals={'c_data_type': weave_data_type, 'dtype': numpy.dtype, 'constant_or_scalar': constant_or_scalar}) generator_class = WeaveCodeGenerator class_name = 'weave' def __init__(self, owner, code, variables, variable_indices, template_name, template_source, name='weave_code_object*'): from brian2.devices.device import get_device self.device = get_device() self._done_first_run = False self.namespace = {'_owner': owner} super(WeaveCodeObject, self).__init__(owner, code, variables, variable_indices, template_name, template_source, name=name) self.compiler, self.extra_compile_args = get_compiler_and_args() self.define_macros = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.define_macros']) if self.compiler == 'msvc': self.define_macros.extend([ ('INFINITY', '(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())'), ('NAN', '(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())'), ('M_PI', '3.14159265358979323846') ]) self.extra_link_args = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.extra_link_args']) self.include_dirs = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.include_dirs']) self.include_dirs += [os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'include')] # TODO: We should probably have a special folder just for header # files that are shared between different codegen targets import brian2.synapses as synapses synapses_dir = os.path.dirname(synapses.__file__) self.include_dirs.append(synapses_dir) self.library_dirs = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.library_dirs']) update_for_cross_compilation(self.library_dirs, self.extra_compile_args, self.extra_link_args, logger=logger) self.runtime_library_dirs = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.runtime_library_dirs']) self.libraries = list(prefs['codegen.cpp.libraries']) self.headers = ['<algorithm>', '<limits>', '"stdint_compat.h"'] + prefs['codegen.cpp.headers'] self.annotated_code = self.code.main+''' /* The following code is just compiler options for the call to weave.inline. By including them here, we force a recompile if the compiler options change, which is a good thing (e.g. switching -ffast-math on and off). support_code: {self.code.support_code} compiler: {self.compiler} define_macros: {self.define_macros} extra_compile_args: {self.extra_compile_args} extra_link_args: {self.extra_link_args} include_dirs: {self.include_dirs} library_dirs: {self.library_dirs} runtime_library_dirs: {self.runtime_library_dirs} libraries: {self.libraries} */ '''.format(self=self) self.python_code_namespace = {'_owner': owner} self.variables_to_namespace() @classmethod
[docs] def is_available(cls): try: with std_silent(False): compiler, extra_compile_args = get_compiler_and_args() extra_link_args = prefs['codegen.cpp.extra_link_args'] library_dirs = prefs['codegen.cpp.library_dirs'] update_for_cross_compilation(library_dirs, extra_compile_args, extra_link_args, logger=logger) weave.inline('int x=0;', [], compiler=compiler, headers=['<algorithm>', '<limits>'], extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, extra_link_args=extra_link_args, library_dirs=library_dirs, include_dirs=prefs['codegen.cpp.include_dirs'], verbose=0) return True except Exception as ex: logger.warn(('Cannot use weave, a test compilation ' 'failed: %s (%s)' % (str(ex), ex.__class__.__name__)) , 'failed_compile_test') return False
[docs] def variables_to_namespace(self): # Variables can refer to values that are either constant (e.g. dt) # or change every timestep (e.g. t). We add the values of the # constant variables here and add the names of non-constant variables # to a list # A list containing tuples of name and a function giving the value self.nonconstant_values = [] for name, var in self.variables.iteritems(): if isinstance(var, (AuxiliaryVariable, Subexpression, Function)): continue try: value = var.get_value() except (TypeError, AttributeError): # A dummy Variable without value or a an object that is accessed # with Python's C API directly self.namespace[name] = var continue if isinstance(var, ArrayVariable): self.namespace[self.device.get_array_name(var, self.variables)] = value self.namespace['_num'+name] = var.get_len() # if var.scalar and var.constant: # self.namespace[name] = value.item() else: self.namespace[name] = value if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable): dyn_array_name = self.generator_class.get_array_name(var, access_data=False) self.namespace[dyn_array_name] = self.device.get_value(var, access_data=False) # Also provide the Variable object itself in the namespace (can be # necessary for resize operations, for example) self.namespace['_var_'+name] = var # Get all identifiers in the code -- note that this is not a smart # function, it will get identifiers from strings, comments, etc. This # is not a problem here, since we only use this list to filter out # things. If we include something incorrectly, this only means that we # will pass something into the namespace unnecessarily. all_identifiers = reduce(lambda s, c: s | get_identifiers(c), self.code.values(), set()) # Filter out all unneeded objects self.namespace = {k: v for k, v in self.namespace.iteritems() if k in all_identifiers} # There is one type of objects that we have to inject into the # namespace with their current value at each time step: dynamic # arrays that change in size during runs, where the size change is not # initiated by the template itself for name, var in self.variables.iteritems(): if (isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable) and var.needs_reference_update): array_name = self.device.get_array_name(var, self.variables) if array_name in self.namespace: self.nonconstant_values.append((array_name, var.get_value)) if '_num'+name in self.namespace: self.nonconstant_values.append(('_num'+name, var.get_len))
[docs] def update_namespace(self): # update the values of the non-constant values in the namespace for name, func in self.nonconstant_values: self.namespace[name] = func()
[docs] def compile(self): CodeObject.compile(self) if hasattr(self.code, 'python_pre'): self.compiled_python_pre = compile(self.code.python_pre, '(string)', 'exec') else: self.compiled_python_pre = None if hasattr(self.code, 'python_post'): self.compiled_python_post = compile(self.code.python_post, '(string)', 'exec') else: self.compiled_python_post = None
[docs] def run(self): if self.compiled_python_pre is not None: exec self.compiled_python_pre in self.python_code_namespace if self._done_first_run: ret_val = self._compiled_func(self.namespace, {}) else: self._inline_args = (self.annotated_code, self.namespace.keys()) self._inline_kwds = dict( local_dict=self.namespace, support_code=self.code.support_code, compiler=self.compiler, headers=self.headers, define_macros=self.define_macros, libraries=self.libraries, extra_compile_args=self.extra_compile_args, extra_link_args=self.extra_link_args, include_dirs=self.include_dirs, library_dirs=self.library_dirs, verbose=0) with std_silent(): ret_val = weave.inline(*self._inline_args, **self._inline_kwds) self._compiled_func = function_cache[self.annotated_code] self._done_first_run = True if self.compiled_python_post is not None: exec self.compiled_python_post in self.python_code_namespace return ret_val
if weave is not None: codegen_targets.add(WeaveCodeObject) # Use a special implementation for the randn function that makes use of numpy's # randn # Give those functions access to a common buffer stored in the runtime device device = all_devices['runtime'] randn_code = {'support_code': ''' #define BUFFER_SIZE 20000 // A randn() function that returns a single random number. Internally // it asks numpy's randn function for BUFFER_SIZE // random numbers at a time and then returns one number from this // buffer. // It needs a reference to the numpy_randn object (the original numpy // function), because this is otherwise only available in // compiled_function (where is is automatically handled by weave). // double _randn(const int _vectorisation_idx) { // the _vectorisation_idx argument is unused for now, it could in // principle be used to get reproducible random numbers when using // OpenMP etc. double **buffer_pointer = (double **)_namespace_randn_buffer; double* buffer = *buffer_pointer; npy_int32* buffer_index = (npy_int32*)_namespace_randn_buffer_index; if(*buffer_index == 0) { if (buffer != 0) free(buffer); py::tuple args(1); args[0] = BUFFER_SIZE; PyArrayObject *new_randn = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromAny(, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL); buffer = *buffer_pointer = (double *)(new_randn->data); // This should garbage collect the array object but leave the buffer PyArray_CLEARFLAGS(new_randn, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA); Py_DECREF(new_randn); } double number = buffer[*buffer_index]; (*buffer_index)++; if (*buffer_index == BUFFER_SIZE) *buffer_index = 0; return number; } '''} DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn'].implementations.add_implementation(WeaveCodeObject, code=randn_code, name='_randn', namespace={'_numpy_randn': numpy.random.randn, '_randn_buffer': device.randn_buffer, '_randn_buffer_index': device.randn_buffer_index}) # Also use numpy for rand rand_code = {'support_code': ''' #define BUFFER_SIZE 20000 // A rand() function that returns a single random number. Internally // it asks numpy's rand function for BUFFER_SIZE // random numbers at a time and then returns one number from this // buffer. // It needs a reference to the numpy_rand object (the original numpy // function), because this is otherwise only available in // compiled_function (where is is automatically handled by weave). // double _rand(const int _vectorisation_idx) { // the _vectorisation_idx argument is unused for now, it could in // principle be used to get reproducible random numbers when using // OpenMP etc. double **buffer_pointer = (double **)_namespace_rand_buffer; double* buffer = *buffer_pointer; npy_int32* buffer_index = (npy_int32*)_namespace_rand_buffer_index; if(*buffer_index == 0) { if (buffer != 0) free(buffer); py::tuple args(1); args[0] = BUFFER_SIZE; PyArrayObject *new_rand = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromAny(, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL); buffer = *buffer_pointer = (double *)(new_rand->data); // This should garbage collect the array object but leave the buffer PyArray_CLEARFLAGS(new_rand, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA); Py_DECREF(new_rand); } double number = buffer[*buffer_index]; (*buffer_index)++; if (*buffer_index == BUFFER_SIZE) *buffer_index = 0; return number; } '''} DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand'].implementations.add_implementation(WeaveCodeObject, code=rand_code, namespace={'_numpy_rand': numpy.random.rand, '_rand_buffer': device.rand_buffer, '_rand_buffer_index': device.rand_buffer_index}, name='_rand')