Source code for brian2.codegen.runtime.numpy_rt.synapse_vectorisation

Module for efficient vectorisation of synapses code
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger
from brian2.utils.stringtools import get_identifiers, word_substitute

__all__ = ['vectorise_synapses_code', 'SynapseVectorisationError']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class SynapseVectorisationError(Exception): pass
[docs]def ufunc_at_vectorisation(statements, variables, indices, index): ''' ''' # We assume that the code has passed the test for synapse order independence main_index_variables = [v for v in variables if indices[v] == index] lines = [] need_unique_indices = set() for statement in statements: vars_in_expr = get_identifiers(statement.expr).intersection(variables) subs = {} for var in vars_in_expr: subs[var] = '{var}[{idx}]'.format(var=var, idx=indices[var]) expr = word_substitute(statement.expr, subs) if statement.var in main_index_variables: line = '{var}[{idx}] {op} {expr}'.format(var=statement.var, op=statement.op, expr=expr, idx=index) lines.append(line) else: if statement.inplace: if statement.op=='+=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.add' elif statement.op=='*=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.multiply' else: raise SynapseVectorisationError() line = '{ufunc_name}.at({var}, {idx}, {expr})'.format(ufunc_name=ufunc_name, var=statement.var, idx=indices[statement.var], expr=expr) lines.append(line) else: # if statement is not in-place then we assume the expr has no synaptic # variables in it otherwise it would have failed the order independence # check. In this case, we only need to work with the unique indices need_unique_indices.add(indices[statement.var]) idx = '_unique_' + indices[statement.var] expr = word_substitute(expr, {indices[statement.var]: idx}) line = '{var}[{idx}] = {expr}'.format(var=statement.var, idx=idx, expr=expr) lines.append(line) for unique_idx in need_unique_indices: lines.insert(0, '_unique_{idx} = _numpy.unique({idx})'.format(idx=unique_idx)) return '\n'.join(lines)